Jezek5's FX Trading Journal.

Fiber 1 hr,4 hr & Day

So looking at fiber if you didn't know about all the problems with Portugal today
you would probably say this is just a healthy pull back.
The short term target of 4300 may take a bit longer
to get there but i feel we should still make it.
On the daily 4070 & then 4040 should hold the down move.
The levels are almost the same on the 1 hr,
i've posted a 4 hr as well to see the levels clearly.
Will be looking to long around these points.


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Re: Fiber 1 hr,4 hr & Day

So looking at fiber if you didn't know about all the problems with Portugal today
you would probably say this is just a healthy pull back.
The short term target of 4300 may take a bit longer
to get there but i feel we should still make it.
On the daily 4070 & then 4040 should hold the down move.
The levels are almost the same on the 1 hr,
i've posted a 4 hr as well to see the levels clearly.
Will be looking to long around these points.

So got long at 4065,booked most of the trade at 4200 dead,
just a little bit left on with stop at 4130,looking for 4155 to hold
for the next push up,feels good when it goes to plan.


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Swissy 1hr & Daily

Played the Swissy to the short side today,full at the time
commentary was posted on the us/chf thread at FF,
covered for 58 pips.
Looking at the hourly i see we're back up to res again,
i think i will again be a seller around 9085 to 9115 depending
on PA at the time.
Still need to break 9009 to get the downward momentum going.


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Re: Kiwi,Day & 1 hr

If we clear 7430 we should test 7515,looking
for a pullback to get long.
Missed a great entry at 7355 overnight.

Still hoping for a pull back to around 7425 to 7450
depending on PA,bit pissed i've missed all the action
on this pair,Friday tomorrow so might have to wait
for next week unless a scalping opportunity comes up.
7500 looks like it will hold the up move until we've tested
the mid to lower 74's.


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Not a pair i normally look at but was brought to my
attention by an ausse trader who uses it to guage the
strenth of the aussie.
She then uses that information to trade the au/us,
it does seem to work.
Looking at it,it looks like a techi's dream,i'm going
to track the daily for a few weeks to see if i can
get anything out of it.


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Re: Fiber 1 hr,4 hr & Day

So got long at 4065,booked most of the trade at 4200 dead,
just a little bit left on with stop at 4130,looking for 4155 to hold
for the next push up,feels good when it goes to plan.

Stop missed on that drive down but it looks heavy to me
so going to pack up for the week.
Closed at 4160.


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Re: Eu/Au

Not a pair i normally look at but was brought to my
attention by an ausse trader who uses it to guage the
strenth of the aussie.
She then uses that information to trade the au/us,
it does seem to work.
Looking at it,it looks like a techi's dream,i'm going
to track the daily for a few weeks to see if i can
get anything out of it.

4 hr starting to look interesting.
Might be a play next week,not sure which way yet though.


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Swissy daily.

The to bottom range is pretty clear. 9225 is the top,the old
bottom of the last range,i would almost certainly be a seller if we got up near there.
8925 is the bottom and as you can see we have a fib expansion at 9009 therefor 9000
is a place i would be watching PA closely for it to continue down or a bit of a rally.
With everything going on this weekend i'm pretty sure i will be just watching on Monday
but you never know,not sure of a direction yet.

So here we are back where we started,PA early in the week should
should give me an indication as to which way next,leaning to the
short side i think.


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Aussie daily.

Looks like its in full breakout mode if we don't hold right here.
I see traders on threads all over the place trying to sell this
so i'm thinking i might be a bit crazy but if my calculations
are right then there is no sell point until 1.0350 to 1.0450
at least.
Will add more thought and reasons to this later.


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Eu/Au Day & Week.

I gave up smoking this week and am thinking it might be affecting
my thought proses.
I don't think the slopping green trend line is valid.
Short term downside targets 3680 and then 3500.
I'm thinking there could be a 1000 pips to the short side from
where we stand today.


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DX Daily.

