PM'd you
I answered but not sure if it replied...let me know if you got it. But I might add a strategy that might work well given the situation is a covered LEAP.
Example...look for something with a lower IV rate and buy in the money calls for MAR or APR and sell front month calls against it and roll every month for credit.
Easy to get 20-30% return on capital per month. Risks are that volatility expands and price rises at the same time..... it may look like a loss until you roll up and out.
You can roll down in the same month if price moves against you but beware of getting too the inversion becomes the risk minus credit received.
Look to roll in the last 5-10 days to expiration.
This allows you to use 2 transactions to put on a trade and then one per month thereafter to manage it. And if you can do 10 contracts and that's just one're gonna kill it.
Look for liquid ETF's maybe to avoid earnings and dividends...maybe lower volatility ranges. maybe oversold or beat down. (TLT sneaks in dividends but they are usually small)...but they need to be very liquid or you won't be able to trade the back month efficiently.
It's a bullish play to be sure but you are reducing your cost basis a lot every month....or you can do the opposite on the put side but it plays a little different. Play them either way as a vertical but the long call is in a month very far away giving you lots of time to collect premium on it.