'Live Calls' ?

Live Call Section, want one?

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Well-known member
So, to continue from another shredded thread, a suggestion for new functionality to the T2W site.

A new section, for members to post live calls for their given markets, in their given time frame etc, that is moderated for accuracy of calls made, the profitability in terms of points gained, demonstrating a given system or approach. And of course to keep outpeople whose only contribution is 'get a life etc etc'. You know the type that's dragged T2W down market the last year or two.

Within this part of T2W, the participants would have a rating number attached to their particular market thread, within which discussions could be had about the trading style, in public or PM if desired.


All too often we read about how traders are doing great with some MA cross over system, I usually raise my eyebrows and move on, but if someone could back up their approach, I'd love to see some verified numbers to substantiate it. I would love somebody to show me how oft mentioned trading cliches can work.

I could bore you about the beauty of Renko charts. You might take a look at them applied to your system and think 'That's crap!', but if I gave you a series of calls live that demonstrated I could judge my chosen market reasonably accurately, from which with proper money and risk management, I could show you'd make money, you'd have to have a more in depth look into what I'm doing (as much as I'd be prepared to tell you), and likewise I'd like to know more about your approach too.


This is NOT about showing you how big my willy is or how much cash I've made trading the last 5 years.

It's about giving some extra weight to trading approaches that are thrown around here like confetti.

Of course, this functionality would need plenty of tightening up in terms of how T2W would want to operate it (if they wished!), but this is just the basic idea.
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couldnt you use the journal section? that would enable you to submit timestamped entries of before and after setups, along with attachments such as charts and statements if required.

user journals are also linked to from the little panel under your name when you post.
"And of course to keep outpeople whose only contribution is 'get a life etc etc'. You know the type that's dragged T2W down market the last year or two"

I agree with that comment. In order for this forum to maintain its quality it needs to be mainly controlled by expereienced knowledgable traders. New traders are more than welcome of course but this can only work with traders that know what they are talking about. I used to look at the moneytec forums but its a joke now, just a free-for-all of people that have no idea what they are talking about arguing ridiculous points, there are at least 4 threads there well over 50 replies long arguing the market is one big fix, and no different to betting black or red on a roulette table because the market has no memory and is totally random. It would be such a shame if T2W was filled with the same drivel.

However i'm not sure posting live calls is a way of stopping that, maybe a few people will take it seriously but i think there will be so many "hey what do you think of my system" or "look at these sample trades from my system, visit my website to learn more" type threads.

Also I think T2W works best when experienced knowledgeable traders can have a good debate over intelligent questions where everyone has a view and can join in. But if people post their trades what is there really to discuss apart from "yeah well done your doing great" or "thats not so good", I can see it becomming a hospital for broken trading systems wanting to be fixed, which there is a place for, but not what T2W is suited to.

There are about 6 traders/memebers here I really respect, it would be great if there were 20 or 30, i agree with you there must be a way to make traders like these the majority rather than minority
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All posters from 'When Are We Going To Cut The BS' thread need to vote here. (And try to understand the original point made, not interested in your spin).
What on earth is your problem ? I was the poster with the MA crossover "advice" (if you want to call it that)

The guy on the "Can you make a living thread" was reaching out for some help... and I expressly stated that I was in the same boat as him... not that I was some sort of Ubertrader !

How is that strategy any worse than a trading off a tenko (sic) chart ?

All it is is a "simple" strategy than may or may not work for an individual. But most newbies (and yep I'm one, despite my number of posts) need to see the woods from the trees.

Much better to talk about a strategy than say ... "look at me I've made 10 grand this week, but up yours if I'm telling you how I did it"... which it a fair summary of what you are proposing.

Seeing as you view trading hints as "frickin lame" (which was how you described it) you would be better off "attacking" the amateur psychiatrists on here that all think they are Siegmund Freud... most are like Siegfried and Roy !! 😉

Btw, did you get many votes for your system ???

zigglewigler said:
So, to continue from another shredded thread, a suggestion for new functionality to the T2W site.

A new section, for members to post live calls for their given markets, in their given time frame etc, that is moderated for accuracy of calls made, the profitability in terms of points gained, demonstrating a given system or approach. And of course to keep outpeople whose only contribution is 'get a life etc etc'. You know the type that's dragged T2W down market the last year or two.

Within this part of T2W, the participants would have a rating number attached to their particular market thread, within which discussions could be had about the trading style, in public or PM if desired.


All too often we read about how traders are doing great with some MA cross over system, I usually raise my eyebrows and move on, but if someone could back up their approach, I'd love to see some verified numbers to substantiate it. I would love somebody to show me how oft mentioned trading cliches can work.

I could bore you about the beauty of Renko charts. You might take a look at them applied to your system and think 'That's crap!', but if I gave you a series of calls live that demonstrated I could judge my chosen market reasonably accurately, from which with proper money and risk management, I could show you'd make money, you'd have to have a more in depth look into what I'm doing (as much as I'd be prepared to tell you), and likewise I'd like to know more about your approach too.


This is NOT about showing you how big my willy is or how much cash I've made trading the last 5 years.

