Knife crime

Always reckoned the STOCKS were a great deterrent.
Slowed down the tearaways a bit and were publicly humiliated too.
A Phd from a US university will mention it sooner or later and probably get a Nobel prize for being original ! ho hum

Wot ! You're gonna get them trading? - Well, I suppose it is quite humiliating when you start out................was for me 😆
New Jerusalem

😱Global Village ?
Redruth in Cornwall : local news states there is an evening curfew on schoolchilren during the summer holidays. I simply thought that is normal for that town and a sign of the continuing slide into a new knuckle dragging age. Was surprised to be told by my neice in Italy that the same subject was on the Italian tv news. One wonders (not) what impressions the rest of Europe receives concerning this Island of ours😢
Just wait till sharia law is enacted here. The thugs will have their hands cut off with their own knives so they can't ever use a knife again.
Job done.
Just wait till sharia law is enacted here. The thugs will have their hands cut off with their own knives so they can't ever use a knife again.
Job done.

Yep ! and not only that, rape crime would be eliminated as well

the victims of rape would be too afraid to make a complaint for fear of being honour killed.


nearly always it has nothing whatsoever to do with the government

Don't agree. Governments should act as a catalyst - especially in social matters.

I think the government are about as far removed from social or cultural issues as you can get... some of the things they say its like they live on another planet..

look. youth culture is always a mystery to older folk.. look back in history... punks skinheads .. rockers Mods... Teddy boys etc etc... they used to have massive gang fights on the beaches of seaside towns ... with chains and knifes & bats... what about football violence...

Its like the "war on terror" and the war on "drugs" the police dont have a clue.. the government dont have a clue it something we have to live with... for now... it will blow itself out and something else will start... probably guns !!
I think the government are about as far removed from social or cultural issues as you can get... some of the things they say its like they live on another planet..

look. youth culture is always a mystery to older folk.. look back in history... punks skinheads .. rockers Mods... Teddy boys etc etc... they used to have massive gang fights on the beaches of seaside towns ... with chains and knifes & bats... what about football violence...

Its like the "war on terror" and the war on "drugs" the police dont have a clue.. the government dont have a clue it something we have to live with... for now... it will blow itself out and something else will start... probably guns !!

If only we would stop electing SOPPY people as our politicians. Honest folk may soon have to seriously start thinking about getting "tooled up" to be able to defend themselves !!
Mines an Uzzi what you got ?
I think crime should be regarded as a mental illness - to be cured !

Electric shock therapy as ordered by the court. The Court would decide the level of shock, duration and how often. There would be a mandatory sentence and on top of that it would be administered on say a weekly basis until the criminal apologises to the victim and has genuine remorse. I would go so far as to give empowerment to the victim by allowing them to administer the treatment if they wished or else done by computer.
Those that refuse to change their behaviour and attitude would get the electrodes placed on their heads and togethor with mind altering drugs get changed compulsoryly.

problem solved - empty prisons - happy taxpayers
If -

Life meant life, not 15 years.
Murder meant the death penalty.

Surely this would help reduce the crime rate a bit.
Perhaps the smartest thing for people to do is to take up self defence classes so that they are as well equipped as possible to deal with violent confrontations. I personally think they should teach martial arts in schools, particularly for girls.

If you can't escape by running away, and negotiation isn't a possibility, I'd imagine that first you need to disarm (if necessary) the attacker/s, then "ground N pound" 'em.

A combination of Thai boxing and Brazilian Jui Jitsu might work well.
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Perhaps the smartest thing for people to do is to take up self defence classes so that they are as well equipped as possible to deal with violent confrontations. I personally think they should teach martial arts in schools, particularly for girls.

If you can't escape by running away, and negotiation isn't a possibility, I'd imagine that first you need to disarm (if necessary) the attacker/s, then "ground N pound" 'em.

A combination of Thai boxing and Brazilian Jui Jitsu might work well.

Of course if you were allowed a gun you could just shoot them 😉

But people seem to have a problem with this.
Of course if you were allowed a gun you could just shoot them 😉

But people seem to have a problem with this.

And thats the problem - the danger is a lot more will start to carry weapons just to protect themselves.

There's an argument that an armed society is a safe society, as 2 people with eg. guns tend not to pick on each other, but it can't be the ideal state of affairs, surely.

But look at this place -
Crime Rate Plummets in Kennesaw, GA
25 years murder-free in 'Gun Town USA'
I don't really care whether guns make society safer or not, my objection is to the idea that the state has a right to ban them in the first place.
I don't really care whether guns make society safer or not, my objection is to the idea that the state has a right to ban them in the first place.

I agree to some extent.
Criminals will get guns by whatever means. If you ban guns outright, you are simply disarming potential victims of gun crime.

But I wouldn't want to be walking around knowing everyone is carrying a gun. I'd rather be in a society where i know no-one has them. Same goes for knives.
I don't really care whether guns make society safer or not, my objection is to the idea that the state has a right to ban them in the first place.

I think that it has and should, otherwise we are going to have the Wild West over here.
The state, also, has the obligation to take away the cause of why you feel that you need a gun, anyway.

It is doing a lousy job of that, but giving guns to legalised cowboys is not the way, either.
Hmm Pat494, not sure they would be able to apologise after a week of electric shock therapy, and not through lack of remorse!

The problem here is one of infrastructure. THEY HAVE NO PRISON PLACES.

We also need prison reforms.

Browns Problem

Brown has too many advisors.

Brown concentrates too much on the details.

No one likes Brown.
I think that it has and should, otherwise we are going to have the Wild West over here.
The state, also, has the obligation to take away the cause of why you feel that you need a gun, anyway.

It is doing a lousy job of that, but giving guns to legalised cowboys is not the way, either.


Restricting me so it can restrict people who can't be trusted is a revolting principle I oppose in all forms.
And thats the problem - the danger is a lot more will start to carry weapons just to protect themselves.

There's an argument that an armed society is a safe society, as 2 people with eg. guns tend not to pick on each other, but it can't be the ideal state of affairs, surely.

But look at this place -
Crime Rate Plummets in Kennesaw, GA
25 years murder-free in 'Gun Town USA'

Do these stats translate across the entire nation?

Do other countries experience the same level of crime when not armed?
Britain? France? Greece? Japan?

maybe the state of the country is a function of how their kids are brought up.
maybe americans are, at heart, fascists, who believe in the use of power to get what they want, even if it means harming those seen as weak.
maybe they are paranoid, mentally unstable, as a nation, where they are constantly fearful of being attacked (by each other even). and where success is seen in material terms, the need to acquire material things, even through crime, drives the country.

is crime consistent across all regions equally? Or just in cities and bigger towns?
how much crime is committed, what types, by what age groups?

maybe the level of crime reflects the kinds of (in)effective punishments meted out?

can we draw conclusions about why Britain does not have a higher level of crime, even without being armed? equally Japan? or France? Germany?
may be we are simply better brought up?
is it a cultural thing? are we simply cultured compared to americans?

we should be proud we dont have a developed knife and gun culture.
and should seek to stamp it out before it becomes seen as ingrained.

crimes need to be portrayed as unsexy. so names of crimes should be changed.

eg, someone convicted of knife crime would be called a KUNT - Knife-Utilitising social-Norms Trangressor.

or car speeders; TOSR, a Traffic-Offending-Speeding-Recidivist.

the glamour is taken away, not seen as a badge of honour.