You're absolutely right... I apologize, but I just couldn't contain myself. It was really too much when someone like you starts calling himself a risk-taker.Hello Martinghoul,
I stand by what I wrote. I have become a risk-taker only after intensive training with the demo.
But, I kindly want to remind you of your own posting regarding my other thoughts I wrote in my journal:
FYI: this is a journal, not neccessarily a discussion group. If you don't like my writings then simply don't read.
I have the feeling that you are trying to create problems, but I'm not interested in any problems.
I'm sorry to say this, but IMHO you better should try to participate in other forums/threads/journals etc.
Thank you for your cooperation.
It went ok, another 8.7k to add to the daily result.Oops.... I couldn't let it be and have opened a new position... 🙂
Again SPY...
Underlying SecurityType Expiry Strike Put/Call Action Quantity Price Time Date Exch.
GE OPT JAN10 9 Call BOT 10 2.97 08:19:03 20091224 BOX
GE OPT JAN10 9 Call BOT 10 2.88 08:20:46 20091224 BOX
GE OPT JAN10 9 Call BOT 10 2.82 08:21:35 20091224 CBOE
GE OPT JAN10 16 Put SLD 10 4.7 08:31:01 20091224 BOX
GE OPT JAN10 16 Put SLD 40 4.7 08:32:38 20091224 CBOE
GE OPT JAN10 9 Call BOT 10 2.56 08:33:54 20091224 CBOE
GE OPT JAN10 9 Call BOT 80 2.36 08:36:26 20091224 CBOE
GE STK BOT 1394 11.19 16:03:28 20091224 NYSE
GE OPT JAN10 9 Call BOT 10 2.24 16:10:52 20091224 BOX
GE OPT JAN10 9 Call BOT 50 2.22 16:13:44 20091224 CBOE
GE STK SLD 1394 11.58 16:32:36 20091224 ISLAND
AIG OPT JAN10 33 Put BOT 40 2.78 18:11:03 20091224 BOX
GE OPT JAN10 9 Call SLD 134 5.2 18:13:22 20091224 BOX
GE OPT JAN10 9 Call SLD 46 5.2 18:13:25 20091224 BOX
GE OPT JAN10 16 Put BOT 50 2.41 18:13:49 20091224 BOX
AIG OPT JAN10 33 Put BOT 20 2.6 18:27:18 20091224 BOX
AIG OPT JAN10 33 Put BOT 33 2.41 18:28:30 20091224 BOX
AIG OPT JAN10 33 Put BOT 87 2.41 18:28:35 20091224 BOX
AIG OPT JAN10 33 Put BOT 192 1.87 19:19:58 20091224 CBOE
AIG OPT JAN10 33 Put BOT 168 1.86 19:19:58 20091224 BOX
AIG OPT JAN10 37 Call SLD 40 2.7 19:49:11 20091224 CBOE
AIG OPT JAN10 37 Call SLD 15 2.72 19:49:11 20091224 BOX
AIG OPT JAN10 33 Put SLD 184 2.75 22:16:23 20091224 BOX
AIG OPT JAN10 37 Call BOT 55 1.7 22:16:24 20091224 CBOE
AIG OPT JAN10 33 Put SLD 32 2.75 22:16:24 20091224 BOX
AIG OPT JAN10 33 Put SLD 32 2.75 22:17:54 20091224 BOX
AIG OPT JAN10 33 Put SLD 196 2.75 22:17:55 20091224 BOX
AIG OPT JAN10 33 Put SLD 10 2.75 22:18:02 20091224 BOX
AIG OPT JAN10 33 Put SLD 32 2.76 22:18:11 20091224 BOX
AIG OPT JAN10 33 Put SLD 30 2.76 22:18:14 20091224 BOX
AIG OPT JAN10 33 Put SLD 24 2.76 22:18:15 20091224 BOX
Development of the Option Premium in Standard Black-Scholes Option Pricing Model for the first 5 days of an option expiring in 20 trade days (assuming constant volatility) :
