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Then cease and desist bombarding me with opinionated irrelevancies and provide the economic theory that you have been taught.
Irrelevancies ? 😱 Go back to reading your books and learn economics and what a monopoly is first. Then read politics. What a remarkable silly person you are. I'm shocked and stunned by your incredible scientific economics 😆
Well hardly surprising, you only seem to understand a fraction of it. Your interpretation and understanding of monopoly beggars belief. Do you have any real life experience? Do you read at all or just speak your tosh cutting and pasting.
I doubt anyone can understand your associations. I'm sure it all makes wonderful sense in your brain and let's hope it stays that way for you.
Starting from the last point. Governments manipulate prices all the time: subsidies, tariffs, exchange controls, capital flows as some examples. As to restriction of supply, we already have your NHS example. Show me an example of secession in the UK? We must, if no example provided, conclude that the UK government is in point of fact...a monopoly.
You foolish person. You ramble on about Marginal Cost and Revenue and then you come out with clap trap like this. How on earth do you expect G to provide unlimited supply of NHS service given limited tax revenue. Then you claim G restricts supply and thus is a monopoly. You chop and change your tune and colours and abondone economic rational at will. CAN YOU NOT THINK OF ANY OTHER REASONS WHY GOVERNMENT MAY BE UNABLE TO DELIVER UNLIMITED SUPPLY OF ANY GOOD OR SERVICE. Wakey wakey?????
If you can't provide an example we must conclude UK government is a monopoly. YOU DENSE FOOL. NOOOOOOO GOVERNMENT ANYWHERE IN THE WORLD CAN DELIVER UNLIMITED SUPPLY MEDICAL HEALTH SERVICE. Are you aware that they can keep you alive with machines despite your heart and kidneys failing. Even if you are in brain dead in a coma they can keep you alive. You expect Governments to keep people alive as long as they want or is possible for ever. For goodness sake how stupid can anyone be????? :-0
As for price due to tax and tarriff controls they are known as controls to manipulate production of socially desired goods and services and restrict not so desired ones as well as protecting industries etc etc. No need to go into detail but the objective is not to keep prices high. You are very ignorant indeed. Government policy on tabbaco and alcohol is not to maximise profits but to protect the health of its social members. You can argue about the liberties and politics of it. But to state it is monopolistic practice is taking the ****. You are sooooo stupid and ignorant to argue otherwise I'm giving up the will to live.
YOU HAVING UNIVERSAL SCIENTIFIC ECONOMICS KNOWLEDGE - can not come up with any other reasons for taxes and tarriffs other than to raise prices? Whether they work or not is another story but you get the point right?
You clearly only look at your own very narrow minded retricted view to twist interpretations to make your silly point. You really are a stuffy pretentious snot.
Incorrect. Until you rebut my argument, you cannot claim any such thing.
Idiot. Governments are in debt. Where is the profit? Grow up or read the papers or something. You silly fool. "Prove this, rebut that - my argument" grow up for goodness sake.
Really? Your opinion - again, or do you actually have an argument?
With your knowledge of law I think you must know better than I how bills and legislations get passed into becoming laws. Often price or supply doesn't even come into the discussion in parliament or the lords. You are soooooo stupid to relate this process with monopolistic predatory pricing behaviour it is extra-ordinary.
Not only does it get debated and voted on several times, it get printed all over the press and discussed on TV programs and public awareness is raised. People can also demonstrate and object. ie Poll Tax etc. NO WAY IS IT THE SAME.
To have the audacity to throw pathetic daft remarks and draw A-level charts claiming this is a universal economic scientific fact - tells me you have something very wrong with your comprehension.
To ask me if I have an argument tells me you are itching again!
I've had enough of your arguments and proofs.
So you keep stating. Not a positivist science, not a social science, or other?
All you debate are meaningless opinions. You have yet to actually take on any argument and provide argument against it. You simply provide yet another opinion.
jog on
For someone who debates Government is a Monopoly and then accuse me of - debating meaningless opinions is once again very rich and you really are taking the ****.
You can take your theories and arguments and shove it up somewhere the sun don't shine. Probably same place where your head is stuck. 😎
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