Keystone Trading Course



I am wondering has anybody here heard of these guys - Keystone Trading Concepts?

Basically, I have been looking at some info on one of their courses and I am kind of tempted. However, I tend to be extremely skeptical of any trading "course"?

I have read a lot of books (Technical Analysis, Van Tharp, Trading in the Zone, Market Wizards, Come into my trading rm etc etc / done a lot of paper trading in the past 2.5 years. I know that trading is much more about psychology / money management than being right / predictions. I think I have a good grasp of trading but still have a ton to learn.

The thing is that I have not done any real trading and that the Keystone program (its basically scalping) will allow me to make a huge amount of trades over a relatively short (4 months) timeframe and thus give me some much needed experience. I also feel that I couldn't do this on my own at this stage as I dont have enough capital to daytrade / scalp. I know I could trade longer term positions with my $5000 but I think that this program could speed up the learning curve considerably.

My goal for doing this program is to simply make as many trades as possible and get a lot of experience.

The following is a brief outline of the course:

Keystone Premier - Short-Term Trading Course
- 7 classroom days over 4 months which cover TA, Money Management, Psychology etc. (Aimed a starting from a beginner)
- They provide you with $25000 capital and absorb your losses
- They split the Profits (if there are any!!!) with you 50:50
-You pay roughly $200 / month for ecn access / platform / charts and + commissions (20c / 1000 shares)
-- the course fee is $5000
more info here

The question I have is:
What do you experienced traders think of this - does it sound like a scam / sound useless?

You opinions would be much appreciated,

Thanks and sorry about the long post.

Hey All,

First post, was considering keystone as well did you end up joining there program? If so what is your opinion on there the firm and what they offer. Thx.

just my opinion, but check out -this poor lady has been with them well over a year, has paid for extra "mentoring" and has not made a penny- all the while thanking them profusely and blaming herself for not making money-typical of prop firms where you pay to trade their leverage on your money- do not pay any large upfront fees to prop firms, course hucksters, etc- if you do not believe me ask to see the Profit and loss statements of any firm you may consider- if they do not show them, that is all the proof you need