Two guys were enjoying a warm, sunny day on the golf course and they were doing pretty well. As the day wore on they saw two women who were ahead of them on the next hole. This was a problem because the women were more interested in talking with each other than in playing, so they slowed the guys down.
After a few more holes went by, the men decided one of them should travel the distance to the next hole and politely ask the ladies if they could speed things up.
So one of the guys walked the distance but before he could get their attention he suddenly turned back and re-joined his golfing buddy. When asked what happened, the guy said “One of them was my wife. And the other one was my mistress.”
So the other guy said “Ok, I’ll go ask them to hurry things along.” As the 2nd guy was walking the length to the next hole, he quickly turned around and came back to his friend. Then he announced, “One of them was my wife. The other one was my mistress.”