Jim Rogers Fannie with a good pounding. Truth News Thread.

Crap Buddist

Senior member
yah, Jim Rogers gave Fannie a good pounding yesterday afternoon .He said "why would anyone want to put a long into fannie when fannies going down on you ? I can kinda see his point really.

Cox (from the SEC) says people shouldn't pound fannie.. as it's illegal ? SEC bleeting about short sellers again ... he said illegal speculation, then quicky changed that to, illegal manipulation and market makers .. hmmmmm not too keen on the rate of descent on some stocks !

sounds like whinging...... unless they want one way bullmarkets going through the roof.. well like the oil ? lol yeah no short selling then coxy lets see how high the oil goes then..... 🙄

hopefully with bernake and paulson reassuring the planet today that "theres nothing to see here,please move along" like a couple of keystone cops, then we might get some tasty moves???!!

Jim Rogers Fannie! keep on pounding it jimbo,your taking one for the team & it's the american way !

# oh say can you see..... etc,etc...
rogers is a leg-end, love when he appears on cnbc shattering the chorus of "feds-behind-the-curve" bleeters and unleashes the fury!
🙂 yeah I like ol Jimbo, calls it how he see's it. I find it slighlty funny though that he calls the fed to do this or that ( as if to show concern for America , its businesses & people) and then at the same time pounds into Fannie hard, short selling hard..... lol

I dunno, funny game trading, maybe thats the Ying & Yang of it.....