Live & Die by the sword....

Lovely this time of year, especially for the kids

Got meself a new monika as well, more upbeat now summer's here

How's the trading been? Saw your 500 pointer on the DOW, nice one. Are you using, ahem, cycles or counting anything for that ?
ahem.. no cycles or anything for that..

just boring measured moves based on monthly ranges from recent swing highs/lows..

have a feeling i might have missed the boat on the long up to 10,750 this time around..

might have to catch it on the way down again next time...

also might have to start calling you Foghorn Leghorn in future
thats ok i say thats ok with me boy

By the way, i've found a more profitable past time than trading. Become a butcher. I've just been hit for £30 for a (Albeit quite large) leg of lamb which i've acquire for a barbecue this weekend. Gotta go & collect it now, plus get a few beers in. Watch it hiss down tommorrow now i've said that.

Have a a great one
you too..

i dont think im allowed to use sharp knives yet...

must check the terms of my parole to find out.....
overall score:

Cum Profit: 102

roughly in line with backtesting in terms of win rate and points per trade.

and all from random entry......
FetteredChinos said:
overall score:

Cum Profit: 102

roughly in line with backtesting in terms of win rate and points per trade.

and all from random entry......

But just remember NOT to spend that Cillit Bang coin when you go to the pub tonight, or it could all go wrong on Monday for you.

Have a good weekend. Not a cloud in the sky here, so I'm off home to sit in the garden and enjoy my wine. :cheesy:
I think this is an absolutely fab thread and I'm a big fan of some of the posters here, but as we are coming up to post #500 here (what's the world record?), could I please trouble you FC, to re-cap in newbie language what your current strategem is? Are you really just tossing? Should we be focussing more on Jilly?

Enjoy your friday wine everyone. (Obviously an unwise time for soliciting a sane response..)
crispybacon said:
FC, to re-cap in newbie language what your current strategem is? Are you really just tossing?

What FC gets up to in his spare time is none of our concern... Oh you mean with the coin, sorry.

since you are going to use 40-pt trail next week,
what would the past trades have looked like if you had a 40-pt trail ?
would you have made more points ?
trendie said:

since you are going to use 40-pt trail next week,
what would the past trades have looked like if you had a 40-pt trail ?
would you have made more points ?
Which one of these is the best?? 🙄
20,30, 40, 50, 60, 70, 80, 90, 100, 200,or no trl-stop?
If you can find the correct one? yuv got one hand on the holy grail of trading 😎 :idea:
Which one do you think Buffett or Soros uses?
"Which one do you think Buffett or Soros uses?"..when you have their capital resources that would be a good question to ask until then it will just get you hurt...
There is also the fact that buffett doesn't use stops, he's an investor not a trader.
bulldozer said:
Which one of these is the best?? 🙄
20,30, 40, 50, 60, 70, 80, 90, 100, 200,or no trl-stop?
If you can find the correct one? yuv got one hand on the holy grail of trading 😎 :idea:
Which one do you think Buffett or Soros uses?

each one has merits dependent on; volatility, ATR, or other factors.

20 is good; but only if you have a scalping profit target of, say, 30.
30 is good; but only if you have a scalping profit target of, say, 40.
100 is good; but only if you have a multi-day / swing view.
70 is good; but only if you want to trade, say, once a day.

it was meant as a simple question, not some deep, philosophical conundrum.

it is all, after all, a numbers game.

If I knew what Buffet thought, I would BE Buffet. 🙄 🙂 🙂
the point i was trying to make is, that you design the stops to meet your capital outlay and the time criteria you are basing your method -system on. 😎

true, buffet plays most times with no stops or trailers. he knows that sooner or later his positions have a good chance of making profits.

you can play his style too, but with less contracts of course. Investor or trader :?: does it really matter :?: what matters is that you have an edge-system and it makes profits. 😎 😆
shall I just send the cheque right now ?
I went SH at 1.7440, ( bounce off R-1, target around P1=1.7370 )