Journal of kanggun system bbma + kgbs and money management and psychology


Hi I am johan. A new member of this t2w forum...

I am gonna start to write a journal based on my forex trades using kang gun system BBMA + KGBS. Of course I am gonna write down other aspects of the trading. Mindset psychology and most importantly money management.

Hi I am johan. A new member of this t2w forum...

I am gonna start to write a journal based on my forex trades using kang gun system BBMA + KGBS. Of course I am gonna write down other aspects of the trading. Mindset psychology and most importantly money management.

Hi Johan,
Welcome to T2W.

Before you get into your trades, can you outline what the 'kang gun system BBMA + KGBS' is please? It's not one that many members will be familiar with!
Kang gun is from indonesia...we all call him kg.

I dont know him personally. nv seen his face. But my friends now use his system. U can find him in the following websites. He is like a master in the last 2 website i mention below. very greatly regarded.


im not sure if i can post the names of those website above on a forum.

I dont want to be blacklisted here. But anyway, here goes.

my journal on kgforexworld =

journal trading ala KGBS dan BBMA... - Page 3 - | Forum Forex Indonesia | belajar forex

ive posted some of my op using his system.

now im trying to build some on forexindo and forexfactory and definitely t2w.

kang gun first open his thread on forexfactory on relative basket trading
Kang Gun Relative Strength trading - the EA's @ Forex Factory

then from then on he developed bbma = bollinger band moving average.

kgbs lsma= kanggun buyer seller linear square moving average.


Some people like me used to think money made on trading forex is scary.

I have in me used to think that i do not deserve it. Now after reading a book, I felt that money made by forex is not easy. In fact it is nearly impossible for normal people. Now I feel better after knowing that my earnings were because of my hard work, discipline, and optimism.

THe journey is still long.


Some of my trading quotes i learnt from reading books:

1) in trading, trying to understand exactly why something is happening can be a costly exercise in futility.

3) The one that can derail people is “that one bad trade”

Intelligent people like things to make sense to them, which is why i believe most of the succesful traders are usually not intelligent. Cuz usually intelligent people question why the market behaves in such a way that they would never figure out.

In order to be sucesful in trading, one does not to be genius. He just needs to as emotionles as possible and follow the rules on the monitor screen.

He does not need to be awesome to achieve awesome things.---Buffett Warren

3) the importance of trading is to win the war,, not individual insignificant battle. It is okay to lose a few trades. What is important is that in the end we gain green pips overall.

4) mental stop loss is an invitation to disaster. Cuz u are exposed to unlimited risk

the way to make money in trading is to stay alive long enough to earn profits to offset all of the inevitable losses.

6) in trading , don't think, react. Trading is unlike in real life where we should think..

greed= doubling up or averaging in order to “make a killing”

greed = no tp or tp too fast
fear = no stop loss or cut loss too fast
is kang gun still trading and posting on forums? i remember him from one of the forums you have mentioned.

before i go, just want to say your written English is 1 of the best i have seen from Indonesian traders. 😉