K.I.S.S. Trading GBP/USD

No, don't make it easy. I've had enough of easy maths for this morning, thanks very much. It seems to be beyond people's capacity, on this thread, to make anything easy.

All I want to know is what Mr Fox's tactics are. My profit and porcentages, I am quite capable of working out for myself.

Good Morning @Splitlink,

The whole idea of this thread was to just show a simple way of trading that works very well for me, to share my knowledge, and give a little back to the T2W community, as others on here have helped me.

I use a basic approach with tight stops, and look for high R:R ratio trades, that is why I post charts with my reasoning behind taking a trade, and if anyone can utilise a little of what I do to their advantage, then I see only benefit in this.

I know as a trader I have many failings, and these will be rectified in time, however getting rid of mistakes takes time, just as becoming proficient in the art of trading takes time.

This thread is about my trading style, and if some have been offended by my returns, then, as I have stated earlier, these will not be posted.

The last thing I want to do is to inccur any infractions, or bans, so to all who have been offended by my returns, I do apologize.

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Good Morning @Splitlink,

The whole idea of this thread was to just show a simple way of trading that works very well for me, to share my knowledge, and give a little back to the T2W community, as others on here have helped me.

I use a basic approach with tight stops, and look for high R:R ratio trades, that is why I post charts with my reasoning behind taking a trade, and if anyone can utilise a little of what I do to their advantage, then I see only benefit in this.

I know as a trader I have many failings, and these will be rectified in time, however getting rid of mistakes takes time, just as becoming proficient in the art of trading takes time.

This thread is about my trading style, and if some have been offended by my returns, then, as I have stated earlier, these will not be posted.

The last thing I want to do is to inccur any infractions, or bans, so to all who have been offended by my returns, I do apologize.


You've incurred nothing on my part but I suspect that your method is too kissable for some. 🙂
Humble apologies guru FoMo.
At 55, I am still young compared to you great master, and I am very naïve, immature and know so little of this world. Thank you for bestowing such great teachings upon me, so that one day, I might be as wise and as all knowing as you.

Crikey, and one thought you were not listening.
Good Morning All,

Naturally, it's been another very profitable morning for me.

I do have to rush off for an appointment, followed by a liquid lunch, so will not be trading anymore today.

I will also be unable to post charts as I really do not have time, but will post the pip count below.

£ 4.6.15 END OF DAY PIP TOTAL.png

Have a great day trading Y'all.

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Since you claim to make such amazing returns, it's a shame you won't post any statements to evidence it. Being the curious type, I had a quick look through your recent post history and found the following: http://www.trade2win.com/boards/gen...-profits-losses-show-tell-29.html#post2454018

Have fun with your games.

Good Morning @DowJones,

Who is it a shame for that I won't post my statements, is it for you, and your curiosity. If you had asked nicely rather than the way you did, It would not have been a problem, but one shall not kowtow to your demands.

As for making duff calls, and saying I had received a margin call, only an idiot would think it wasn't a joke.

This thread was started to help others in showing a simplified method, not to satisfy your curiosity.

Charts were posted, pip count was shown, R:R ratios were told, as were the tight stops I use. Why was all this shown, well let me teach you a little about trading. Trading is a game of risk, identifying, and quantifying risk is far more important than seeing what financial rewards can be gleaned from the markets.

I also suspect there are a lot of traders on this site who genuinely need help, and help is what I am trying to provide without asking for anything in return, as for you, I wouldn't say you were the curious type, more the jealous type, and your incessant jealousy of my success, well, that's not my problem is it.

However you should realize that jealousy is a very bad trait which, obviously, you possess in abundance, and having such limiting beliefs as you do will not help you succeed as a trader, nor as a person. Jealous people like you are the ruin of society, you're type are jealous of the clothes I wear, the cars I drive, the financial success I have etc etc, but you need to realize, all my trappings are the seeds of success, and hard work. I guess you better stop reading at this point and phone your partner at work, in case heshe's cheating on you with her boss. He/she'll really appreciate you hundredth call this morning, and if heshe tells you to stop being jealous, just say you're the curious type. 😆😆

We both know that you would really love, and need my help to become a better trader, and I don't mind pointing out your inadequacies, and helping you out. All you have to do is ask(nicely).

You have been a member of T2W for over 10 years, and in that time, what have you contributed in helping others to be a successful trader like you, ah that's right, absolutely nothing, is that because your jealousy makes you suck as a trader. I wish not to speculate.

Just because I make thousands per trade, and you may only make a hundreds if that, that is not my fault, I was there once, and have built up my account, I had the frame of mind to think bigger, ask for advice, learn new things, and achieve bigger, and if you don't, or more importantly can't, that really is not my problem, just because, naturally, I am better than you in every single way, I will help to teach you to become better, and it's all gratis of course.

