Sam, sales, marketing and pr is my skill set, I might not be a world class forex trader but consider myself world class at the other 3 disciplines...😉 fwiw I've started new start web based initiatives (financial services) and managed to get 18,000 unique visits per day (inside the first year/18 months) through SES and other below the line marketing methods...
IMO close on 100% of the pushes I've seen on here and other forums for; trader rooms, courses, EAs, strategies etc. are bogus and I'm not alone in that view. Therefore anytime anyone arrives (very late in your case) to offer up something not very new then folks' bu115hit detectors are on a heightened state of awareness.
From the off you have a lot of convincing to do to persuade traders that you're not just another scam artist and chancer, you should have known this before you posted your first intro...and again I'd emphasise that you've arrived very late to the party/getting in the game...I saw your original post and immediately thought; "oh here we go, another one..🙄"
Therefore, taking everything I've said, there's only one way to approach it, no sophist speak, no tortured tautology.. just lay out your case and tell folk what you want (money) and what they may get in return. The only point of difference you could have offered up could have/should have started with a refreshing approach, something none of us had seen before. Sadly that's just (practically) non-existent in this industry..
You're now showing signs of frustration and attempting to turn the tables and project your potential audience as "the failures" because they havn't bought into your philosophy, again this is the usual pattern sellers of courses/trading rooms follow..they then lick their wounds and come back again, and again, and...
There's nothing wrong with the audience they're simply a touch cleverer than you first thought, again this comes down to your lack of in-depth research into what the industry needs, what difference can you make, how you could possibly stand apart...My suggestion fwiw is to stop debating and defending yourself, (you've probably established already that your sign-up rate from this forum is practically nil), so spend some real money, through Google, or take up a banner ad on here and forex peace army, FF etc and try a more conventional professional approach..
😴Bore off. It's a FREE webcam. Who care's if he promotes it here ? If you like what you see pay the money and get his software, if you don't turn it off. It doesnt cost you a red cent up front.
No one asked for your input although the 2000+posts to your name in the past 18months suggest you like giving it even when on 95% of occasions it's not worth a spit in the ocean.
If you don't like the content on T2W then fkuc off elsewhere.