Journal of a Fool

Re: Gift for a Fool

All that aside, in true t2w fashion a persons journal/thread has been hijacked after his first post on here while others argue over cc'c post.

I was not involved in the charity competition, so cannot comment on that, but what you said here is, really, what I am more interested in, even though I have been one of the arguers you speak of. It's a great pity that those starting a journal cannot be left in peace.
Re: Gift for a Fool

I was not involved in the charity competition, so cannot comment on that, but what you said here is, really, what I am more interested in, even though I have been one of the arguers you speak of. It's a great pity that those starting a journal cannot be left in peace.

mmm, quite. So what's the answer? Have a 'closed' journal where no other can post or keep them 'open'? Both have pros and cons.

My view fwiw is that the journal starter should have power of deletion.
I think I gave off the misconception that all the off topic discussion on my thread scared me away...that is not the case, I have been reading all the posts and even though they went off the tangent, they have been important perspective of old members here ... I do not have much to add to my journal till my accounts gets setup so I have left you all in peace ... I do take everything I read here as with things I read on other forums with a pinch of salt... I hope you all keep on with your discussion and once I am ready to post my trade, I will rethink how to go about it with LM .

Happy New Year All..
Originally Posted by travis

I think the person who wrote this shows knowledge, intelligence and mastery of English. I think it's a masterpiece.

Yes, it is exceptionally good, and therefore it resulted in so many replies.

What she writes is stark REALITY. Unfortunately, most people are in "De Nile" and will not open their eyes to awaken from their deep self-hypnosis. So they pay the price. But that is, as it should be.

Eventually we either learn -- or DIE. Your choice.

Re: Gift for a Fool

I was not involved in the charity competition, so cannot comment on that, but what you said here is, really, what I am more interested in, even though I have been one of the arguers you speak of. It's a great pity that those starting a journal cannot be left in peace.

It is a great pity that any attempt to raise the level of discussion is met with irrelevant meta commentary from those who persist in arguing for the sake of it.

John Almighty started a trading journal. I replied with information relevant both to a new trader and a relatively new T2W member. The irrelevancy began with commentary on my commentary which was not directly relevant to the subject being discussed. Your numerous postings regarding whether you could be bothered to read a long post are the best examples of this.

I have a very long memory. You have not modified your conduct. In the past the author of a trading journal has repeatedly asked you to stop being disruptive by posting irrelevant and off topic material. I shall remind you...

What are you talking about now, Sptlink ?

Why do you wander off the topic altogether, eh ?

Please engage brain before you post, there's a good gentleman...thank you.

Hello barjon

I quoted your message to me on this thread. I did so to demonstrate that the T2W moderators did not have issues with what I wrote. As you can see I have been personally attacked on this thread for being frank. The screenshot was deleted by your colleague LM. I am sorry if this caused any misunderstandings.

In my view I wrote a helpful and honest post for newbies. I was attacked for it. My motives were questioned and it was suggested that the moderators might have something to say about it. You thanked me for making a truthful post, and I thought it only fair that other contributors be made aware of that.
As I said, let's not argue about or against the person (clarette), but about or against the content of her post: is this site about helping traders trade better or about helping the sponsors get more customers? Clarette says it's the latter. The moderators say it's the former. Let's discuss about the content.

As a fan of this forum, I would say that it's both. It does help traders, but it also helps the companies that advertise (and rightly so, since they pay). So far so good, as long as there's no deception. In order to avoid deception, I suggest that instead of the term "preferred brokers" be used "sponsors", because that term is implying that the forum thinks those brokers are more convenient, which I think is not the case (they're just regular "sponsors", aren't they?).
As I said, let's not argue about or against the person (clarette), but about or against the content of her post: is this site about helping traders trade better or about helping the sponsors get more customers? Clarette says it's the latter. The moderators say it's the former. Let's discuss about the content.

No no no! False dichotomy. It is relevant that there are other agendas at work besides "traders helping traders", but that was not the main thrust of my post.

The content of my post can be summarised as follows:
- the skills relevant to long term fundamental based investing are not relevant to day trading
- successful day trading requires developing several skill sets to a very high level
- without these skill sets a trader will not profit in (very fast, very liquid) markets
- the thread starter does not have the knowledge and skills required, and will lose if he attempts to day trade (and therefore from a professional posture should not do so)
- these skills can be developed, but only by sustained personal effort and correct thinking, not by attempting to share on an Internet board
- there are very few successful traders on this site
- therefore the thread starter is advised to Do His Own Thinking in Isolation as he will not learn how to be a successful trader by listening to the Opinions of Members here.

