Best Thread Live Cable Trading

Well, looks like we're in for a couple of sideways days. Canada Day today and tomorrow's 4th of July in the States.

Off into range jobbing mode
marmoset said:
Well, looks like we're in for a couple of sideways days. Canada Day today and tomorrow's 4th of July in the States.

Off into range jobbing mode

Agree. Think the US will be really quiet today so we might well have seen the low for the day and probably won't break 1.8500 either. Just hope to make a few points and then give up after lunch. Long 44
Offshore Trader said:
Agree. Think the US will be really quiet today so we might well have seen the low for the day and probably won't break 1.8500 either. Just hope to make a few points and then give up after lunch. Long 44

Offshore Trader

Yes its going to be a slow 2 days , may just give it a miss

I do wish I could read the Dutch Clown thread
he is the only active poster at the moment , and if I could read it , I might pick up the odd tip or two
come on sharky put me a translation button on the Dutch clown page
hornblower said:
Offshore Trader

Yes its going to be a slow 2 days , may just give it a miss

I do wish I could read the Dutch Clown thread
he is the only active poster at the moment , and if I could read it , I might pick up the odd tip or two
come on sharky put me a translation button on the Dutch clown page

Got a link? Me talkee Dutchee 😉 and am bored silly (and got a headcold again)
Found it, let's see (last post, man this guy can ramble)

Dear Albee,

There's a couple of things getting mixed up as I'm mentioning a trade set-up based on astronomical (does he mean astrological?) aspects...
Long means open buy and close means close sell, vice versa for shorts: open sell and close buy.

The signals are quite good on first sight albeit I'm not satisfied yet because:
a) it takes me too much time to collect and analyze the bunch
b) I still haven't got the feeling I'm approaching it as scientifically like I'd like to

The first set-up is straightforward in a no-nonsense way as described. What I want to do is have an AI look over all astronomical (again, astrological?) aspects... but you understand there's too much to do with too little time to do it or vice versa... anyway, my aim of switching off the computers yesterday at noon and not starting them up again until this evening has been thwarted once again bigtime.

Started this morning setting up a structure in collecting the astronomical aspects (astrological?), will be followed by the wine sessions where I'll, while enjoying a good glass of wine, and another, and another... be thinking about how I can automate things... because I'm of the opinion that my 'puter must do the calcs and me the thinking work... but mark you, the latter isn't always appreciated by the wider community because they think the 'puter also does the thinking...

Careful now, because the Retrograde of Mercurius (must be astrology, never heard of a retrograde in astronomy, "receding of Mercury"?) often "disturbs" the TA signals... which I've pointed out to GJN in his thread last year and scorn was heaped on me by the community there... and then there's of course just plain new aspects that have an influence (read past services/results/happenings (odd choice of words, marm) en then of course I'd have to make a crossing/hybrid (whatever that may mean in astrology) of those aspects with Mercury in retrograde (receding?) and... pfft, I'm quitting...


Greetings Earthling, bring me to your Leader!
hornblower said:
I think you made most of it up,
come on now own up

nope, it's as near a literal translation as possible.

Just grind the following through Babelfish or some other Internet translator and see for yourself:
Beste Albee,

Er lopen wat zaken door elkaar want ik maak melding van een Trading set-up op basis van astronomische aspecten... Long wil dus zeggen OK (Open Koop) en sluiten met SV (sluiten Verkoop) visa versa voor de shorts OV (Open Verkoop) en die weer sluiten geeft SK (Sluiten Koop).

De signalen zijn op het eerste gezicht heel erg goed edoch ik ben er nog niet tevreden over want a) het kost me gewoon simpel weg te veel tijd om het zaakje te verzamelen en analyseren en b) ik heb nog niet het idee dat ik het wetenschappelijk aanpak in de zin zoals ik dat zou willen.

De eerste opzet is straight forward op de Jan Boeren Fluitjes Methode zoals beschreven. Wat ik wil gaan doen is een stuk artificial intelligence over alle astronomische aspecten jagen .. maar ja u begrijpt er is te weinig tijd en te veel te doen.... of was het nu te veel te doen met te weinig tijd.... kortom mijn voornemen mijn computers gisteren middag af te sluiten en pas op zijn vroegst vanavond weer aan te zetten faalt weer giga...

Ben vanmorgen begonnen eerst eens een structuur aan te brengen in het verzamelen van de astronomische aspecten en dan komen de wijn sessies waarin ik onder het genot van een goed glas wijn er nog een neem en nog een... eens ga nadenken hoe ik het een en ander kan automatiseren... want ik ben de mening toegedaan dat mijn computer het rekenwerk moet doen en ikzelf het denk werk..... let wel dat laatste gaat bij de goe gemeente vaak mis omdat men denkt dat de computer ook het denkwerk doet......

Let op want de Retrograde van Mercurius "verstoort" vaak de TA signalen... vorig jaar heb ik GJN in zijn draadje daar als eens fijntjes op gewezen en hoon was toen mijn deel van de goegemeente aldaar.... en dan zijn er natuurlijk ook gewoon weer nieuwe aspecten die een invloed (lees verleden prestaties) hebben en dan zou ik eigenlijk dus een kruising moeten maken van die aspecten met mercurius in retrograde en...pff ik stop ermee..

hornblower said:
well if that the case then I don`t feel as if I am missing anything

From what I've gleaned he's also into Elliott Wave and Gann Theory, but translating that is even more of a headache. Suffice to say he concentrates on the Amsterdam Stock Exchange (AEX)...
Out of it for today, made my pips back (75 in all, not a big feat in a 104pip range), see ya tomorrow 😉
Morning everyone. Likely to be very quiet today, although I thought it wouldn't move much yesterday afternoon. Long at 43, hoping for a few pips before enjoying the sunshine
Morning everybody,

Aiming for 35 pips, then taking the day off, so 1st trade: short at 42, target 07
Hmm, Frankfurt spike up not developing into a fullsized bulltrap, long at 51 (if you have trouble two-way trading, open a second account for opposing simultaneous trades), target 59 (today's high)
marmoset said:
Paint drying time :|

range: 3 pips for the last half hour

Yes I think we may get one more move today and that's it...time to leave the orders in place and find something better to do