Still bearish on the dollar below 76.50,daily closes above
that level would have me rethinking everything,
I just can't see how it could.Will add more later.
Three year son tugging at my leg.


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Fiber ,Monthly,Weekly,Daily

Still looks bullish to me,the little red crosses are where all the so called
experts claimed the euro is finnished and should drop.
Maybe we repeat that again this time.
Closes on the daily above 3900 give me upside tagets of
first 4360 to 4440 and if we clear that say hello to 5000
at least.
Although i'm not sure how that ties in with my thoughts on Eu/au,
the great thing about putting your thoughts down in a journal i guess.
Might be rethinking that eu/au trade,will post more on it later,
just noticed something.


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Re: Swissy daily.

So here we are back where we started,PA early in the week should
should give me an indication as to which way next,leaning to the
short side i think.

Daily & 1 hr,price action on the 1 hr for the entry could not
have been been better if i had hand drawn it,got in on marked
sort of pin bar,part profit taken and part still open with stop at BE.


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Re: Aussie daily.

Looks like its in full breakout mode if we don't hold right here.
I see traders on threads all over the place trying to sell this
so i'm thinking i might be a bit crazy but if my calculations
are right then there is no sell point until 1.0350 to 1.0450
at least.
Will add more thought and reasons to this later.

Aussie got as high as 1.0312 before pulling back,not sure but we
might need to retest 1.0150,the daily close looks a little bearish.


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Re: Fiber ,Monthly,Weekly,Daily

Still looks bullish to me,the little red crosses are where all the so called
experts claimed the euro is finnished and should drop.
Maybe we repeat that again this time.
Closes on the daily above 3900 give me upside tagets of
first 4360 to 4440 and if we clear that say hello to 5000
at least.
Although i'm not sure how that ties in with my thoughts on Eu/au,
the great thing about putting your thoughts down in a journal i guess.
Might be rethinking that eu/au trade,will post more on it later,
just noticed something.

Looking to at least retest the top green line after testing the bottom green line.
Need 4100 to hold on the hourly and i will buy.
This looks like its setting up to move higher.


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Aussie & Kiwi daily

Strange day,the last few Tuesdays felt a lot like Wednesdays.
These 2 were the stars of the show.
Flat on both,a little unsure at the moment.
Might look to buy a pullback intraday for a scalp tomorrow.


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Fiber Day & 1 hr

Bought this at 4095 and it was running up nicely until bloody Bollock head Bullard
opened his big gob.As if they're going to raise rates.Out BE.
Posted this elsewhere today-

bullard => QE will be removed by returning balance sheet to a normal size over time - Policy rate is approaching levels associated with moderate expansion - Expects 2011 US growth projects to be 'reasonably good
So what is normal size balance sheet.
Since qe 2 started the fed has perchased 70 %
of all trsys,who's going to buy from them.
Plus all leading economic indicators all rolling over .
Lets see how "reasonably good" growth will be
without the fed backing everything.......
Flat but still looking to get north.


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Swissy Daily

Stopped out at BE on balance.glad i took some off the table.
Back looking to short.
I don't see this going much higher.


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Re: Swissy Daily update

Stopped out at BE on balance.glad i took some off the table.
Back looking to short.
I don't see this going much higher.

Well it felt a bit uncomfortable but i got short at 9230, sl 9255.
See how it plays.
Re: Swissy Daily update

Well it felt a bit uncomfortable but i got short at 9230, sl 9255.
See how it plays.

OK,closed the trade for a small profit.
Not going to post for a while until i work out whats going on
with a problem i've had thismorning with 1 of my computers.
I have 4 and the 1 i use for posting both here and on FF were attacked.
Was not logged on to here so i'm sure its a FF problem because i was logged onto there.
Thankfully i only use this computer for testing new systems and posting and twitter and stuff,but it looks like they came in thruogh FF because all other pc's were fine.
Maybe i'm being paranoid but then my last job was world wide F1 security so its inbuilt in me.
****ing ******s.