Spot=100.000 Strike=100.00 ExpDays=20 HoldDays=5 IRpct=0.000000% VolaPct=35.00000% --> Call=3.924272 Put=3.924272
Day 1:
deltaSpot% spot call put p/c c/p p-c c-p cprm0PL% pprm0PL% diffStrike diff/spot% diff/strk% diff/cprm0% diff/pprm0%
5.00000% 105.00000 7.00637 2.00637 0.286 3.492 -5.000 5.000 78.53926% -48.87289% 5.00000 5.00000% 5.00000% 27.41215% 27.41215%
4.00000% 104.00000 6.31622 2.31622 0.367 2.727 -4.000 4.000 60.95261% -40.97712% 4.00000 4.00000% 4.00000% 1.92972% 1.92972%
3.00000% 103.00000 5.66131 2.66131 0.470 2.127 -3.000 3.000 44.26398% -32.18331% 3.00000 3.00000% 3.00000% -23.55271% -23.55271%
2.00000% 102.00000 5.04341 3.04341 0.603 1.657 -2.000 2.000 28.51829% -22.44658% 2.00000 2.00000% 2.00000% -49.03514% -49.03514%
1.00000% 101.00000 4.46400 3.46400 0.776 1.289 -1.000 1.000 13.75365% -11.72878% 1.00000 1.00000% 1.00000% -74.51757% -74.51757%
0.00000% 100.00000 3.92427 3.92427 1.000 1.000 0.000 -0.000 0.00000% 0.00000% 0.00000 0.00000% 0.00000% -100.00000% -100.00000%
-1.00000% 99.00000 3.42496 4.42496 1.292 0.774 1.000 -1.000 -12.72363% 12.75880% -1.00000 -1.00000% -1.00000% -125.48243% -125.48243%
-2.00000% 98.00000 2.96653 4.96653 1.674 0.597 2.000 -2.000 -24.40571% 26.55916% -2.00000 -2.00000% -2.00000% -150.96486% -150.96486%
-3.00000% 97.00000 2.54893 5.54893 2.177 0.459 3.000 -3.000 -35.04712% 41.40017% -3.00000 -3.00000% -3.00000% -176.44729% -176.44729%
-4.00000% 96.00000 2.17169 6.17169 2.842 0.352 4.000 -4.000 -44.65998% 57.26975% -4.00000 -4.00000% -4.00000% -201.92972% -201.92972%
-5.00000% 95.00000 1.83392 6.83392 3.726 0.268 5.000 -5.000 -53.26730% 74.14486% -5.00000 -5.00000% -5.00000% -227.41215% -227.41215%
Day 2:
deltaSpot% spot call put p/c c/p p-c c-p cprm0PL% pprm0PL% diffStrike diff/spot% diff/strk% diff/cprm0% diff/pprm0%
5.00000% 105.00000 6.91668 1.91668 0.277 3.609 -5.000 5.000 76.25385% -51.15831% 5.00000 5.00000% 5.00000% 27.41215% 27.41215%
4.00000% 104.00000 6.22289 2.22289 0.357 2.799 -4.000 4.000 58.57434% -43.35539% 4.00000 4.00000% 4.00000% 1.92972% 1.92972%
3.00000% 103.00000 5.56510 2.56510 0.461 2.170 -3.000 3.000 41.81238% -34.63491% 3.00000 3.00000% 3.00000% -23.55271% -23.55271%
2.00000% 102.00000 4.94519 2.94519 0.596 1.679 -2.000 2.000 26.01557% -24.94929% 2.00000 2.00000% 2.00000% -49.03514% -49.03514%
1.00000% 101.00000 4.36474 3.36474 0.771 1.297 -1.000 1.000 11.22424% -14.25819% 1.00000 1.00000% 1.00000% -74.51757% -74.51757%
0.00000% 100.00000 3.82498 3.82498 1.000 1.000 0.000 -0.000 -2.53008% -2.53008% 0.00000 0.00000% 0.00000% -100.00000% -100.00000%
-1.00000% 99.00000 3.32670 4.32670 1.301 0.769 1.000 -1.000 -15.22760% 10.25483% -1.00000 -1.00000% -1.00000% -125.48243% -125.48243%
