Live Forex Trading

Rainbow Road, S3Signals, Rainbow Forex, Live forex

Does anyone have any views on Simon Grinters Live Forex Trading. It seems to be a good way of getting started on 3 currency pairs. Live Forex Trading

I keep looking for anyone with recent experience of the systems but there doesn't seem to be any threads. Maybe no news is good news! I have taken the 14 day trial and watch / listen to the live broadcasts in the morning. Looks promising but would really like some independent verification.
rainbow forex


I just wanted to know if any of you has been to the live trading room and if you have is it worth it?

study study study, and make your own system, a system that suits your needs, suits your style etc.
do not believe those forex salesmen. if they are so successful why do they bother to make a few thousand dollars off customers by teaching them ? they should have made millions
Hi all. I'm afraid that I must agree with BBPI. I learned my lessons on paying for trading advice the hard way; lots of wasted money over a period of time. 😕

Traders will do well to learn the basics of trading, FOREX, futures, what ever, so that they have a fair to good understanding of what is going on in the markets.

Putting your blind faith into someones ability to pick winners is very risky at best. What happens if they go on vacation, get ill, or just run out of luck? Your money is at stake and you may not know something is wrong until it is to late.

That may sound very negative, but I've been down that road before in the futures markets. Advisers have come and gone over the years. :idea:

All you have to do to beat the odds is to learn the craft of trading. It's not that difficult. I chose technical trading as a way to make my future.

Anyhow, I wish all the new traders the best of luck.

No Pot of Gold

Just1Wade, you don't need to worry about considering the S3Signals / Rainbow Forex or any other variant you might find; it has now closed down. If you hesitated and didn't put any money in it was the best trade you never made.
I followed the trades for some while before committing any funds and things were OK for about 2 weeks. Soon afterwards the losses started rapidly followed by very plausible reasons. Was I the Jonah,doubtful, but who knows.
Most disappointingly the reason behind the close was Finotecs inability to provide a multi-pairs view, curious as this was never a feature of their platform and wasn't seen as critical until losses were mounting. To add insult to the injury at the same time as closing down the managed account an alternative "monitored" account was claimed to be making good profits.
In summary, my attempt to diversify failed and I paid for the lesson (£1,800!!!) so I am sticking to what I know, trading shares - slow but steady profits. If I try to open up other investment avenues in the future it will be based on learning the area myself and trading the knowledge.
Good luck.