J. Christoph Amberger

Moves after a sideways market go up or down vertically as far as the sideways chart went horizontal.
It always takes longer than you think for a reaction to occur.

note from TheBramble: in my experience, it either takes so much longer than you expect that you forget to keep checking - and miss it, or it occurs so much more quickly, you're still working out 61.8% when your stop gets hit...
Use 20 percent stop-losses on equities and 35 percent on options.

note from TheBramble: Children, don't try this at home.
Trend lines work better than support and resistance.

note from TheBramble: ANother one that deserves its own thread.

Any reason why you decided to have 9 pages of almost individual posts as opposed to just one with a list of the one liners ?


Any reason why you decided to have 9 pages of almost individual posts as opposed to just one with a list of the one liners ?

Yes Paul. If I had just listed them in one post, many who have yet to master the skills of focus and concentration would have simply skimmed them and not derived benefit from as many as they may otherwise now do.
Monitoring insider buying is the best, easiest way to determine if a tech stock will go up in value.

note from TheBramble: MrC - do you agree? I know this is an one of areas of specific expertise.


Insider buying has different meanings on both sides of the pond.
Over here it means buying/selling on undisclosed information, usually privileged and is illegal though as common as parking on yellow lines. Penalties similar.

Over on the other side of the pond it simply means directors, senior staff trading company shares and is obviously not illegal.

As to your question, it depends. Sometimes directors are appointed on the understanding they commit to the company by buying stock. Insignificant normally.
If however several board members are frequently building their holdings (or that horrible word "growing") then that might be more significant for position traders or investors.
There are all sorts of other factors to consider such as whether sales are merely to raise money for tax or departed wives and so on.
Actually the "tip" has the sound of the pre-2000 tech. boom.
Paul, I think Tony has a point. Most readers of threads have the attention span of a lobotomized gnat and anything longer than one sentence makes the blinds come down.
Richard, my apologies if it read as if I was suggesting insider trading was ‘your thing’ (though I’d personally consider it a badge of honour and a genuine accomplishment if I could add it to my arsenal of trading), - I was in fact referring to the tech sector which I know you tend (or tended?) to have a fair selection of ‘under review’ at any given time.
Dear BamBam,

Just trade to win by one rule; buy low and sell high.

It's much more fun.
Beste heer Clown, I do not necessarily fully subscribe nor do I not not fully subscribe to any or all of these in part or in full. I was merely providing them ‘as is’ for the further edification and interest of the huddled masses that is t2w.

Thank you for your kind thoughts and sound advice which is, as always, much appreciated.

For those that may be wondering just how we determine when is low, low; and when is high, high – I direct you to The Dutch Corner where this gentleman will show you how.

Any reason why you decided to have 9 pages of almost individual posts as opposed to just one with a list of the one liners ?

It has just occurred to me Paul that you probably have the default display settings. If you set your forum display to 40 posts per page (I think that’s the max), larger threads are far more manageable. This one only take up 2 pages. It also means means you have to click less often and get less ad impressions too. Sneaky eh?