Is Technical analysis bullshit ?!

Hey Donny,

When you do me in, I'm hoping you know where to shoot 🙂


You don't even know what the hfrx global hedge fund index is comprised of yet you flaunt it like a cave man discovering fire.

That index doesn't cover all hedge funds and it doesn't even cover all funds, its based on a selection of strategies for hedge funds that follow those stretegies in the purest form, and who reports monthly. Hedge funds might have 20 funds and this index will only have 1 of them listed given it meets the rules of the index and is weighted on the allocation of assets. Does this look like its representative of an industry as a whole, only to morons it seems.

Clearly you know Jack 5hit about trading because it takes intelligence to onboard information and derive opportunities yet all I see from you is bull5hit baffling brains. It is vibrantly clear, the level of content you publish pulls down the site quality such to such an extent that it looks more like a zoo, than a place for market discussions. Shame on the mods for not banning you to the gutters but I guess the low foot traffic here these days calls for an open door policy, trash and all.

I thought you said you were not going to respond no more? That you had written me off - as has everybody else here? 🙂

Solution = meetup in London, view trading records, eat, drink, be merry 🙂🙂 Like the Trendline cited above, sooooooooo easy but nobody will do it. It resolves everything

Bring Violet.
You don't even know what the hfrx global hedge fund index is comprised of yet you flaunt it like a cave man discovering fire.

That index doesn't cover all hedge funds and it doesn't even cover all funds, its based on a selection of strategies for hedge funds that follow those stretegies in the purest form, and who reports monthly. Hedge funds might have 20 funds and this index will only have 1 of them listed given it meets the rules of the index and is weighted on the allocation of assets. Does this look like its representative of an industry as a whole, only to morons it seems.

Clearly you know Jack 5hit about trading because it takes intelligence to onboard information and derive opportunities yet all I see from you is bull5hit baffling brains. It is vibrantly clear, the level of content you publish pulls down the site quality such to such an extent that it looks more like a zoo, than a place for market discussions. Shame on the mods for not banning you to the gutters but I guess the low foot traffic here these days calls for an open door policy, trash and all.

Here's what you don't know because you just came on to the scene. The attacks against Fibo come this way ........... from day #1 in May this year

First 3, then 2, then 1, then 3, then 2, and then 1 ............... same pattern always. And in every case they were all wearing Trenchcoats - inside the coats there were men - inside the men there were psychological scars from Fibo. 🙂

Not a single one of them had the courtesy to bring a horse for me. It does not matter no more as they all brought two too many each time they came in threes

2:28 (did you bring a horse for me?)

Hey FXX, no need to feel bad that you wasted your life thus far on the wrong side of the "integrity" tracks. Ripping off investors and clients can cost you dearly in terms of your personal trading. You will have to make up for the damage to others one way or another. Hedge Funds are the biggest rip off artists in existence and they all go to the gutter sooner or later.

Quit now and do some community service - serve a soup kitchen for the homeless for example. Let the filth you've accumulated from your rabid profession clean itself out.

In a couple years or perhaps less, you will be able to return to TRADING and will not have the hindrance of the SuperNatural exacting a stiff penalty on you.

Get to it, amigo. Stay away from Hedge Funds and other scammers like all the gang on YouTube. This is a journey we do ourselves, alone. We are solo warriors. The best warriors use TA exclusively. All retards, no exceptions, use Fundamental analysis exclusively

The main advantage of TA is that it don't matter how much guys like you might fudge the income books or the balance sheets and cook up whatnot lies and bs. YOU will never be able to lie about the OPEN, LOW, HIGH, CLOSE, Volume. That's all the Edge I need - its pure unadulterated Antioxidant - the Devil and demon circuits are locked out.

Kappiche? Go do your amends now. Report back to me in 2 years
lets face it ......all trading is bulls**t ....unless you are making consistent money ......

so if one cannot cut it..... then go elsewhere theres thousands of ways to make easier money than trading .....

lol, okay snowflake, whatever floats your boat. That 8 percent equates to 3.2 billion return on the 40 billion fund. Keep flouting trailing the market with returns like that. you are only making yourself look bad

Dearest FXX:

Freebies for you:


Never follow Hedge funds or Central Banks. The only thing worse than these cats are politicians. Both are very herd-like and load up like crazy just when an extant trend is about to reverse bigtime and catch 'em all on the wrong side and dish out heavy punishment. Who suffers? Only the investors - the Hedgies have already gotten their millions in fees for doing flat out zippedy do dah. duh!


Technical analysis is like Kareem Abdul Jabbar, Karl Malone (aka Mailman), Michael Jordan, Magic Johnson, Larry Bird, Ronaldo, Ronaldinho, Michael Owen from decade ago.
If a hot trade that has gone one's way and then suddenly stalls and gives away a lot of profit, but still profitable, the TA team looks to the Tools mentioned above for salvation. The team mentioned above is an indicator-less team, they're all straight Price Action.

