I've found the holy grail of trading systems at last!


Active member
OK, I think I've got it!

Pretty much I have become so adept at selling at the top of the market and buying at the bottom my 'system' is simply do exactly the opposite of what I do and you'll make yourself a millionaire in weeks!

Who wants to sign up to my live trading service? It's quite simple, when I buy you sell and when I sell you buy.

Of course I'll have to move into the poor house, but hopefully they'll have broadband so I can keep up my loosing streak and make you all rich beyond your wildest dreams!
OK, I think I've got it!

Pretty much I have become so adept at selling at the top of the market and buying at the bottom my 'system' is simply do exactly the opposite of what I do and you'll make yourself a millionaire in weeks!

Who wants to sign up to my live trading service? It's quite simple, when I buy you sell and when I sell you buy.

Of course I'll have to move into the poor house, but hopefully they'll have broadband so I can keep up my loosing streak and make you all rich beyond your wildest dreams!

....then we can spend more time with our family 🙂
If you're seriously having problems then post an example of your trades and maybe someone can give you some pointers.

Are you saying you're selling at the top, getting stopped out and then it goes down?

If so two options 1 Have larger stops (hmmm not great)

2 stop pissing in the wind, go with the trend

personally a lot of my trades are buying new highs/selling new lows.
Just having a bad day and thought I could make some of you laugh! It wasn't a serious post or a cry for help, but many thanks for your offer foredog.
2 stop pissing in the wind, go with the trend

This is just about acceptable...........

Against the wind
We were pissing against the wind
We were young and strong, we were pissing
Against the wind

This is not acceptable.........

Against the wind
I'm still pissing against the wind
Well I'm older now and still pissing
Against the wind

Adapted from Against The Wind ( Bob Seger )
pissing in the wind, all we do is **** in the wind...

Adapted from Dust in the Wind by Kansas
OK, I think I've got it!

Pretty much I have become so adept at selling at the top of the market and buying at the bottom my 'system' is simply do exactly the opposite of what I do and you'll make yourself a millionaire in weeks!

Who wants to sign up to my live trading service? It's quite simple, when I buy you sell and when I sell you buy.

Of course I'll have to move into the poor house, but hopefully they'll have broadband so I can keep up my loosing streak and make you all rich beyond your wildest dreams!

its funny how we can be so loser and get into this inverse matrix mode. I was in this super mode last month, and now still slowly recovering.
OK, I think I've got it!

Pretty much I have become so adept at selling at the top of the market and buying at the bottom my 'system' is simply do exactly the opposite of what I do and you'll make yourself a millionaire in weeks!

Who wants to sign up to my live trading service? It's quite simple, when I buy you sell and when I sell you buy.

Of course I'll have to move into the poor house, but hopefully they'll have broadband so I can keep up my loosing streak and make you all rich beyond your wildest dreams!

Unlucky mate, I remember one day a while back I accidentally sold Gold instead of buying it, thought I'd just close it straight away and lose my twenty quid, but the little fooker went with me into profit straight from the point I pulled the trigger and once I'd stopped laughing I watched for twenty minutes then took the 120 quid.😱

To be serious if you've got a series of losing trades (perhaps five in a row) something might be wrong. Having said that so long as your losses are tiny and the series of losses is spread across 3 different indices/sectors etc it's no biggie. But if you were, for example, getting a losing steak of five on one indice (perhaps crude) one after the other then something is very wrong IMHO.