Life Arbitrage

Funny thing you brought up McD as an example. Several years ago I had a friend Patrick who worked in one.

During lunch breaks you can either get paid (£4.50-5.50 i think) or have one of those meal deals. Stupidly he went for the meal's everytime, even after I pointed out he's saving £1-2 each time he takes the pay (then buys the meal).

I guess that's why he worked at McD's.
I am thinking of joining Streetcar - they will give you an hour of free car driving if you wash it. So in theory you can borrow the car and then wash it, for free.

The advantages of a hire car are fairly obvious. For example, something I intend to try is whether I can move off just using the synchromesh as a clutch, that is to say just putting it into gear VERY SLOWLY to get underway...

you can-trust me you can 🙂
Not that that's a sweeping generalisation or anything.....


I was only joking mate. I blame branch managers, Kevin Mcleod and social politics for all this nonesense. "The People" are just as much to blame. One minute everyone is complaining about a nanny state then the next they're like "who did you give us so much credit?!".

I call it a lesson learned...or about to be learned.
Not that that's a sweeping generalisation or anything....... Could say the same about anyone with a buy to let mortgage taken out at the highs who promptly crapped themselves when their badly researched, financially blinkered, avaricious, uber-aquisitive, upwardly mobile, Sarah Beenie fuelled little plan f*king backfired, spoiling a nice little upwardly trending house market for the rest of us, but no-one in Britain or America likes to talk about that dirty little (not so) secret. Nooooo - always someone elses fault that we're all in the poo poo now.

So fine - slag me and goose off. @ bothered, can do your amount shaiiig. I'm an FX trader and as far as I know Goose trades rates. I.e. neither of us trade CDS / subprime mortgages or whatever. This is worse than asking Sun readers about international geopolitics. Bah....

Feel better now.....

go on sunshine-let it all out!!!

and ditto 🙂
Funny thing you brought up McD as an example. Several years ago I had a friend Patrick who worked in one.

During lunch breaks you can either get paid (£4.50-5.50 i think) or have one of those meal deals. Stupidly he went for the meal's everytime, even after I pointed out he's saving £1-2 each time he takes the pay (then buys the meal).

I guess that's why he worked at McD's.

Reminds me that iirc it's cheaper to buy 4 packets of 6 chicken nuggets than it is to buy a packet of 20 chicken mcnuggets....
I am thinking of joining Streetcar - they will give you an hour of free car driving if you wash it. So in theory you can borrow the car and then wash it, for free.

The advantages of a hire car are fairly obvious. For example, something I intend to try is whether I can move off just using the synchromesh as a clutch, that is to say just putting it into gear VERY SLOWLY to get underway...

On a serious note I am a member - have been for a few years. Not free (well - I had never heard of the carwash thing - so would say USUALLY not free) but the service is great imho.

I only use the vans nowadays as I have a car. Joined in a brief spell when I was without one a few years back. And the nice thing was they were just getting started, so I was in near the beggining, and so I have a feeling I have free life membership, but I'm not entirely sure.

Definitely recommended though.

Hypothetical Question.

Does the nice man at B&Q ever check the paint pot when you take it back because its the wrong colour ?......Well of course it's the wrong is now full of water!

btw didn't get that last bit. Is that some boy racer trick to make smoke come out of the car's every orifice or something?
Hypothetical Question.

Does the nice man at B&Q ever check the paint pot when you take it back because its the wrong colour ?......Well of course it's the wrong is now full of water!


This thread is now 'Life Fraud' rather than life arbitrage then?
As a digress to the burger banter, here's something I seriously considered a while ago...

There are any number of credit-cards available to pretty much anyone. These cards will give you usually at least £500. And they will generally give you 50 or so days to pay any outstanding balance interest-free.

So, taking those two numbers, I thought about creating 'rings' of 8 or so cards.

I would take out the full £500 on each card except one. I would then "move" the £500 from each card to the next. This would result in each cards balance being paid in full before the 50-day interest-free limit and therefore resetting this limit.

So with each ring of 8 cards I'd have £500 circulating and £3500 spare.

I went online and found a huge number of cards that met the £500 and 50-day grace period.

I worked out that if I took all the cards available I could end up with about £50,000 floating cash for trading.

lol... only joking with regard to the trading of the money. It would have to be an "investment" that couldn't go down.

Due to innumerable logistical problems switching the money around and the fact that interest on £50k isn't all that much - I aborted.


It's called "stoozing" i think the bloke on Jo Whileys show on Radio 1 used to go on about it Martin Lewis.
two good ones

Tesco 6 pack Hula hopps £1.05...special offer buy 2 for £ it's 5p cheaper for two pack at 55p or 1 at £1.05?????


3 bottles of wine for £ of the brands was £8 a bottle...2 for £16 3 for £10...madness
Yeah I wasn't talking about special offers, they don't count... I was talking more about mispricing that you may have spotted in everyday life, as per my example.
btw didn't get that last bit. Is that some boy racer trick to make smoke come out of the car's every orifice or something?

Nah, more an engineer's trick to prove a point, with the slight problem of extreme wear on the car. But that doesn't matter if it's a hire car; indeed it it almost expected that one drives a hire car like a ****. Tragedy of the commons and all that...

Essentially any modern manual gear box has little clutches inside it which remove the requirement to syncrhonise revs when changing gear (this the reason that only nerds like me rev match) and also no requirement to double declutch or similar for the same reason.

So in theory you can set off using these instead of the actual clutch.

Going back to the subject of the thread, betfair have been kind enough to send me £10 to spend on their arcade, presumably because they assume I'm a gambling addict, so I intend to do this right about now.
Right, this isn't a special offer, but something to watch out for... if you're into digestive biscuits...

Local supermarket had a twin-pack of digestives (McVities brand named) for £1.60... and the single packs for £0.75... 😱

Oh, and check out the price of those "one cup" tea-bags... they're pricier than the [presumably] "two or more cup" ordinary tea-bags.