There is however one such tool, a pure price action tool, not mentioned in the above list. that's because he and only he demonstrates the power of Air and Water (freebies of Earth) with aplomb. He be Pele and a reasonably close 2nd, about 100 yards behind would be Johann Kreuff. Both these are Kids with a #2 pencil and ruler...

(3) Without TA its akin to entering a one-legged man butt-kicking contest

(4) FA is defeated right at the starting gate by high probability lies, shenanigans etc., - TA does not suffer from this malady as everybody knows technicians are all dumbph*cks so its no point messing with any truths, esp. open, close, hi, lo and Volume.

That is why the TA guy is set for Life.


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Nice one, FXX. 🙂🙂🙂🙂🙂 Now you're standing up. Don't stop. Keep it up. Believe me, you do not want to go the way of the rest of the forum sissies' IGNORE Fibo. Don't do it, FXX: here's why: 95% of respect is lost when one places Fibo on Ignore and then comes back like so many have already with, "every once in a while I'm curious to see what the hullabaloo is and lift Fibo off of Ignore" The result: they get fondled and molested and run back to the Ignore button. But they never escape - they keep coming back.

If ou believe I'm on Medication 🙂🙂🙂 imagine what they're on!!!!!

Tomorton is due for a return any time now.

counter-violent is so hooked on Fibo I've calculated his returns to say some sh*t to me to follow the Fibonacci Sequence to a T. (1,1,2,3,5,8,13,21,34, ........................ )🙂

I tool 6 pills, smoked 2 Bombay Black hash cigs, drank 4 glasses of red wine for the recent move in your own backyard (GBPUSD) and buggered every single one of you repeatedly and you all loved it cause you came back for more

Go type in GBPUSD and fibo_trader and view the posts

but for now, behold the sheer poetry of GOD empowering Fibo with sheet simplicity and basic-basic strut power

GBPUSD daily trendlines not only got one out nicely but now get validated when GBP rushes up, hits it and then reverses


The song of Technical analysis? All I want for Christmas is YOU, my beloved TA

Oh my oh my oh my .................... what would these lost souls say if/when they ever got around to to really studying and digging into their own currency (GBP) - I mean really getting down to basics? they would be soooo shocked that even Uncle Don would come out and say, "Fibo you now have 45 lifetimes to neutralize future bans"

Just go to monthly, weekly, daily, 4H, 1H GBPUSD and measure every single one of the waves anywhere anytime anyplace and observe the following

all waves of the GBP have a standard relationship to each other and always follow the following sequence

a projction of the first rise gives the height (wavelength) of the next wave as 161.8% or if exceeded, 261.8% to a maximum of 423.6%.
The 5th wave is 85% of the time exactly equal to the first wave - when its not, then you take waves 1+3 and project to get a perfect 61.8% as the destination arrival point for Wave 5

GBP is not even my own currency yet I know more about her than all of you combined and dig this to the power of e to the power of 100

That's TA, a foreign language to all of you here. You just will not take the time to learn the Grammar

How adept is Fibo at the tools of the golden Ratio? Hardly matters. Its where he is going that counts and that be to the stars, the heavens, like so ......................

Behold just ONE, just one small one, just one so tiny feature of TA on your own currency in recent GBP rally from Sept 3 to Dec 13

This is their own currency, Don, that they know nothing about but they will gladly shoot the American for blasphemy for showing them these secrets. They will cry cry cry to ban the American permanently.

Now measure wave 1 to the top of wave 3 (obvious), then place grid on the wave 4 low and note how wave 5 ends at 61.8% and especially the long wicks confirm the resistance zone of the golden ratio? Can you dig it?

How often do we TA guys do sh*t like this? Every damn day!!!!!! How much better can it get? Infinitely better as Big Fibo is only on the beginning road. The Devil tried to knock Fibo out on pages 1-10 of the thread in my signature - but he failed. Then malaguti came and tried the same. The Devil was laffffing his ass off that anybody would be so foolish to think they could have the ability to knock Fibo to his ass. ROFLMAO

Take me disappearing thru' the smoke rings of my mind
Down the foggy ruins of time, far past the frozen leaves
The haunted frightened trees, upto the windy beach
Far from the twisted reach of crazy sorrow

Thank you. Reliable lessons come only from comparing like with like.

ROFLMAO! Tom its been 21 days now. A Fibo number. If you don't hug me now, I'll have to wait for the 34th day, the next station. Try to fulfill the Scriptures, Tom. If you like you may bring Saddam Hussein to the party. I can then ask Barack Hussein Obama to join us. One big happy family.

