Just joined :-)

Hi everyone

Just joined as I have a huge interest in stocks and shares, like everyone on here I guess. I really am a total beginner, so just wanted to say hi.

Regarding starting out, I've read a few of you mention software, I assume like a virtual stock market so you can learn your skills etc. I am on a mac, and just curious what software is the best, cheapest or free if there is such a thing.

I looked on Amazon for a book, but blimey every book says it is the best :|

Anyhow any advice would be amazing


Hi everyone

Just joined as I have a huge interest in stocks and shares, like everyone on here I guess. I really am a total beginner, so just wanted to say hi.

Regarding starting out, I've read a few of you mention software, I assume like a virtual stock market so you can learn your skills etc. I am on a mac, and just curious what software is the best, cheapest or free if there is such a thing.

I looked on Amazon for a book, but blimey every book says it is the best :|

Anyhow any advice would be amazing



Good luck in your journey James
Your choice of software shouldn't really matter what platform you're using these days with parallels around. I was using a pc based updata software for years on mine.
That said if you want free, it will depend on the timeframe you are looking to use (end of day/weekly) of course but prorealtime would be a good starting point.
You should look around for brokers as well while you're at it.

as for books, there are many and I'm pretty sure there will be loads of different opinions.
Personally I've found 3 to be the very best
John J Murphy's technical analysis of the financial markets
Duplessis, the definitive guide to point and figure
Weinstein, profiting in bull and bear markets
the latter two I've read and re-read and keep on rereading there is so much in them and will always refer to them.

good luck
Good luck in your journey James
Your choice of software shouldn't really matter what platform you're using these days with parallels around. I was using a pc based updata software for years on mine.
That said if you want free, it will depend on the timeframe you are looking to use (end of day/weekly) of course but prorealtime would be a good starting point.
You should look around for brokers as well while you're at it.

as for books, there are many and I'm pretty sure there will be loads of different opinions.
Personally I've found 3 to be the very best
John J Murphy's technical analysis of the financial markets
Duplessis, the definitive guide to point and figure
Weinstein, profiting in bull and bear markets
the latter two I've read and re-read and keep on rereading there is so much in them and will always refer to them.

good luck


Thanks for taking the time to reply.

I've just found a website called Virtualtrader, that seems a good starting point. Thanks for the book recommendations, i'll have a look into them.