Learning how to trade the E-Minis market


Hi All

I am interested in learning about the E-minis market.

I would like to hear from experienced traders how you got involved and some pointers on getting started.

Information such as what you did to start out with regards to courses, books, websites etc.
Approximate costs involved for set up.
Which market to trade Nasdaq 100, S&P 500,Dow, Euro 50.
Personal experiences, tips, advice.

I would like to learn how to day trade to supplement my current income and hopefully in time be able to only work part time plus trading for a living.

All help appreciated.

Thanks Alot.
My first bit of advice is to put the idea of trading for a living aside at the moment. You can't really think about going down that road until you are much more educated and experienced in the markets. If you keep trying to push things in that direction at this early stage the chances are good you'll flame out.
The only tip I can offer is: if anybody tells you it is easy don't believe them. Trends often stall and reverse, daily ranges vary a lot and change over time (1 - 2 years ago daily ranges were very small, now they are much bigger, but maybe they will go back again). Locals (sitting around the pits) have an advantage over you in speed (especially if you are on the other side of the world). These factors together make it difficult, especially if you are trading short term (as most traders in these are).
My advice, as an fx trader is look at trading the fx as an alternative. Great risk management, small spreads usually and a very liquid market. Just my humble if somewhat biased opinion.