Jezek5's FX Trading Journal.

Re: Aussie daily.

Looks like its in full breakout mode if we don't hold right here.
I see traders on threads all over the place trying to sell this
so i'm thinking i might be a bit crazy but if my calculations
are right then there is no sell point until 1.0350 to 1.0450
at least.
Will add more thought and reasons to this later.

First target hit.1.0350.
Looks a little weak thismorning but only
the very short time frame.


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Re: Swissy Daily

Stopped out at BE on balance.glad i took some off the table.
Back looking to short.
I don't see this going much higher.

Could not believe that spike up yesterday,
Hope nobody bought into that,
Not going to say where i got short
because it will look like i'm showing off.


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Take profit stop hit at 9170 for 90+.
Done till next week.
Looks like it might be turning up,don't know,don't care.
9230 is the level to watch.
Re: Fiber Day & 1 hr

Bought this at 4095 and it was running up nicely until bloody Bollock head Bullard
opened his big gob.As if they're going to raise rates.Out BE.
Posted this elsewhere today-

bullard => QE will be removed by returning balance sheet to a normal size over time - Policy rate is approaching levels associated with moderate expansion - Expects 2011 US growth projects to be 'reasonably good
So what is normal size balance sheet.
Since qe 2 started the fed has perchased 70 %
of all trsys,who's going to buy from them.
Plus all leading economic indicators all rolling over .
Lets see how "reasonably good" growth will be
without the fed backing everything.......
Flat but still looking to get north.

Got long again at 4115 after a nice rejection of the lower
daily bar support.
Closed today at 4210,not got a clue where to next.
Done for the week i think.
The levels at play are of course are very very clear.
4050 to 4220.


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Re: Fiber Day & 1 hr

Got long again at 4115 after a nice rejection of the lower
daily bar support.
Closed today at 4210,not got a clue where to next.
Done for the week i think.
The levels at play are of course are very very clear.
4050 to 4220.

Well blow me ,Both levels hit in one day,and i took it off.
I see Swissy is sitting right around 9230 as well.
I might have to reconsider trading NFP day next time.

Don't trade it but the backwardation situation is
really intriguing me.
It's in full breakout thismorning,as long as 36.61 holds
then first target is 39.80 and then up towards 44.
Doesn't look like it will even pull back below 37.00.
These calculations are on daily and weekly charts.
Current price 38.30.
Swissy 15 min

I don't trade MT4 accounts,this is just a demo one.
9230 still the only number to watch on Swissy.
Closed half for 30 pips.
Forgot to say,first target is 9190.
After that 8900 in next week or so i guess.


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Price is at 4235.
i might be wrong but i think we need to go back and test
the 4175 to 4130 zone before we move much higher.
15.25 uk time
Re: Fiber

Price is at 4235.
i might be wrong but i think we need to go back and test
the 4175 to 4130 zone before we move much higher.
15.25 uk time

Just playing a demo short,need to get below 4220
to get this moving,not showing off just testing a theory,
please don't follow the trade,no real money at stake.


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Re: Fiber

Price is at 4235.
i might be wrong but i think we need to go back and test
the 4175 to 4130 zone before we move much higher.
15.25 uk time

OK,first taget hit on that demo short,i've covered all at 4175 price,
it still looks a little heavy thismorning,i think i will be looking for scalp shorts
on my live accounts from somewhere around here,4200.
Re: Swissy 15 min

I don't trade MT4 accounts,this is just a demo one.
9230 still the only number to watch on Swissy.
Closed half for 30 pips.
Forgot to say,first target is 9190.
After that 8900 in next week or so i guess.

Swissy hit 9190 target almost to the pip,closed another half there,
BE stop hit on the rest.
Back to looking to sell around 9230 again,i feel like a stuck record.

Note...Tuesdays have been really aweful lately,shame because
they used to be my biggest banking day.
Re: Fiber

OK,first taget hit on that demo short,i've covered all at 4175 price,
it still looks a little heavy thismorning,i think i will be looking for scalp shorts
on my live accounts from somewhere around here,4200.

got short at 95
63 next target.
40 should be the bottom.
Re: Fiber

got short at 95
63 next target.
40 should be the bottom.

Houry close above 81 and i'm out.
Edit...Hour closed 78.
Short and targets still on.
I'm not play $ strenth here,i'm playing euro weakness.
Cable long was the correct play here but i cocked up.
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Re: Fiber

Houry close above 81 and i'm out.
Edit...Hour closed 78.
Short and targets still on.
I'm not play $ strenth here,i'm playing euro weakness.
Cable long was the correct play here but i cocked up.

Covered for 18 pips.
This is another one of them poxy Tuesdays,
so far at least.

I watch lots of forums boards for entertainment,it never fails to amaze
me how traders get so uptight and start shouting at each other.
I wonder how their trading really works out and how uptight they get when
things go wrong.
One thing is for sure,the people on this aircraft are glad it's not one
of those type of persons in the cockpit.
I love watching this,although there is a better one where you can hear
the pilot and co pilot chatting.
Must try and find it later.
Re: Fiber

Covered for 18 pips.
This is another one of them poxy Tuesdays,
so far at least.

Haha,is this where i should be jumping up and down and cursing and swearing,
63 target hit without me on it,thats just the game though isn't it.
Looking for the next play.
55 looks like it could hold but still looks bloody heavy.
Re: Fiber

Haha,is this where i should be jumping up and down and cursing and swearing,
63 target hit without me on it,thats just the game though isn't it.
Looking for the next play.
55 looks like it could hold but still looks bloody heavy.

55 held a treat,looks like we're getting ready to light the after burners
for a run north,
first stop 4205.
then 4235.
Re: Silver.

Don't trade it but the backwardation situation is
really intriguing me.
It's in full breakout thismorning,as long as 36.61 holds
then first target is 39.80 and then up towards 44.
Doesn't look like it will even pull back below 37.00.
These calculations are on daily and weekly charts.
Current price 38.30.

Only a dollar to go to first target,sqeeze them shorts.
Gold looking really punchy as well.
Re: Fiber

55 held a treat,looks like we're getting ready to light the after burners
for a run north,
first stop 4205.
then 4235.

one more push to 4235,maybe over shoot to 4255.
I'm in this live and demo.
edit...Thought we'd get more follow through,
closed most of live trade for 40 pips BE on rest.


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Re: Fiber

one more push to 4235,maybe over shoot to 4255.
I'm in this live and demo.
edit...Thought we'd get more follow through,
closed most of live trade for 40 pips BE on rest.

Closed at 30 for a run of 60 pips live and a bit less on demo.
Done for day.
Silver just tagged 39.00 not far now.