Journal of a Fool

Thank you for making us aware of this feature.

How unfortunate that this feature did not exist when SOCRATES was writing his Plain Vanilla trading journal. Then he would not have had to suffer the persistent rudeness, off topic comments, and other nonsenses from those who ought to be doing nothing but paying attention and giving respect to their elders and betters. Additionally, those members who displayed the correct conduct and had the ability to progress further could have enjoyed a civilised discussion without the aforementioned nonsense from ignorant amateurs.

I suppose it is encouraging to see that technology is keeping pace and therefore these features are now available. I can see two instances where it would be useful:
- a group of members, known to each other, wish to discuss at a high level without interruption from those who cannot participate constructively (the fortress)
- removing the odd poster who persists, despite warnings, in derailing the thread (the stick)

Unfortunately I have a prediction of how and why it will actually be used. A tool to restrict dialogue to those willing to toe the party line, to other members who are similarly situated with a similar frame of reference, and the unquestioning sycophants. As a result constructive commentary will be reduced as action can be taken against those who venture to contradict the majority popular opinion.

It has been suggested that I should start a journal. I must admit that the existence of this feature is allowing me to seriously consider the possibility....

Socrates got treated the way he treated every one else.

The success of his swan song effort to write naked put options was never proved- In fact, that is the whole point of what you are supposed to be telling us. We don't know anything about anyone on the net, That includes yourself- We were left to assume the worst and that is what we did.

Socrates was challenged to explain his success, time and time again. He would only said, basically, that everyone around was a bunch of twerps and that he was too "bizzy". He had a few brownnosers but they all drifted away, either with him or from him, I don't know.

There was no practical way that he could write naked put options successfully at the time he did it, which must have been at the time the markets were beginning to topple. I do remember that if he had done what he said that he had done, then he must have lost a lot of money. Personally, I think that he was BSing everyone.
No, it is not a joke.. you seem quite knowledgeable to tell me how foolish my ambiitons are and comment about my inability and knowledge of the markets mentioned.... Incase my first post wasnt clear.. i even titled the journal as that of a fool...

You sound like a good trader.. just for my knowledge.. could you let me know what markets you trade and how much profit you make on a weekly basis...

Hi John,
I should think would be good for you to read post #2 again (instructions regarding day trading)
My advice would be to be patient and allow some time for learning about day trading before you commit real money.
Sounds boring and hard work, but that's the best way. Any other way sounds to me like gambling and through my experience you can't relay on luck to be consistently profitable trader.
All the best🙂
Regarding my trading.
Lately I've been trading GBPUSD. Last week had 0% profit, this week I don't think I'll trade (not the best time of the year to trade)
I started thread “20 pips a day keeps stress away” and it's a new system I'm still experimenting with.
If it's any good plan to get 6% a week (risking 2% of my equity per trade). Also from Claudia's system planning to get 6% extra (with the same risk per trade). Apart from that sometimes follow TA and chart and may get some good trades there.
Performance in day trading is best measured on monthly bases.
Also note no system is perfect and sometimes they tend to fail, so you have to look for something better.
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Socrates got treated the way he treated every one else.

The success of his swan song effort to write naked put options was never proved- In fact, that is the whole point of what you are supposed to be telling us. We don't know anything about anyone on the net, That includes yourself- We were left to assume the worst and that is what we did.

Socrates was challenged to explain his success, time and time again. He would only said, basically, that everyone around was a bunch of twerps and that he was too "bizzy". He had a few brownnosers but they all drifted away, either with him or from him, I don't know.

There was no practical way that he could write naked put options successfully at the time he did it, which must have been at the time the markets were beginning to topple. I do remember that if he had done what he said that he had done, then he must have lost a lot of money. Personally, I think that he was BSing everyone.

It's uncanny how the name 'SOCRATES' crops up in cccetc's posts.
I do remember that if he had done what he said that he had done, then he must have lost a lot of money. Personally, I think that he was BSing everyone.

my understanding (and I could be wrong as there was alot of rubbish on the thread from both sides) was that "if" he had done what he said he was going to. (ie hold until expiry) he would have made around £25K.

but he closed out early and made £300 (of which there was no record of the trades accept his post quite a bit later)

all done at huge risk
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What about the following post? Who was right? Nearly three years have passed since then but I remember asking ourselves about the margin Socrates would need to maintain those positions.

Anyway, water under the bridge.
What about the following post? Who was right? Nearly three years have passed since then but I remember asking ourselves about the margin Socrates would need to maintain those positions.

Anyway, water under the bridge.

Well Socco wasn't right and thats for sure.....I'm surprised you need to ask these questions. I think they may be rhetorical.

That thread along with most other of his threads ended in complete farce... more and more people came to the right conclusion eventually....all I can say took them a bloody long time🙄
Well Socco wasn't right and thats for sure.....I'm surprised you need to ask these questions. I think they may be rhetorical.

