Best Thread Joke of the day

The Greens are forming an alliance with Sinn Fein and Cornwall has declared independence.

Meanwhile Nick Smegg and John Cleese are going head to head in the race to be next Prime Minister....
Gordon Brown has promised to keep one eye on the Economy and one eye on the Immigration problem.

I can't help but notice a major flaw in your plan there, Gordon.

I see that since John Higgins has been suspended from snooker, he's had to get a part-time job at Specsavers.

He's sh1t at changing lenses but apparently he's amazing at fixing frames!
Samantha Cameron has given husband David permission to have "anal sex" for the rest of her pregnancy.....on the strict understanding that Nick Clegg always wears a condom.
Officials at Ascot have postponed racing indefinately while they try and work out on the new alternative voting system the winner of the first race from last weekend
Robin Hood was lying in his death-bed.

He called his merry band together to wish them a fond farewell and nominate his successor.

After a tearful farewell and a kiss from Marion he announced that Little John would be the new leader and they should continue with his charitable work.

John stepped forward and thanked Robin for everything that he had done and asked what his final wish was.

Robin asked for his bow and an arrow and to open the window.

With some effort he pulled back the bow and let the arrow fly.

"Bury me where the arrow lands" he gasped and fell back dead.

So they buried him on top of the wardrobe.
Re: Life v Computer

Sad *******... :-0


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Last night I felt sorry for the Hypnotist act I went to see,his grand finale was to hypnotise 7 men at once.Unfortunately he tripped and stabbed himself in the eye with the microphone and yelled out "f**k me" in pain.What happened next will haunt me forever!