May I ask what you daily percentage returns are.

Have fun with your jealousy.

Lots of love.
Every one has to have the last word in an argument, including me, if it ends here, but I doubt that it will.
Evening All,

I had quite a choppy am, and having to leave the house on a number of occasions isn't really conducive to trading, however I had to grab by 40 pieces of silver, and trading finished for me just a few minutes ago.

Yes price has gone on a further 20+ pips, but I wanted to get my target, and head out.

£ 8.6.15 END OF DAY..png

I am rushing out for dinner, then drinks, thus unable to show charts, so will just post pip count.

I hope you've all had a great day.

Ciao for now.

Good Morning All,

I must admit yesterday I was put through the wringer a little bit, and was stuck at my work station till quite late in achieving my 40 pips, however in my defense, I was in and out the house quite a bit. Anyhow, that was yesterday, which is now history, and the focus is never on the past, or the future, but in the now.

This morning has been a great morning, and once again I have consistently smashed it out of the park.

As seen below, a level of S&R was identified, and a subsequent break short was taken. My SL was zero'd quick quickly, and then I watched price capitulate until a reasonable target was achieved.

£ 9.6.15 END OF DAY.png

This is a 1:10 R:R trade, and with that I am done for the day.

I use a very simple method, and my greatness can be emulated, but it does take time to be in tune, and become as one with your desired trading instrument.

All comments, and questions welcomed.

Have a great day trading Y'all.

Well I took another trade, as it looked too good to pass up.

As seen below a strong resistance level at the top was followed by another strong resistance level below it, and if either level was breached with gusto, then a long would have been taken.

Then a strong support level seen, and a break of this level confirmed a short, price broke it, and I jumped in for a short. Price capitulated, and I jumped out with 15 pips(1:3 R:R).

£ 9.6.15 DEFINITE EOD..png

I love days like today. The markets are giving away money to chaps like me.

Total for the day is 65.6pips.

Have a great day trading Y'all.
@DowJones if you need any help with your trading, pop along I'll teach you a thing or 2.

Good Afternoon All,

Well today is most certainly a day I would like to forget, not because of the procured pips, but the uber hard work I had to put in, in achieving them.

To be a successful trader one has to have an edge that is profitable most of the time, but to be truly great one has to have different stratagems that one can deploy when needed.

Now I would be the first to admit that I only take on average a handful of trades a day, as soon as my target is hit, I'm oot, however when ones back is against the wall, then I deploy strategy 2, which is going in and out of the market for only a few pips, yes some will work, some won't, but past history tells me that the in and out scalping strategy works too.

The next question is to ask, when to apply what, well I like to take a few trades, and if they come to fruition, that's great, but there are only a few high probability, low risk trades per day that are 25+ pip moves on Cable, so if my target is not hit, then I apply Strat 2 to hit my target.

The only issue I find difficult with Strat 2 is that is very draining on your concentration, as you're in and out of the market like a fiddlers elbow, trade after trade just for a few pips, and I am shot to s*"% as far as my concentration goes.

So what happened today that made me deploy Strat 2.

Well I made a few error trades, one I forgot to put SL in, and went outside to smoke a cigarette, another was being smashed out of the market at 09.30 where the slippage, and spread turned a 5 pip SL into a huge loss.

So after seeing the pig's ear I had made of the day, 2 choices remained, either pack up lick my wounds, feel sorry for myself, and call it a day, or fight back, and win.

"Winners never quit, and quitters never win"

So I decided to deploy Strat 2, and go for it, after all in my eyes, I've only lost what was made on Tuesday, and I still have Mondays profit to play with.

If the loss happened on a Monday, then my thinking would be, well I've got last weeks profits to play with. Consistently profitable trading days are my safety net so to speak.

So after a few bad trades, a revenge trade gone wrong, I decided to use Strat 2, and see how I can minimize the losses.

All in all I ended up taking 26 trades, some with only a few pips profit taken, and go beyond my daily target.

There are too many trades to do analysis on, and I need food, and sleep, so shall just post the pip count below.

£ 10.6.15 HF DAY.png

I hope you've all had a profitable day trading, and your targets were achieved more easily.


Good Afternoon All,

Well today is most certainly a day I would like to forget, not because of the procured pips, but the uber hard work I had to put in, in achieving them.

To be a successful trader one has to have an edge that is profitable most of the time, but to be truly great one has to have different stratagems that one can deploy when needed.

