James Edward - Complete Currency Trader


Hi guys,

I don't know if anyone saw the presentation from James Edward on Tuesday evening. Certainly his $3997 course that he was pushing was out of my league, but has anyone managed to download his free MT4 settings?? I've tried, they work on Weekly and Monthly time frames, but nothing else!


Hi guys,

I don't know if anyone saw the presentation from James Edward on Tuesday evening. Certainly his $3997 course that he was pushing was out of my league, but has anyone managed to download his free MT4 settings?? I've tried, they work on Weekly and Monthly time frames, but nothing else!



I bet that he doesn't pass the million mark profits for real trading but it is easy to fool 250 newcomers to pocket 1 million.
I bet that he doesn't pass the million mark profits for real trading but it is easy to fool 250 newcomers to pocket 1 million.

I,ve just seen his second vid.The info he puts into these 2 vids is good solid info and should be learnt by anybody who wishes to trade the forex market but i do not belive for one minute he is a trader, what he is is a very good salesman.However i,ve just seen the price that he wants for his software.£10,000 .No way would i pay that, i suppose some will and if anybody does please let us know how you are doing.Currency strenghs can change rapidly the same as price can, be very wary of this type of software and remember a currency strength meter will basically do the same job in my opinion.This James Edward if that is his name, and we have no way of knowing is very kindly offering a 21 day free trial,mind you you have to pay up front and will refund up to 21 days if you are not happy .I asked him for the software up front and for a free 21 day trial and if i was happy i would consider buying. No reply as yet,and i do not expect one.Good Luck.
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the same old stuff , just different form of picture. better off use currency heat map or currency strength meter. James 60% rate of winning? forget it, doesn't meet my expectation