-2.00000% 98.00000 2.87034 4.87034 1.697 0.589 2.000 -2.000 -26.85678% 24.10809% -2.00000 -2.00000% -2.00000% -150.96486% -150.96486%
-3.00000% 97.00000 2.45583 5.45583 2.222 0.450 3.000 -3.000 -37.41945% 39.02785% -3.00000 -3.00000% -3.00000% -176.44729% -176.44729%
-4.00000% 96.00000 2.08263 6.08263 2.921 0.342 4.000 -4.000 -46.92948% 55.00024% -4.00000 -4.00000% -4.00000% -201.92972% -201.92972%
-5.00000% 95.00000 1.74973 6.74973 3.858 0.259 5.000 -5.000 -55.41250% 71.99965% -5.00000 -5.00000% -5.00000% -227.41215% -227.41215%
Day 3:
deltaSpot% spot call put p/c c/p p-c c-p cprm0PL% pprm0PL% diffStrike diff/spot% diff/strk% diff/cprm0% diff/pprm0%
5.00000% 105.00000 6.82522 1.82522 0.267 3.739 -5.000 5.000 73.92327% -53.48889% 5.00000 5.00000% 5.00000% 27.41215% 27.41215%
4.00000% 104.00000 6.12748 2.12748 0.347 2.880 -4.000 4.000 56.14321% -45.78652% 4.00000 4.00000% 4.00000% 1.92972% 1.92972%
3.00000% 103.00000 5.46657 2.46657 0.451 2.216 -3.000 3.000 39.30151% -37.14578% 3.00000 3.00000% 3.00000% -23.55271% -23.55271%
2.00000% 102.00000 4.84447 2.84447 0.587 1.703 -2.000 2.000 23.44881% -27.51605% 2.00000 2.00000% 2.00000% -49.03514% -49.03514%
1.00000% 101.00000 4.26286 3.26286 0.765 1.306 -1.000 1.000 8.62793% -16.85450% 1.00000 1.00000% 1.00000% -74.51757% -74.51757%
0.00000% 100.00000 3.72304 3.72304 1.000 1.000 -0.000 0.000 -5.12783% -5.12783% 0.00000 0.00000% 0.00000% -100.00000% -100.00000%
-1.00000% 99.00000 3.22584 4.22584 1.310 0.763 1.000 -1.000 -17.79779% 7.68464% -1.00000 -1.00000% -1.00000% -125.48243% -125.48243%
-2.00000% 98.00000 2.77170 4.77170 1.722 0.581 2.000 -2.000 -29.37045% 21.59441% -2.00000 -2.00000% -2.00000% -150.96486% -150.96486%
-3.00000% 97.00000 2.36050 5.36050 2.271 0.440 3.000 -3.000 -39.84875% 36.59855% -3.00000 -3.00000% -3.00000% -176.44729% -176.44729%
-4.00000% 96.00000 1.99162 5.99162 3.008 0.332 4.000 -4.000 -49.24858% 52.68114% -4.00000 -4.00000% -4.00000% -201.92972% -201.92972%
-5.00000% 95.00000 1.66395 6.66395 4.005 0.250 5.000 -5.000 -57.59854% 69.81362% -5.00000 -5.00000% -5.00000% -227.41215% -227.41215%
Day 4:
deltaSpot% spot call put p/c c/p p-c c-p cprm0PL% pprm0PL% diffStrike diff/spot% diff/strk% diff/cprm0% diff/pprm0%
5.00000% 105.00000 6.73189 1.73189 0.257 3.887 -5.000 5.000 71.54500% -55.86716% 5.00000 5.00000% 5.00000% 27.41215% 27.41215%
4.00000% 104.00000 6.02987 2.02987 0.337 2.971 -4.000 4.000 53.65565% -48.27407% 4.00000 4.00000% 4.00000% 1.92972% 1.92972%
3.00000% 103.00000 5.36554 2.36554 0.441 2.268 -3.000 3.000 36.72691% -39.72038% 3.00000 3.00000% 3.00000% -23.55271% -23.55271%