I hope and expect that this answers your question.
Yes, it's a concise summary and useful to get back on topic. Also, it shows there was a lot of content. So at least we're back to discussing the content of the post instead of who posted it. Thanks, once more, because I found it interesting. With my (incomplete) summary I was attempting to highlight and talk about the part of your post that interested me the most.
Re: Gift for a Fool

In your opinion ccclarette, who are the 5 posters we should pay attention to? Would Trader_Dante feature in your list?

I am aware that I am fighting a pointless rearguard action however I have chosen to give up some time on Christmas day in the spirit of charity. It will not take much time to say this, and it may help the thread starter and others.

I have just seen this. I will tell you the truth. I may be the only one who will. I cannot do more.

If you wish to engage in gambling then you should expect to lose money. You are quite welcome to gamble for leisure on the ponies, at the bookies, on the National Lottery, or in the financial markets to the extent you are able to meet your obligations. If this is your objective then please be honest with yourself about it.

However, I can see that you actually do wish to profit from these activities. You have no legitimate expectation of profit. You state that you are new to this, and your other posts ask basic questions about which broker to use etc. You are a beginner. This is not an offensive comment, but a statement of fact. As a beginner you do not have the knowledge, skills, and experience to profit in what is ultimately a ruthlessly competitive business. None of us were born knowing, and we all had to begin at the beginning. There is nothing wrong with this. What is wrong is approaching the market with a flippant and disrespectful attitude, expecting to profit at the rate of 10% per week without any serious commitment, impatience, greed, etc. This is not the way a professional would conduct herself, and it alienates you from the very people who could help you.

I suggest that some humility is in order. I also suggest that frivolously gambling in the markets in the way you propose shows a lack of gratitude for your wealth. It is not my place to pass judgement on this, just some food for thought. It does not bode well that you look to others for answers to the basic questions rather than taking responsibility yourself. Equally you show signs of recklessness and impatience. Do not ignore the wisdom of those who have gone before you. This post is a caution to all beginners.

You are immediately at a disadvantage as you do not have the correct knowledge of how the market works. You have not developed the skill of accurately forecasting future prices in very fast, very liquid markets. You do not know when to enter and exit trades, how much risk to take, where to exit when you are wrong, etc. Additionally, you will be subject to emotional issues when risking your capital, even in small amounts. Without the correct foundation you will not have the ability to handle your emotions and behave correctly. In short you will not succeed if you choose this route. If you wish to succeed, the market demands more. Much more.

I will tell you a little more about this website, and other similar boards. Here there are around 150,000 members. Of this amount, around five are truly expert traders. Three have been banned. One removed his posts when it was demonstrated that the membership were an unworthy rabble. An additional dozen or so have a high level of understanding of the markets. These members do not contribute for reasons which will become obvious when the content of this post is fully understood.

Of the remainder, almost none have any true understanding of the markets. Almost none are consistently profitable. There are perhaps a few dozen members at most who actually make their living from trading. It is possible to make a consistent profit in a specialised niche without a complete understanding of the markets as a whole. It is possible to make consistent profit with a purely “mechanical” system in some conditions, but this is not the same as true market knowledge. People are generally gullible with low levels of awareness and unable to distinguish the truly successful from the imposters. There are many reasons for this, however that does not belong here and is obvious to one who puts her attention on the subject.

New members – aspiring traders – are not told any of this. Other members have been appointed as “forum guides” or “trading advisors” or “moderators”. None of these people are consistently successful, proficient, self employed full time traders. However, these titles have a suggestion of authority – and those who do not know better will believe that these forum titles qualify the holder to give advice. These titles are not awarded according to some measured, objective, criteria signifying competence in trading. Due to these factors it is almost impossible for the naive aspirant to distinguish between those with something of value to contribute and other beginners.

I will give you an example. At one time this board had a charity spreadbetting account. After much ado, the collective membership lost half the account and the project was quietly shelved. None of the contributors were proficient enough to make correct profitable trades for charity. The few who could chose not to due to the way they had been treated in the past, or because they were banned, or both.

Beginners who recognise they are beginners are perfectly okay. Beginners who believe that they are advanced and in a position to dispense advice to other beginners are nothing short of dangerous. If you continue with this thread you will be inundated with fruitless suggestions to use indicators, change “timeframe”, vary your bet size, trade (or not trade) at different times of the day, subscribe to services, attend seminars, pay for mentoring, choose different (supposedly “easier”) markets, and other nonsenses.

Nearly everyone here has an agenda, an opinion, and an ego. There are the good natured people who genuinely wish to help (but may cause harm through well intentioned but incorrect advice), there are salesmen, there are arrogant small minded people with ego issues, there are those who intentionally disrupt, and there are the owners and staff who have an interest in all this continuing as is.

