Knife crime

It would be fun if they allowed people to own weapons of any kind. So if you are really rich, you can buy fighter jets and Bomb Birminghm or something.
Do these stats translate across the entire nation?

Do other countries experience the same level of crime when not armed?
Britain? France? Greece? Japan?

maybe the state of the country is a function of how their kids are brought up.
maybe americans are, at heart, fascists, who believe in the use of power to get what they want, even if it means harming those seen as weak.
maybe they are paranoid, mentally unstable, as a nation, where they are constantly fearful of being attacked (by each other even). and where success is seen in material terms, the need to acquire material things, even through crime, drives the country.

is crime consistent across all regions equally? Or just in cities and bigger towns?
how much crime is committed, what types, by what age groups?

maybe the level of crime reflects the kinds of (in)effective punishments meted out?

can we draw conclusions about why Britain does not have a higher level of crime, even without being armed? equally Japan? or France? Germany?
may be we are simply better brought up?
is it a cultural thing? are we simply cultured compared to americans?

we should be proud we dont have a developed knife and gun culture.
and should seek to stamp it out before it becomes seen as ingrained.

crimes need to be portrayed as unsexy. so names of crimes should be changed.

eg, someone convicted of knife crime would be called a KUNT - Knife-Utilitising social-Norms Trangressor.

or car speeders; TOSR, a Traffic-Offending-Speeding-Recidivist.

the glamour is taken away, not seen as a badge of honour.

I'm not sure if you didn't read the articles, or somethings got lost in the trandslation, but Kennesaw, Georgia is a town where IT IS MANDATORY TO OWN A GUN, AND THE CRIME RATE IS VIRTUALLY NIL. They introduced this law as PREVIOUSLY THE CRIME RATE WAS VERY HIGH. So, arming each household with a gun, has virtually wiped out crime.
I'm not sure if you didn't read the articles, or somethings got lost in the trandslation, but Kennesaw, Georgia is a town where IT IS MANDATORY TO OWN A GUN, AND THE CRIME RATE IS VIRTUALLY NIL. They introduced this law as PREVIOUSLY THE CRIME RATE WAS VERY HIGH. So, arming each household with a gun, has virtually wiped out crime.

I did read the articles.
their solution was to arm everybody. I understand that.

My response is: is the level of crime a function of culture? the UK does not arm its people, but we are more law-abiding, as are the Japanese.
Can we learn MORE from Japan and the UK than from america?
can we teach the feck1ng americans a thing or two about notions of society and community? rather than simple-mindedly resort to guns?

EDIT: do other societies function along the lines of treating other people as equals and with respect, rather than relying on the FEAR of being shot as a deterrent? is the fear of being killed a proper mechanism of society?
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I see too extremes as providing a safer society.
1. Like Kennesaw, arm everyone.
2. Disarm everyone.

1 - could be done, in theory, just make it law that everyone is armed. Whether or not everyone carries their magnum 45 at all times, who will know? the fear that they are "probably" armed should be an effective deterrent.
2 - seems an unrealistic target, as the criminals wil still find a way to bare arms.

The criminal gangs will still probably find ways of settling their disputes no doubt. They do now, and are armed (both sides probably).
I did read the articles.
their solution was to arm everybody. I understand that.

My response is: is the level of crime a function of culture? the UK does not arm its people, but we are more law-abiding, as are the Japanese.
Can we learn MORE from Japan and the UK than from america?
can we teach the feck1ng americans a thing or two about notions of society and community? rather than simple-mindedly resort to guns?

EDIT: do other societies function along the lines of treating other people as equals and with respect, rather than relying on the FEAR of being shot as a deterrent? is the fear of being killed a proper mechanism of society?

Much better for the criminal to be afraid of the honest citizen

than the honest citizen to be afraid of the state.
Much better for the criminal to be afraid of the honest citizen

than the honest citizen to be afraid of the state.

great abstract concepts.
make it work, and not just in some backwards town, but in an entire region.

your biggest weakness will be the frailties of the human component.

got bad grades at school today? - now where did mommy put that colt-45?
didnt get that promotion you felt you "deserved"? - dust off that magnum
thought you caught someone "looking at your girlfriend" after 7 pints? - cant see straight, but maybe I can scare that guy off with my Uzi, in a crowded night-club.

people who might resort to guns will be seeing the "red mist", not thinking clearly. if a gunfight breaks out, they will not be calm under pressure, and thought-processes not clear-headed (as compared to police fire-arms people, who have to practice day after day, as does the army, to make decision-making under pressure do-able, and they STILL get it wrong sometimes))

most people cant even read properly, and think its "cool" to be innumerate, FFS.
do you have shares in Smith and Wesson or something?
great abstract concepts.
make it work, and not just in some backwards town, but in an entire region.

your biggest weakness will be the frailties of the human component.

got bad grades at school today? - now where did mommy put that colt-45?
didnt get that promotion you felt you "deserved"? - dust off that magnum
thought you caught someone "looking at your girlfriend" after 7 pints? - cant see straight, but maybe I can scare that guy off with my Uzi, in a crowded night-club.

people who might resort to guns will be seeing the "red mist", not thinking clearly. if a gunfight breaks out, they will not be calm under pressure, and thought-processes not clear-headed (as compared to police fire-arms people, who have to practice day after day, as does the army, to make decision-making under pressure do-able, and they STILL get it wrong sometimes))

most people cant even read properly, and think its "cool" to be innumerate, FFS.
do you have shares in Smith and Wesson or something?

The evidence does not support your contention. Sure, some extra suicides and rampages will happen, but honestly who gives a ****? It'll be a tiny number.
Theres also plenty of research saying those who carry weapons (including police) are more likely to be injured with their weapon.
Theres also plenty of research saying those who carry weapons (including police) are more likely to be injured with their weapon.

I honestly don't care if 50% of people with a gun end up shooting themselves with it.
Much better for the criminal to be afraid of the honest citizen

than the honest citizen to be afraid of the state.

Missed the whole point but only by a whisker imho

It's the CRIMINALS who should be in fear of the State.

Not so long ago it was a dangerous journey from London to Penzance ( 280 miles ). But as soon as highwaymen were strung up at crossroads, the roads became a lot safer. Whether the passengers carried guns or not was more or less immaterial.
Missed the whole point but only by a whisker imho

It's the CRIMINALS who should be in fear of the State.

Not so long ago it was a dangerous journey from London to Penzance ( 280 miles ). But as soon as highwaymen were strung up at crossroads, the roads became a lot safer. Whether the passengers carried guns or not was more or less immaterial.

Yessss string a Chav hoody bas*ard to a street light on every street corner.. or outside every parade of local shops...

we could start with Spanish 😆
It was US crap culture from TV and Hollywood that set off this never ending crimewave.

Our FEEBLE politicians can't or won't win back the streets for the fairly honest liberal majority ( nothing much worse than a parking ticket ).

Dig up Mrs T. or find her clone I say