I say again, poor poor people who dole out £2500 for a weekend's course.
Imagine how excited and optimistic they'll be when they walk out of the seminar ready to take on the world.
Now imagine 3-6 months later when all those 'power profit strategies' that they've been taught just don't seem to deliver............
Fear not everyone as there WILL be a solution. You'll soon find that the original course you went on didn't give you ALL the details. But for £999 and £59 a month you'll be able to get the some new strategies and tactics, used by some of the 'hottest' traders on the planet to pull in the big bucks (no doubt for 25 mins of work a day).
But then 3-6 months later those elusive 'super profits' are sill hard to come by............
Fear not everyone because there's a solution and that's the 'super traders advanced superior profits seminar' but hurry up because this is limited to only 4 people per month because it's imperative that 'secrets' you'll be taught on thge courser don't get out to the mainstream. Oh, and the cost for this is only £1999 (borrow on your credit card is need be because it's a great investment).
But then 3-6 months later you're back to square on, the profits aren't flowing and you've suddenly realised that the markets are actually incredibly hard.........
Still, there IS a solution, private coaching by 'one the world's top traders'. Yes, for £3,000 you can be mentored by a trading guru (been in the market's for 18 months) but places are strickly limited.
And on and on it goes till you have nothing left and the seminar promotors have all your cash. Then you'll wish you listened to people on the message boards........