This website is not about “traders helping traders”. Instead it is a vehicle to enrich the owner, staff, and advertisers at the expense of the membership. The site makes its money from adverts. The adverts are placed by entities who provide “services” to members. With the exception of bona fide brokers who deal with clients on an execution only basis, all of these “services” involve profiting at the expense of the members. The bucket shop brokers and spread betting bookies make money when members lose on their trades, and by offering worse prices than the real market. The vendors offer a service to people who will pay more than it is worth through ignorance. Paid mentoring is a scam as the mentors do not know, and the correct teaching is so valuable that it would not be sold by those who do know.

If all of this is done honestly I see no problem. The market involves the proficient being enriched at the expense of the derelict. I also have no entitlement to a soapbox here. The site owner is not required to publish my views. I am not making unfounded accusations or suggesting anything improper – simply explaining that there is an entire industry devoted to separating aspiring traders from their money, and that this site makes its revenue from advertising provided by such an industry. As a result the owner has no incentive to improve the quality of the membership here, only to increase the quantity of membership to generate more page impressions. This is business.

What is generally missing from the daily discourse here is a genuine desire to learn and improve, humility, respect, and manners. Instead we have greed, impatience, arrogance, rudeness and disrespect.

In the past, expert traders who wished to help others attempted to share the results of their years of experience, diligent work, and creative insights with the membership in order to help those who truly aspired. The collective conduct of the membership was disgustingly uncivil, and the website owner and his staff did not deal with this. As a result nothing of value is shared here. The members who behaved badly got exactly what they deserved.

There is no merit in herd behaviour. There is no virtue in seeking comfort in shared ignorance with others. If you are able to critically examine what this website is and is not, and assess for yourself the merits of engaging in discourse with the membership here, you will have learned something valuable indeed which will assist you in your journey to become a trader. These are the people who lose. To be successful you must learn why they lose and how to take their money. The market always needs cannon fodder. Understand yourself, and understand the sheep.

In trading, almost all of the time, the outcomes are decided in advance. Therefore the outcome of almost any trade can be known in advance almost all the time. The truly expert traders can predict where price will go next, repeatedly. Without this ability you are guessing and gambling. This ability takes years to develop. It cannot be learned by everyone.

Those who have earned this ability get it right nearly all the time. Days without losing trades. Months without down days. Specialisation in a chosen instrument and the ability to deal size when conditions are correct. These experts can recognise other experts, the proficient, and the amateurs by their conduct. I have never spoken with any of the five traders I mentioned earlier, but I know they are all true experts by what and how they post. Newbies cannot be expected to have this level of awareness, and are apt to be misdirected.

In summary:
- You do not know how to day trade successfully
- If you risk capital when you do not know you are gambling and will lose
- Your losses will go to the disciplined, ruthless, skilled, professional traders
- While the correct knowledge is a prerequisite, trading is a skill and the ability must be earned through personal effort – it cannot be transferred
- The correct knowledge can be discovered – this requires isolation and independent thought
- Those who know how to trade will not take you in hand and show you everything
- The masses who do not know how to trade will offer incorrect advice
- I will be attacked for this post by those who cannot trade

I only said it would be the truth, not that it would be pleasant. Please take the time to evaluate this and be honest with yourself. It may save you a very unpleasant journey, emotionally and financially. Do not seek excitement that you cannot ultimately afford. The good news is that the market is available to all who aspire – this provides the profits for the successful and the opportunity to succeed to all.

I sincerely hope that you all have beneficial realisations after reading this. Don’t be a fool. Don’t be a sucker. Merry Christmas.
hi split, hi options, seasons greets 😀

just a quick point about the "hijacking" issue of a journal.

this is ok for now as i have already been in contact with john_almighty, when he is ready to start his journal proper we'll work with him to move all this out to a side thread, or move the whole thing leaving john to start afresh, whatever he is happy with really, i think that about covers that.

Further to LM's comments, anyone wishing to start a journal in the future might find the following useful . . .

The Trading Journals forum is unlike any other public forum on T2W. Each journalist (i.e. anyone who starts a journal) has some powers of moderation to ensure that only approved members may contribute to their journal. These moderation tools may be accessed when the journal is first started. Beneath the main ‘Post New Thread’ window, is a second window entitled: ‘Additional Options’. (This is the window used to attach files - typically charts - to a post.) There are six categories with blue headings, the last of which is entitled: ‘Thread Privacy’ and contains two optional radio buttons to click:
O ONLY allow replies from users on my CONTACT list
O Disallow replies from users on my IGNORE list
See the panel outlined in red in the graphic, below.
Thread Privacy Options - Trading Journals.jpg
These two options give you a lot of control over who may or may not post to your journal. If you check the top button to only allow replies from users on your contact list, you’ll need to advise members early on in your journal (ideally in the opening post) that this is your policy and to contact you via PM or e-mail if they wish to be added to your contact list. Checking either (or both) radio buttons will require you to manage actively your contact and ignore lists.
I like owner's decision to publish post #2 (as there were some negative comments regarding forum here). IMO that's the best way to give people opportunity to see all the views and form their own.

