Keeping space free of weapons, 3 guesses who aint so keen ?

Weapons in Space

  • Yes, we need them to protect our reliance on satelites.

    Votes: 2 28.6%
  • No. Keep space free of weapons. Protect space assests from earth stationed weapons

    Votes: 5 71.4%

  • Total voters

Crap Buddist

Senior member
Hmm, well OK Ive been eyeballing the business channel on satelite TV and I caught a glimpse of earths thinking on developments in space, in a programme.

Now the United Nations want to push forward a directive that will mean no weapons will be allowed to be deployed and/or operational from space, i.e outside of the earths atmosphere. hmm, bloody good idea , I thought. But, again the United States of America are the only buggers who are saying , get lost to this proposal.

So now we can take that to mean the U.S, are very actively engaged in outer space counter and or pre-emptive strike warfare development programs in outer space. What a bloody shame.

The space weapons race, I think will pick up pace over the next decade a bit like the nuclear arms race of old. Big threat to western countries is this, all the satelites being wiped out. Makes sense, bang go modern comunications, including all that wonderful GPS weapons guiding systems.

So theres also the reason for indeed developing tactical space weapons, becuase great fellow citizens of peace and freedom and all that stuff, if we dont, some tyrant will knock all ours out and shaft all the modern economies quickly.

Laser weapons systems stationed in space will be the next cool thing I expect being able to protect western satelites, take out the enemies satelites and maybe take out inbound airborn nukes if and when.

typing all of this I can see how the yanks think and maybe the idea or the need for space weaponary is justified. ?

China russia the U.S. are all actively in the tool shed taking it to the next level. As it stands all space projects by all countries are required to be detailed with the UN, but they admit they do not have all specs being worked at present.

Simple poll. Have a look.

i didn't vote in the poll...........but I am in favour of having a universe free from weapons - whether it be a misused Swiss army knife, or an atomic bomb.

As someone who looks beyond the establishment media (Sky/BBC/CNN etc.) for news on world affairs, I suspect that it is very naive to believe that the UN is a benevolent father figure in world affairs, opposed to US policies, & out to protect the people of the earth with their best interests at heart. Just look at Africa.............famine, disease, and what have the UN done to help........😢