Level 2 Nasdaq is the best tool in a traders tool kit when trading Nasdaq stocks.
Even a well respected moderator from t2w said,
"He had slide shows of charts and the accompanying L2 screen to show the moves as they unfolded. When he says you see the move a minute before it happens on ANY chart is absolutely true. He knows what to look for, has his order in place, ready to hit the button..... This leaves no room for guesswork. Is it going to bounce? OR will it drop? He knows, while we're still guessing or gambling....."
Charts are great to show what has just happened, i look to profit from what will happen.
I've shown students on my live market tuition, the difference between what the chart says and what the level 2 screen says and they've been shocked.
Little surprise then that using this method of trading i can call a live exit in TASR with the chart going straight up,just before a $3 fall.
I trade the Nasdaq for a living if there's a better way to get an edge i'd be using it.Sometimes i use the same tools to trade the US indices with out any spread,but then thats another story.