downloading MT4 on a mac?


Well-known member
Hi All,

Just bought a mac and usual software issues as in cannot load MT4. Did some internet research but a lot of old posts and wondered if anyone knew the best way of getting MT4 on the mac? Is anyone producing a mac version of MT4 or is the only options through a windows based program?

Doubt i am the only one in this situation, after any help if possible and the best and most up to date way of getting mt4 on my mac?

thanks in advance,

Use parallels or bootcamp. Don't use it myself but running bootcamp with windows 7 should be strong if you don't require any other OS software at the same time
Thanks guys, have downloaded cross over and using fxcm exe. MT4 download but all goes well until right at the end when it tries to generate a password and login and just gets stuck, anyone had a similar problem? Using cross over means that i do not need to have any windows software just the cross over program, this is right?