2.00000% 102.00000 4.74103 2.74103 0.578 1.730 -2.000 2.000 20.81286% -30.15201% 2.00000 2.00000% 2.00000% -49.03514% -49.03514%
1.00000% 101.00000 4.15812 3.15812 0.760 1.317 -1.000 1.000 5.95913% -19.52330% 1.00000 1.00000% 1.00000% -74.51757% -74.51757%
0.00000% 100.00000 3.61822 3.61822 1.000 1.000 -0.000 0.000 -7.79896% -7.79896% 0.00000 0.00000% 0.00000% -100.00000% -100.00000%
-1.00000% 99.00000 3.12216 4.12216 1.320 0.757 1.000 -1.000 -20.43973% 5.04270% -1.00000 -1.00000% -1.00000% -125.48243% -125.48243%
-2.00000% 98.00000 2.67040 4.67040 1.749 0.572 2.000 -2.000 -31.95177% 19.01309% -2.00000 -2.00000% -2.00000% -150.96486% -150.96486%
-3.00000% 97.00000 2.26276 5.26276 2.326 0.430 3.000 -3.000 -42.33928% 34.10801% -3.00000 -3.00000% -3.00000% -176.44729% -176.44729%
-4.00000% 96.00000 1.89854 5.89854 3.107 0.322 4.000 -4.000 -51.62054% 50.30918% -4.00000 -4.00000% -4.00000% -201.92972% -201.92972%
-5.00000% 95.00000 1.57648 6.57648 4.172 0.240 5.000 -5.000 -59.82752% 67.58464% -5.00000 -5.00000% -5.00000% -227.41215% -227.41215%
Day 5:
deltaSpot% spot call put p/c c/p p-c c-p cprm0PL% pprm0PL% diffStrike diff/spot% diff/strk% diff/cprm0% diff/pprm0%
5.00000% 105.00000 6.63659 1.63659 0.247 4.055 -5.000 5.000 69.11632% -58.29583% 5.00000 5.00000% 5.00000% 27.41215% 27.41215%
4.00000% 104.00000 5.92988 1.92988 0.325 3.073 -4.000 4.000 51.10770% -50.82202% 4.00000 4.00000% 4.00000% 1.92972% 1.92972%
3.00000% 103.00000 5.26180 2.26180 0.430 2.326 -3.000 3.000 34.08352% -42.36377% 3.00000 3.00000% 3.00000% -23.55271% -23.55271%
2.00000% 102.00000 4.63464 2.63464 0.568 1.759 -2.000 2.000 18.10181% -32.86306% 2.00000 2.00000% 2.00000% -49.03514% -49.03514%
1.00000% 101.00000 4.05030 3.05030 0.753 1.328 -1.000 1.000 3.21141% -22.27102% 1.00000 1.00000% 1.00000% -74.51757% -74.51757%
0.00000% 100.00000 3.51026 3.51026 1.000 1.000 -0.000 0.000 -10.55004% -10.55004% 0.00000 0.00000% 0.00000% -100.00000% -100.00000%
-1.00000% 99.00000 3.01542 4.01542 1.332 0.751 1.000 -1.000 -23.15977% 2.32266% -1.00000 -1.00000% -1.00000% -125.48243% -125.48243%
-2.00000% 98.00000 2.56622 4.56622 1.779 0.562 2.000 -2.000 -34.60647% 16.35839% -2.00000 -2.00000% -2.00000% -150.96486% -150.96486%
-3.00000% 97.00000 2.16244 5.16244 2.387 0.419 3.000 -3.000 -44.89586% 31.55144% -3.00000 -3.00000% -3.00000% -176.44729% -176.44729%
-4.00000% 96.00000 1.80324 5.80324 3.218 0.311 4.000 -4.000 -54.04896% 47.88076% -4.00000 -4.00000% -4.00000% -201.92972% -201.92972%
-5.00000% 95.00000 1.48723 6.48723 4.362 0.229 5.000 -5.000 -62.10169% 65.31046% -5.00000 -5.00000% -5.00000% -227.41215% -227.41215%
Yeah right, it seems it even already happened 🙂 see the other posting.The way your paper trading is going, I would not be suprised if you run out of paper soon.