liquid capital

When did you have your interview? Recently?

Did you just have an interview or was there more testing/games etc?

It was a while ago now. Yes, there were two tests that I did, an IQ type one with pattern rec. etc. and a general arithmatic one.
after the numerical tests back in end of May - they said they would get back within a couple of weeks... did anyone actually hear back from them?

I presumed I was finished with - then they got abck to me about a inductive test last week...

where are you guys up to?
the first trading simulation is on thursday - its tuesday and the information still hasnt been sent out!??
im not sure about either but the information has been sent out. I got my 4th choice date so dont expect to get what you asked for. The rules were attached to the email. Its a tricky one. Good luck to everyone involved!
got info - anyone got any links to discussions on this trading game and feedback?

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any one care to share their experiences at the Thursday trading game stage?

was the logic test completely different to the inductive reasoning one?
no! i'm bricking myself. not sure how i did, been wearing my lucky tshirt two days running for the news, dont think i can handle a third day (its starting to smell a little funky!). good luck all
I've not heard either, apparently there were approx 60 at that stage (from 1200 initially) and they're looking to hire 10 people so the odds are a lot shorter at least!
doesnt make my pants any less brown 😛 Look at it this way, assuming an even distribution, out of your group, were you in the top 2-3 of everyone? Ok we're going onto interview phase so say 2:1 ratio of applicants go through for places so 20ish, so top 5? Im just being pessimistic, i've spent 2 days convincing myself i royaly messed up on the day. Oh well, relax and see!
Yeah I did too - guess the odds must have shortened slightly again. I was on the Tuesday @ 3.30 slot, anyone else on that slot and get through?
i was on the Tues 4:30 slot... the trading game was not as much carnage as i thought it would be - was much more kind of slower and refereed in my session anyways.

btw interesting to know what you guys thought of the calibre of candidates in ur group?

any ideas on how many for interviews? I know they're taking on around 10 but given market conditions probably would be lower...
stay away from liquid capital, i have had a friend work there and he found it very unprofessional. They told him that the training would be 6 months, then when he started they changed it to 2, then they made them sit tests everyday which they were scored on, and although he met the criteria that they set out, eg the required average for the tests, comfortably they still decided to let him go without any warning and without valid reason
Hey all,

I went to the numerical test and don't know if I passed yet. I would have liked to be told the following about this to prepare better:
1) There's 35 questions to answer in 20 minutes, that's very short only 40 secs per questions
2) They put some background noise on whilst you're doing the test to simulate a trading environment, so prepare with music playing in the background
3) They put the sound up in the last 5 minutes when there's the most pressure to finish off your questions; that threw me off a bit
4) The questions are a piece of cake if you're well prepared, standard math questions, no logic or IQ-type questions, no algebra problems, just your standard graphs and tables with ratios, percentages, addition, substraction and multiplications to do. They're not trying to catch you out with it.
5) They operate a negative scoring system: if your answers are incorrect, you lose 2 points, if you don't answer, you lose a point (it could be the other way around, frankly, I was too concerned at the time with test difficulty to pay much attention to what was being said) - the point is; it's all about speed and accuracy like was said in the previous thread, so when you prepare, work on that, don't focus on tough questions you got wrong, the questions are easy.
6) Make sure you practice with a calculator and work on identifying numerical relationship to save time on calculations. Also make sure you know all your conversion tables off by heart ie kg, distance, billions, millions, etc... as there will be a lot of manipulations with big numbers.
7) To prepare I recommend: all the numerical tests you can find online, particularly, efinancialcareers, kent uni, shl etc... Also get yourself the Heidi Smith Numerical Reasoning tests and practice all the drills, memorize the conversion tables and create some more practice examples with large numbers for yourself. My favorite book mental math book is Henry Sticker's How to calculate quickly. I also recommend Mind Games by George Lane, mental math world champion. Practice makes perfect in speed math, there's a free software you can use on: Speed Math Trainer
which is quite useful.
8) Last piece of advice: if you're not up to scratch with your math, budget at least 2 months to prepare for a numerical test like this.

Has anyone got any advice on the interviews with Liquid?

Hi amtrader1,

Your posts were amazing and very insightful. Thanks for the tips. However, taking a step back, just want to know how did you get the interview in the first place?

Do you actually have trading experience or degrees?
What did you have on your resumes that would get you to the interview?



What do you guys trade?
I'm an options trader