Now I would be the first to admit that I only take on average a handful of trades a day, as soon as my target is hit, I'm oot, however when ones back is against the wall, then I deploy strategy 2, which is going in and out of the market for only a few pips, yes some will work, some won't, but past history tells me that the in and out scalping strategy works too.

The next question is to ask, when to apply what, well I like to take a few trades, and if they come to fruition, that's great, but there are only a few high probability, low risk trades per day that are 25+ pip moves on Cable, so if my target is not hit, then I apply Strat 2 to hit my target.

The only issue I find difficult with Strat 2 is that is very draining on your concentration, as you're in and out of the market like a fiddlers elbow, trade after trade just for a few pips, and I am shot to s*"% as far as my concentration goes.

So what happened today that made me deploy Strat 2.

Well I made a few error trades, one I forgot to put SL in, and went outside to smoke a cigarette, another was being smashed out of the market at 09.30 where the slippage, and spread turned a 5 pip SL into a huge loss.

So after seeing the pig's ear I had made of the day, 2 choices remained, either pack up lick my wounds, feel sorry for myself, and call it a day, or fight back, and win.

"Winners never quit, and quitters never win"

So I decided to deploy Strat 2, and go for it, after all in my eyes, I've only lost what was made on Tuesday, and I still have Mondays profit to play with.

If the loss happened on a Monday, then my thinking would be, well I've got last weeks profits to play with. Consistently profitable trading days are my safety net so to speak.

So after a few bad trades, a revenge trade gone wrong, I decided to use Strat 2, and see how I can minimize the losses.

All in all I ended up taking 26 trades, some with only a few pips profit taken, and go beyond my daily target.

There are too many trades to do analysis on, and I need food, and sleep, so shall just post the pip count below.

View attachment 191658

I hope you've all had a profitable day trading, and your targets were achieved more easily.


John the way you trade the gbp/usd could oil be traded the same way with dbl. triple tops and bottoms.
The reason I ask is because of the amount of movement in a day but if it was okay what size of stops would I need to use on a 1minute chart.
John the way you trade the gbp/usd could oil be traded the same way with dbl. triple tops and bottoms.
The reason I ask is because of the amount of movement in a day but if it was okay what size of stops would I need to use on a 1minute chart.

Good Afternoon @sunset1,

Please excuse me for not getting back to you earlier, but we have been away fro a long weekend, and got back yesterday.

Yes Oil can most definitely be traded using the KISS method. I doubt I will be trading this week, and if I have some spare time I will post a days Oil charts with all the trades available, however you must realize that the analysis is all hindsight, and just done to show you examples of what to look for. I do not trade oil.

Another word of caution about oil, is it's volatile, and this may seem good as we can all start looking at what we can make, but in fact to be proficient, one should concentrate more on what can be lost first, then minimizing losses(moving SL), and then thinking about profit targets.

The volatility means if your SL is not in the right place/far enough you will be smashed from pillar to post, then lose confidence, and try something else.

Always remember that trading is all about stacking the odds in your favor.

Also you will need to factor in your spread, as for me, it is 5 points, thus you are already down 10 points once you've opened the trade, so that deficit has to be accounted for before any positive points are accrued.

Have a great trading week.

Good Afternoon @sunset1,

Please excuse me for not getting back to you earlier, but we have been away fro a long weekend, and got back yesterday.

Yes Oil can most definitely be traded using the KISS method. I doubt I will be trading this week, and if I have some spare time I will post a days Oil charts with all the trades available, however you must realize that the analysis is all hindsight, and just done to show you examples of what to look for. I do not trade oil.

Another word of caution about oil, is it's volatile, and this may seem good as we can all start looking at what we can make, but in fact to be proficient, one should concentrate more on what can be lost first, then minimizing losses(moving SL), and then thinking about profit targets.

The volatility means if your SL is not in the right place/far enough you will be smashed from pillar to post, then lose confidence, and try something else.

Always remember that trading is all about stacking the odds in your favor.

Also you will need to factor in your spread, as for me, it is 5 points, thus you are already down 10 points once you've opened the tra
de, so that deficit has to be accounted for before any positive points are accrued.

Have a great trading week.


If the spread is 5 then you are down 5 not 10 .
If the spread is 5 then you are down 5 not 10 .

Good Morning @tar,

I hope you are having a splendid day trading.

Please allow me to clarify what I meant.

If I were to place a trade the spread is paid, however after that commission on the trade is also paid, or at least that is what I do.

So even if I close a trade for 0 pips there will still be commission to pay on that trade, thus for the sake of simplicity, I double the spread on each trade, and know that if spread is say 0.8 pips, once I reach 1.6 pips then I have covered the loss of commissions too, and profits come after that.

I hope that clarifies what I meant.