Also liked part from post #2 (answer to john_almighty eagerness to start day trading). I mean that's a most charitable thing ccclarettte658 can do.
John needs help (no offence intended) – he talks about small caps, oil, FX different time frames etc. All this and expectation of 10% profit a week.
Is this a joke? If not, that's the way to disaster IMHO
Hello barjon

I quoted your message to me on this thread. I did so to demonstrate that the T2W moderators did not have issues with what I wrote. As you can see I have been personally attacked on this thread for being frank. The screenshot was deleted by your colleague LM. I am sorry if this caused any misunderstandings.

In my view I wrote a helpful and honest post for newbies. I was attacked for it. My motives were questioned and it was suggested that the moderators might have something to say about it. You thanked me for making a truthful post, and I thought it only fair that other contributors be made aware of that.


I should make it clear that the "truths" I applauded (or intended to applaud) were those that you had made concerning trading and not your swipe at T2W which, as Tim has pointed out earlier, was full of inaccuracies and worse.

It is good to see that subsequent discussion has centred on your comments about trading and not those spurious comments about T2W.

In penning this I know that I run the risk of opening up a debate about the merits or otherwise of T2W but this it not the place for that. So, I give everyone fair warning that any such posts will be removed - open a new thread in T2W Feedback for that discussion if anyone so wishes.

no problem, we all know the score, and I thank you for proving the point
I like owner's decision to publish post #2 (as there were some negative comments regarding forum here). IMO that's the best way to give people opportunity to see all the views and form their own.

Also liked part from post #2 (answer to john_almighty eagerness to start day trading). I mean that's a most charitable thing ccclarettte658 can do.
John needs help (no offence intended) – he talks about small caps, oil, FX different time frames etc. All this and expectation of 10% profit a week.
Is this a joke? If not, that's the way to disaster IMHO

No, it is not a joke.. you seem quite knowledgeable to tell me how foolish my ambiitons are and comment about my inability and knowledge of the markets mentioned.... Incase my first post wasnt clear.. i even titled the journal as that of a fool...

You sound like a good trader.. just for my knowledge.. could you let me know what markets you trade and how much profit you make on a weekly basis...
Re: Gift for a Fool

In your opinion ccclarette, who are the 5 posters we should pay attention to? Would Trader_Dante feature in your list?

What I actually said was
Here there are around 150,000 members. Of this amount, around five are truly expert traders. Three have been banned. One removed his posts when it was demonstrated that the membership were an unworthy rabble.

I am not providing a list of "who to pay attention to". The purpose was to illustrate that the overwhelming majority of T2W members, including the staff, are trading novices (by which of course I mean they are not highly experienced, battle hardened, professional traders who get it right nearly all the time and can determine the future price progression in any market). Therefore it may not necessarily be productive for a newbie to start day trading immediately while starting a journal which will include the opinions of those who cannot trade.

I leave this as an exercise to develop your own judgment. I think it may even be a prerequisite of trading success to be able to determine hoo is hoo, u c?

Yes, indeed. If you cannot tell hoo knows unowot then you really ought not to be trading at all. It is is screaming at you, just like PodG says.

To answer your question, I did not have the member known as trader_dante in my contemplation when I referred to the five truly expert traders. I hope and expect that this satisfies your curiousity.

I have just looked. It appears that trader_dante teaches an exclusively mainstream "system" borrowed and adapted from a gentleman who posts on another bulletin board.
Further to LM's comments, anyone wishing to start a journal in the future might find the following useful . . .

Thank you for making us aware of this feature.

How unfortunate that this feature did not exist when SOCRATES was writing his Plain Vanilla trading journal. Then he would not have had to suffer the persistent rudeness, off topic comments, and other nonsenses from those who ought to be doing nothing but paying attention and giving respect to their elders and betters. Additionally, those members who displayed the correct conduct and had the ability to progress further could have enjoyed a civilised discussion without the aforementioned nonsense from ignorant amateurs.

I suppose it is encouraging to see that technology is keeping pace and therefore these features are now available. I can see two instances where it would be useful:
- a group of members, known to each other, wish to discuss at a high level without interruption from those who cannot participate constructively (the fortress)
- removing the odd poster who persists, despite warnings, in derailing the thread (the stick)

Unfortunately I have a prediction of how and why it will actually be used. A tool to restrict dialogue to those willing to toe the party line, to other members who are similarly situated with a similar frame of reference, and the unquestioning sycophants. As a result constructive commentary will be reduced as action can be taken against those who venture to contradict the majority popular opinion.

It has been suggested that I should start a journal. I must admit that the existence of this feature is allowing me to seriously consider the possibility....