No the blog was about Traders and gold options, and how CB, FED etc manipulate the market or are just lucky ie: Karen
Personally I see your calls are kinda weak, your UNG position for example: the bid is 5 cents the ask price is 22 cents, if you have to immediately cover the position for any reason, you will take a massive hit. And there is no volume, you will get burned if you have to cover that, your risk to gain ratio is 5:1 you have no real clue on the direction of it... Your calls are like saying maybe gold wont be at 1600 by November .
P.S He did speak on intellect 🙂 But I agree back on topic...😍
a: The mid price is .10 and last was .10 I would probably give up 1-2 cents getting filled.
b: why would I want to cover it immediately, selling options puts time on your side. I don't cover losers...I manage winners and risk.
c: Open interest is over 700...should be no problem getting a 1 lot filled. And again I don't cover losers...I reduce deltas...and if it was being tested there would be tons of volume and open interest and tighter market.
d: I don't play directionally...I play probabilities. I don't care which way it goes and I'll be right 84% or more of the time. This is the magic of options that is lost on many.
These are all 1 standard deviation picks that are the bread and butter of option traders and are in highly liquid ETF's.
Anytime you are risking 5 to make 1 in options your probability of profit is going to be wrapped around 80%. Anytime you risk 1 to make 5 your probability of profit will be the inverse...20%. Again this is the bread and butter of options traders. Example...A vertical credit spread out of the money with the short strike at about 30 deltas that is 1$ wide you will be risking about .70 to make .30 and be profitable over 70% of the time in derivatives with Implied Volatility ranking at or above 50%. If you take profits at 50% max profit you increase your probabilities to around 85% and can move on to the next trade.
I can manage my risk at entry any number of ways by off setting risk or capital requirements with offsetting positions...for example....a vertical spread, iron condor, strangle, etc.
Saying gold would be below 1600 by NOV expiration is not a relevant comparison as that would be like 9 standard deviations and there is NO market there.
But I can tell you that a 1 standard deviation in gold futures (/GC) by NOV would be 1275....and that is actionable information that can make you money consistently.
If you were going to set parameters for your little challenge you should have set them forth from the getgo.
I couldn't give a rat about direction, fundamentals, price action, technicals, support levels, magic 8 balls, reading of entrails, abandoned dojis, hanging babies, famous guru picks, etc..... unless something looks beat down or over extended I might look twice. All I care about is volatility, liquidity, duration, know...option stuff.
You or anyone else can make any pick you want and if it fits my criteria I'll fade it with an option strategy...And manage winners early 80% of the time and neutralize losers or roll them until they are winners.
woooo I'm wild.
Probability based option trading is not about being right. It's about getting paid....even when your not right.