I've been out today. But seems like the markets got all panicky. I guess without seeing any of the news that this is because of the Libya situation and fear of contagion to Saudi Arabia. Oh, just heard it's because of an oil supply disruption. Amazingly my OILW.L ETF in my ISA account was only up 0.6% today, which is pretty rubbish considering spot oil is up 5+%.
I noticed another strange occurrence with my spread betting firm when I got home. My Barclays trade was closed by the firm even though it didn't hit my stop loss and then they reopened it but didn't reinstate my stop loss or target. Very strange, and very dodgy! As I was left without a stop loss during the markets biggest down day in ages. Fortunately Barclays did well considering, but I'm not happy about that as they exposed me to unnecessary risk.