trendie said:
marmoset, you must have seriously deep pockets!!
I understand that you are hedging, ( actually I only understand "hedging", your combo longs/shorts etc, makes my head spin ), and have to say I could not do what you are doing.
one of the reasons I moved away from the Dow and other indices to FX, was because its predispostion to trend more than indices ( and thus more suited to my MA-Xs ).
hedging surely only works at its optimum in a predominantly sideways market ?
( greater chance of hitting longs and shorts leaving fewer open positions, whereas, in a predominantly trend-friendly market, you get left with long-heavy or short-heavy positions )
if you are making good money, I salute you. 🙂
where do you get your liquid-nitrogen, I could do with some ? 🙂
Well, the hedging bit was born back in the demo-trading days when I couldn't get direction right.
Finding out where the intraday levels were to get in and out took me 10 months.
Moved away from stocks and stock options ages ago, too slow (but back then the Internet was barely hatched) information-wise and price-wise, and always the risk of somebody cooking the books.
Nah, give me FX, enough movement to job it intraday or swingtrade, trendfollowing also cool once a trend finally makes itself clear.
Anyway, hedging indeed works best in sideways markets. But observation has shown me that Tokyo is very predictable, early London is doable, early NY being the bugaboo, late NY fairly predictable. There, out of the 4 characteristic parts of the 24 hour FX day, I can work 3/4 using hedging. The other quarter is break-out time. Still working on strategy getting out of hedging before heading into NY... That's where 90% of my old shorts got left behind in the dust.
That's my goal for this week: scrape off the barnacles (out of the money shorts), leaving balance and usable margin intact. Tactic: at identifiable hi/lo snapback points go short/long with a bigger position than normal to accumulate extra money. Then, at or near the day's low, close those oldies, one by one.
As for liquid nitrogen: you can get it at any sport that involves real danger to life. Skydiving and rafting (solo) are my favorite charge-up points :cheesy:
Oops, while I'm yakking away here, cable's going up...
added .1 short at 8628