That thread along with most other of his threads ended in complete farce... more and more people came to the right conclusion eventually....all I can say took them a bloody long time🙄

I read just a few of his posts and felt like running from this forum😴A load of others probably felt different😕
I am going to be exceptionally considerate and explain. If you are intelligent and think carefully my explanation will make sense to you. I will do my best, but if it still does not land...

Socrates got treated the way he treated every one else.
The success of his swan song effort to write naked put options was never proved

Quite the contrary. The operation was a success. Socrates stated that he would write "plain vanilla" options, naked puts, on an index, and all options would expire worthless or very nearly worthless compared with the premium received.

Socrates called around 20 trades, all at different expiry and strike, calling each trade in advance and stating that it would expire worthless. All but one option expired worthless. The losing trade represented around 1% of the total profit from the operation. Socrates never wavered from his initial insistence that the options were a wasting asset, the buyer would lose, and they would be worthless at expiry. He proved his point by getting 95% of his calls completely correct, with 1 trade in 20 showing a tiny loss.

I will explain why the general membership of T2W do not perceive the operation to be a success. If you put your attention on this closely, you will see that it says a lot also about how you see trading. (and also why the vast majority do not succeed - this post should interest you on the latter basis alone)

Socrates adopted a professional posture to the challenge he had set for himself. He was focused exclusively on Getting It Right - that is to say acting according to the information supplied by the market in accordance with his experience and without any emotions or other irrelevant considerations. As a result Socrates is able to read the market weeks in advance and will know which options will expire worthless and why.

The T2W membership adopted an amateur attitude focused exclusively on money, and emotional considerations such as fear and doubt. Additionally, as a result of what you are all conditioned to believe by mainstream discourse, you are all frightened silly by the prospect of naked writing with the need for specialist knowledge, broker approval, titanium balls, and very deep pockets.

As an aside, because the chosen instrument required broker approval, nerves of steel, and deep pockets, almost all the T2W membership were unable to financially benefit by copying Socrates' trades. Guessers, gamblers, hobbyists, and spreadbetters playing £2 a point were excluded.

Margin is not a problem for the serious professional trader. The professional understands exactly how much exposure it is prudent to accept on a position, and deals the appropriate size. The professional also always has a plan to reduce and finally cut exposure if it is suspected that it is not correct or no longer correct to be so positioned.

The vast majority of people on this site are employees. A great portion of these employees have debt. From their frame of reference it is impossible to take positions which in the event of temporary volatility may require £150,000 in margin to hold. At no time did the SPAN margin exceed this amount on Socrates' positions. The positions were worth around £25,000 in profit at expiry, or 1/6 of the margin requirement at the peak. Further, a professional trader of decades experience is likely to have a large account with positions in various instruments including longer term investments etc, not just funds earmarked for options. For example Interactive Brokers allow the holding of T Bills and other government debt instruments, equities, etc in a single account.

As a result of either disbelief or envy the membership aggressively probed Socrates to reveal financial details. If is not your place to ask what a trader can afford, and exceptionally rude to presume that an experienced trader who is taking time to teach you a principle has recklessly overcommited himself.

Finally, Socrates called the size, strike, and expiry he was intending to write in advance, and it was demonstrated by recourse to official exchange information that these opening trades took place. Where Socrates closed his trades is irrelevant - it is proved that he opened them, and it is also proved that he was completely correct on them all expiring worthless to the buyer. It can be presumed from the knowledge and experience it takes to predict the market that far in advance, the deep pockets, adn the steel nerve that he would not have made a mess of his exit.

However, the purpose was to demonstrate that the skilled professional writer has the edge. The opening trades were bought by someone, who lost if they held to expiry. Simple. Not about money, or margin, but correct market reading and professional posture. Have any other traders posted 20 correct calls in a row? How many here even could?

Socrates was challenged to explain his success, time and time again. He would only said, basically, that everyone around was a bunch of twerps and that he was too "bizzy". He had a few brownnosers but they all drifted away, either with him or from him, I don't know.

Socrates was disrespectfully challenged by those who ought to know to respect their elders and betters. This included one member who took live trades against Socrates view of market direction to make a point. (suffice to say he lost) Socrates did explain his success:

years of sacrifice and graft
repeated painful and tedious self auditing
merit, ability, and conduct

Most on these boards frankly were behaving like a bunch of twerps.

There was no practical way that he could write naked put options successfully at the time he did it, which must have been at the time the markets were beginning to topple. I do remember that if he had done what he said that he had done, then he must have lost a lot of money. Personally, I think that he was BSing everyone.

In reverse order. The opening trades (the initial writes) were called in advance and shortly after printed on the official LIFFE time and sales. The time he did it was early 2007 if I recall, before the February "mini crash". The markets continued to make new highs until October 2007. The practical way was demonstrated - if you had sold the options he suggested and held to expiry you would have kept the full premium. Please do not be obtuse and impose your own limitations on others by proclaiming something "cannot be done" simply because you cannot do it!

Perhaps this post could be added to the end of the Plain Vanilla thread?

