A bit late to the discussion. I spotted this a little earlier in the thread.
1. The "rules" must be enforced by a non-arbitrary party. This obviously excludes government as we know it currently. The "Rule of Law" has been so roundly ignored to date by "Power" that surely I need not actually provide any examples? No, ok, then going back to where Ford granted Nixon a Presidential pardon. Since then, there have been endless examples.
2. The rules can be considered to be fundamentally "sound" and "fair" when they fulfill the following conditions: the axiom that they are based upon is a true statement, known to be true in that no argument in logic can be raised against it that does not result in a contradiction.
The example of this is "the right in/of property." From this axiom, you can logically proceed to deduce a fully valid and true "Rule of Law" that is both "sound" and "fair."
3. I believe that this question has already been answered.
jog on