Any one heard anything from them yet?
dont be shy 😉
let us know
Still no reply guys.How about you guys?
Any one heard anything from them yet?
dont be shy 😉
let us know
Hey guys,
Those who have passed the 1st numeric test shall be contacted today and shall receive in due course a link to complete the second test.
If you have not received anything today, that means that unfortunately you will not be able to get interviewed at Liquid.
Good luck to all!!
i just have been invited for the second round of online tests..... its the inductive test
Hello guys,
I just go an invitation for the second round of tests. Anyone taken it yet?
By the way. I finished my numeric one in about 24min, but pretty sure I had a reasonable score...
Hi congratulations, when you completed the test were you sure you did it 100% correctly? Thanks and good luck with your second test!!
By the way, do you have any intern experience?
Not sure I did everything correct. But I felt reasonably good about it.
I do not have intern experience but I have some experience from another sector + degrees in business and finance from good universities.
Did you get an invitation for the next test? Anyone taken it yet?
Well, at least you still have a chance then.
I do not need a work permit as I am from a EU/EEA country.
Thank you and good luck!
well, I passed the numerical test... it was very easy.... finished it in out 16minutes i would say..... going to take the logical induction test...... maybe tonight..... lets see......
Does anyone know what happens after I pass this test? what is the next round??
btw, I am not from a EU/EEA country....
You let me realise I failed this numerical test terribly... I did it a bit over 24 minutes...
I passed Tibra Capital test but failed this calculator one... do you mind telling me how you manage to calculate so fast? many thanks and good luck for your second test.
Ahh, you failed the test? Didnt you get invited to the next online test? I just finished the second test... it was logical..... got stuck in one question.....:whistling
As for me finishing quickly, well mate i had a lot of practise....... I did a lot of similar tests in the past, so now these SHL tests seem very easy! Its more like that I am used to these tests than being really fast!
As for the Tibra test, they havent invited me yet!😱