It's about giving some extra weight to trading approaches that are thrown around here like confetti.

Of course, this functionality would need plenty of tightening up in terms of how T2W would want to operate it (if they wished!), but this is just the basic idea.
original Poll was posted on Nov 27th.
There have been, from over 40,000 members, just 18 votes in over a month.
( I voted YES )

The consensus appears to be "couldnt-care-less".
Aside: interesting vote breakdown. 13 to 5. Fibs everywhere !!
A new section, for members to post live calls for their given markets, in their given time frame etc, that is moderated for accuracy of calls made, the profitability in terms of points gained, demonstrating a given system or approach. And of course to keep out people whose only contribution is 'get a life etc etc'. You know the type that's dragged T2W down market the last year or two.

I just noticed this thread and I wasn't aware that someone already came up with the idea before me. Although it seems like the idea was left abandoned, I'd like to mention that people who are still interested in the above can contact me by PM and join a group of traders who really post live calls on the spot, without having to go through the type of contributions zigglewigler is refering to in the above post. Having said that, it's very ironic to see a particular member showing up in the list of 'yes' voters.

This is NOT about showing you how big my willy is or how much cash I've made trading the last 5 years.

It's about giving some extra weight to trading approaches that are thrown around here like confetti.

Couldn't have said it better myself. 👍
I just noticed this thread and I wasn't aware that someone already came up with the idea before me. Although it seems like the idea was left abandoned, I'd like to mention that people who are still interested in the above can contact me by PM and join a group of traders who really post live calls on the spot, without having to go through the type of contributions zigglewigler is refering to in the above post. Having said that, it's very ironic to see a particular member showing up in the list of 'yes' voters.
Couldn't have said it better myself. 👍

Hmmm...this is a tricky subject. I agree with the idea in principle but there is a very big difference between posting live calls and posting live trades that you have taken.

In the past I have asked certain members to post 'live calls'. The reason being that I think many people in this forum pose as profitable traders when in reality they are nothing more than information beggars looking for an easy ticket to fast money. The start and subsequent demise of the T2W Charity account serves as a testimony to this fact.

From my own personal perspective, I couldn't care less who posts live calls and who doesn't because I have absolutely nothing to gain or lose from it. Real traders have a mutual respect and understanding of each other and after you have gained a certain amount of real trading experience it becomes very easy to identify who is a real trader and who is a book learned 'trader'... Needless to say I’m still waiting for a live call to be made by some. The fact of the matter is, if someone is genuinely a profitable trader it's unlikely that they would need to be coerced into making a live call. The downside of doing so is that some ‘traders’ won't be satisfied unless you actually trade their account or they sit beside you as you trade, whilst others will demand easy to follow step by step lessons as if is a right that they are entitled to.

So, in summary, those who want to preach what they practice can request to have their own private forum and those who want to practice what is preached can request access to it. That way it can continue without unwelcome derailment. Therefore I think that it is unnecessary to devote a special forum to live trade calls but I expect that anyone who claims to be a profitable trader should make at least 1 live call with a clearly defined profit target and stop. Not general information like “Expect the market to do [this] because of a pointy pinbar following the arc of the circumference subtended by the angle whose vertex is a point on the parabolic etc....etc"
The fact of the matter is, if someone is genuinely a profitable trader it's unlikely that they would need to be coerced into making a live call. The downside of doing so is that some ‘traders’ won't be satisfied unless you actually trade their account or they sit beside you as you trade, whilst others will demand easy to follow step by step lessons as if is a right that they are entitled to.

Your question is more than justified because the picture shows nothing regarding stops, neither tight ones nor others.

And his posts were not polite enough to seek an explanation 😴

I hope, he has only a bad day

See what I mean? 🙄
Therefore I think that it is unnecessary to devote a special forum to live trade calls but I expect that anyone who claims to be a profitable trader should make at least 1 live call with a clearly defined profit target and stop. Not general information like “Expect the market to do [this] because of a pointy pinbar following the arc of the circumference subtended by the angle whose vertex is a point on the parabolic etc....etc"

All those who are posting "live" trades but leave out essential information such as stops or potential targets and subsequently post that they've closed out when a trade is in profit, are only fooling themselves. Over the last couple of weeks and months it's become increasingly clear that there are indeed members who only cooperate in so called live trades because they are - let me quote you - information beggars.

I've had the luck to get to know several real traders who are willing to post live trades, like myself. Unfortunately - in the proceedings beforehand - some have left, frustrated with the inability of other people to recognize them for what they truly are. A shame, but understandable.

I never understood why it's so hard to post live calls for those who claim they've got a system that gains x% profit. It's not like people are going to know what you're doing by seeing you trade live. Sitting next to a trader with some experience is a very valuable experience imo. Seeing other people trade live is interesting, but it'll never teach you how to trade.

Needless to say I’m still waiting for a live call to be made by some.

I don't know new_trader, but there have been (and are) plenty of journals and threads where members have done so...

Edit: might have misinterpreted your sentence above. Not sure if you mean "by some" in particular or "... by some one".
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