I'm not the one who has hissy fits and puts people on ignore
Economically illiterate imbeciles can say whatever they want about the so called "recovery", but who are you going to believe, them or your lying eyes?
It's clear from the chart that all the FED's cheap money has gone into pumping up the stock market. The markets haven't made a new high in over 52 Weeks, roughly around the time the FED ended Q.E.
Yes this is true. Money sloshing in the system can go either in to stocks and shares or tangibles like property. That way with capital gains, dividend income or in the case of property, capital gains and rental income one is able to protect ones savings and assets.
Alternatively, keeping money in savings accounts or buying commodities when shares are rising is just a recipee for a big loss.
But for the man in the street?
It's obvious, the FED's cheap money policy has helped Wall Street but it has not helped the man in the street.
As for Automation: The economically illiterate dunces will never figure out the connection between the rise in Automation and the rise in the Minimum wage. If you make unskilled labour more expensive then businessmen are going to find ways around paying it!
If you ever get a chance to watch "How it's made" on the Discovery channel you will be amazed at how many things are made by machines. This is exactly the reason why those items are so easily affordable for so many people, including the poor! If all those items were made by humans, by hand, the cost for those items will become prohibitively expensive and the standard of living for most people would decline.