I sincerely hope you are able to grasp what I have said, to your benefit and my satisfaction.

Finally, three years later, the professional traders hoo know wots wot are getting on with it - and the monkeys are still forming knitting circles and do not progress. Most of Socrates' "critics" were not and are still not highly skilled independent professional traders, and most look as though they have not progressed in this time.

Everyone gets what they deserve, exclusively on merit, ability, and conduct. No exceptions.

at the time the markets were beginning to topple.

I have highlighted something interesting. The vents in question were a small weakness in the larger context of a bull market which had not yet concluded. Despite the panic given by the media to those who did not know better, the market continued to rise as the portents were bullish. Put sellers should not have been worried. Equally in August 2007 - the bull market was nearing exhaustion but still had not concluded. Only one member here publicly posted that the markets would recover and make a new high after August, which Socrates saw and commended as an island of sense in a sea of nonsense.

Now consider the nonsense about Dubai or whatever in the news a few weeks ago, which also caused a small weakness in a bull market. Those hoo did not know panicked and sold positions to those hoo did. Prices continue to rise into new highs as conditions are bullish, therefore the direction is north. Again, skilled professional put writers need not have been concerned.

That is all.
Well Socco wasn't right and thats for sure.....I'm surprised you need to ask these questions. I think they may be rhetorical.

That thread along with most other of his threads ended in complete farce... more and more people came to the right conclusion eventually....all I can say took them a bloody long time🙄

Ha ha ha! Funny you are!

I and others on this side of the glass wall are bemused that you do not feel the need to ask questions - which is one of many reasons why you do not progress.

A farce is betting your pennies against a bookie, with £100 in the pot, in a market you do not understand, the wrong way around, publicly for all to see, I respectfully submit.

The vast majority of people did not come to the right conclusion. This is why they have not progressed. They overlooked the significance of the obvious.

Once again you were all given the opportunity to raise your levels of awareness and once again you individually and collectively demonstrate by your conduct that your are not suited to this profession. You ought not to be trading at all, however the market needs cannon fodder, the more the better for us. I have the luxury of time to pop in during the holiday lull. I can leave here but you are all doomed to remain, repeating your mistakes endlessly.

I may return in another few years to see if any of you can be taken higher, and to see which monkeys are still in their cages.

That is all.

Ha ha ha! Funny you are!

I and others on this side of the glass wall are bemused that you do not feel the need to ask questions - which is one of many reasons why you do not progress.

A farce is betting your pennies against a bookie, with £100 in the pot, in a market you do not understand, the wrong way around, publicly for all to see, I respectfully submit.

The vast majority of people did not come to the right conclusion. This is why they have not progressed. They overlooked the significance of the obvious.

Once again you were all given the opportunity to raise your levels of awareness and once again you individually and collectively demonstrate by your conduct that your are not suited to this profession. You ought not to be trading at all, however the market needs cannon fodder, the more the better for us. I have the luxury of time to pop in during the holiday lull. I can leave here but you are all doomed to remain, repeating your mistakes endlessly.

I may return in another few years to see if any of you can be taken higher, and to see which monkeys are still in their cages.

That is all.

😆 You never disappoint do you !

Now it would appear that you are in need of an update. BTW why have the disciples not been keeping you up to speed with events this side of the glass wall? Oh well never mind that...lets continue. Oh no wait I do have a question🙂 Have you stopped giggling yet?

In series 1 trades of which there were 15 in total...every single trade was closed as a winner🙂. This resulted in an increase from the original £110.57 to the princely sum of £ 230.78🙂 This represents a 108.64% increase🙂 Oh and did I mention no losers🙂

In series 2 trades we are on trade number 4.🙂 1 trade has closed as a winner and the other 3 remain open. They will all close as winners and there will be more trades in this series and each and every one will close as winners🙂

You are now dismissed and may leave.🙂 but for goodness sakes, you must stop all this giggling 🙂
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I and others on this side of the glass wall are bemused that you do not feel the need to ask questions - which is one of many reasons why you do not progress.

Wait...don't leave...I am going to do a deal with you.

I will come over and ask questions ok. That is my side of the deal.🙂

Your side of the deal will be to supply me with the complete list of questions that I must ask.🙂

Do we have a deal ?🙂

I, for one, am going to put all this to one side. Socrates has had nearly three years to put hia "facts" together . I'm sure that he needed the time or he would have been back before this. Now that we know who Clarette is I want to move on.
My ECN account is taking some time to open but in the meantime I was perfecting my strategy based largely on S/R . Today morning, I had a go with one of my friend's account with a ECN broker. It was a strategy which was largely based on scalping by looking at depth of order book for direction. SInce it was someone elses account which is traded by him, I only could have a good go for about 40 mins in morning before he got up and went about his own trading.

Here is how it all went: (Note: even though I was not using sl, i made it a point not to risk more than 60 USD and the pact was that I would stop trading if I lost 100 USD. It ended with almost 220 USD in profit- all of which will fuel our binge drinking tonight )
