Island Reversals

Richard - I rarely see the reverse H&S - perhaps down to my mind-set. Maybe I need to turn my monitor upside down! :eek:)

I still use the spreadsheet that uses David Schultz's research occasionally - depends on whether it is s time when there are a lot of them around. I don't think that the statistical research for H&S tops is directly transferable to H&S bottoms - but I still take them into account if I spot them.

Regards, Roger
You might want to take a look at BLT, Island reversal in place by looks of it as long as it doesn't fill the gap down.

Thanks ID. Nice 2 day island close to resistance. Multi day islands tend not to be as reliable as 1 day islands, but worth monitoring none the less. This would not have been detected by my scan - maybe need to rewrite it to pick up multi day islands. Now to test out Martin's chart cropping instructions!


  • blt181101.gif
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mmmm 2 day Island?..... My understanding of Islands is that there only needs to be a gap between close and 2 day reversal, I think you are taking the High to next day's Low as being the criteria.I can't say it's wrong, I just haven't read about it.... I'm sorry, I haven't done any more work on the Islands...I guess when I do, I should see if there is any significance between using close/open to high/low.
A quick TA rule refresher wouldn't go amiss here- Each stock has it's own personality. BHP's "gapping" personality may be that it's Island reversals follow a close/open rule, as opposed to a high/low.....examine the last three top reversals......
Glad you got the chart posting sorted.
Multi-day island reversals are sometimes quite powerful patterns.
In effect they are upward exhaustion gaps meeting longer term resistance. In large cap stocks with heavy institutional involvement it takes a little longer for such players to decide whether to reduce holdings. It does look like there is some distribution in this stock, but I would be wary of taking too large a short position without further verification over the next day or two.
Remember also that SETS sometimes produces hi/lo extremes far from the VWAP - ie those extreme prices might not be very significant - and this distorts daily bar charts

According to JJ Murphy:

'The exhaustion gap on the upside followed by a breakaway gapto the downside completes the Island reversal pattern and usually indicates a trend reversal of some magnitude. Of course, the major significance of the reversal depends on where the prices are in the general trend structure'

Hi Richard

You were talking about multi day island reversals.I knew i'd seen one somewhere.its just happened on VRSN on the Nasdaq and looks very good on a 60 minute chart.
Thanks Alan,
An excellent example of a multi day reversal
Richard ;-)


  • vrsn.gif
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How easy it would have been to be long overnight at $46, only to gap down the next morning :( Still, for those TA aware, it's not the GAP/Island structure here that was important- it was the ominously glaring, jump out of the wall Head and Shoulders!