Itonis and Paco oil and Gas

I'd love to come to that lunch, you think he'll pay for me as well? I won't order the lobster 🙂
hi ricky here sorry to hear of some very substantial losses i was very fortunate with dealing with a mike clark at ims they managed to get £1500 out of me i brought restricted shares in paco oil and gas and were they pressuring me to buy more i said to them when i see a return on my original investment i will use that ... they didnt like that!! these people are scum !!!!!!
I invested in Itonis some time ago and the share price was very volatile. Unfortunately I missed an opportunity to get out when I was in profit so have hung on wit little joy.

However, today I was contacted by Hugo Neu Corp. Mergers & Acquisitions equiring if I was still a holder of Itonis. They say they are involved with a third part who is interested in purchasing all the outstanding shares at approx $2 per share.

Does anyone know of these people?
If so do you regard them as a reputable company?

hi rickky here i think you will find that if you had tried to get out you would not of been able to i spoke to the fsa the other day and they said beware of these companys as they all work together and the will tell you we can sell your shares at ten times their value blah blah its all waffle ring up the financal services tommorow and firstly check if this company is regulated i think you will find its a scam beware!!!
I too am in the same position, the a......e who conned me was a guy called Scott Bates from IMS. At one point I got cold feet and rescinded the funds, but by then I had the first certs sent direct from Texas via FedEx so bought some more. However i saw the light when they asked me for more money to cash them in, so at least rescued some of my hard earned cash
I have a guy from Williams de Broe on the case. Not sure it is all over yet. Must be patient. It might warrant atrip to Texas and alng wait after the 144 period has elapsed.
i brought shares in paco oil and gas last year i managed to get the restriction lifted by sendthe worthless certificate to global century transtfer in mississugma canada turns out the shares are not even on pink sheets there in a thing called a greymarket?? dont know about greymarket certainly grey day i aint seen a penny back ps i got a new certificate back without the restriction rule 144 ???? think they are still worthless..