While you're jumping around trying to figure out your own currency and stuck in the alveoli of the leaves, here's a bigger picture

see how GBP is following my script perfectly? Can still correct to 23.6% after a nice arrival at 38.2% and after getting slammed at 61.8% as shown by the perfect hit and big wick. that green line tom be the 200-wk ema - I've had a lot to say about this 200-wk, Johnny.

I will see how the correction goes and prepare you for a likely hit to 1.4470 - you can make 450k on this move on your 25k bankroll.

Load up Johnny Ringo and wait. They say Patience is a virtue in a BEAR market.

Donde esta el magnicfico campion de TA?

Esta aqui en el junglo, Lacondan para ver un Jaguar

Iran attacks US sites, oil spikes, US futures all over the place, down 400, paring and whatnot. I don't give a fck. This then is a live test of TA

LIVE TEST OF TECHNICAL ANALYSIS is bullshit ...... Crude Oil .... testing 1 ... 2 ..... 3

Every hobo knows that Oil is spiking so for someone to come out and say they are LONG Crude oil is a Duh! So fck that. I'm going to put TA to the test for THE REVERSAL

(1) Trendline on the current rally northbound from 10/3/19 still going strong as shown (red). Cannot draw a 2nd trendline just yet as there is no hook. so this is where we trend surfers have to put out the big brass balls and WAIT.

(2) Andrew's Pitchfork axis is already hit - it is huge resistance and i just under a Fibo level 38.2% (64.27). Right above that is a Fibo 61.8% (65.49). The dashed FIBO red line is at 66.43

(3) Moving higher is the 61.8% (70) and Fibo red dashed line at 70.48

(4) way above is the gold yellow Fibo 100% line which is a wave equality line 74.77

That middle of the Price action is the Wave B triangle - when projecting for Wave C from a triangle, both low of pattern and final wave "e" of the triangle work - but only one is the correct one.

Since this is IMHO a countertrend rally, I am ignoring TREND etiquette and will therefore think reversal if the purple 1H TL is taken out and then reconsider when Crude arrives at the 200-pd ema on 1H.

One of the suspect reasons to take profits if 1H TL is taken out is the wave grid of the rise from October 3. We have a perfect Wave Extension hit (not to be taken lightly).

See the red grid with the perfect hit at the right edge of screen at top. A perfect hit like that can produce a 5-wave small fractal move down which would be the signature of a reversal but it ain't happened yet.

So overall, the 1H trendline is the the stoploss line. If it holds and Price rockets higher then of course there is no reversal in sight until the higher Fibo levels.

My original feeling was that Crude should go to $70 but then one must give considerable respect to current resistance at the Gold Ratio shown in chart below. this is why I would bail if 1H got taken out

Reminder there is no trade here, this is a TA test because Crude is in the News

See daily below for formidable 61.8% resistance

Back therefore to the thread title: Is TA total bullshit?

Now how would Fundamental analysis have helped me at all? It would not. It is not a timing mechanism. and there is too much stuff to examine, way too much, too many angles and all of them generally useless becaseu at any given moment everything known to Man is figured into the equation of Price - everything except for acts of God and George Bush and now donald Trump.

So therefore if one looks at jobs like for example sitting in an office working as an engineer and so on, one has to do work work work every day every week God knows for how long and its 8 hours per day.

This Crude oil analysis here has a monthly on the left, a weekly on the right of 1st monitor and 2 dailies on the right monitor. Real time 1H only for the emergency trendline to skiddadle with the profit and run to a bear cave and enjoy.

But the entire work takes perhaps an hour and you're good for ONE FULL YEAR - thereafter just a few seconds or a minute or 2 glance at the chart each day and go about your other stuff as income is auto generated by your position trading.

No News per se, just from the point of view of keeping abreast of world events. that's it. Otherwise its all Price.

TA is the only way to go for me. To each his own.
For the fellows who trade Crude Oil for a living, just remember that the drop from October 2018 to the low on December 24, 2018 is a motive wave. that is, it is an impulse wave. this means that everything that came thereafter is a corrective wave and it shows clearly becasue of the convoluted mess of the triangle and so on.

How stunningly perfect is the Motive way drop from October to December?

It notonly has the required 5 internal waves but also the wave relationships are bloody perfect with wave 3 = 161.8% x W1 and Wave 5 = Wave 1. this is standard wave action, no surprise to me.

But I'm still young and brash and make mistakes and get f****** here and there but to almost lose my shirt like I did at the start of my visit to T2W on pages 1-10 of my thread, it ain't ever going to happen again. I leaned the lesson well.

That's it.

We wait and see what donald Trump is going to do for entertainment. don't need the stuff except for entertainment. the real deal is Price. He be the boss. At the very most donald could only be Price's butler, nothing more.

TA = ultimate chariot
Iran attacks US sites, oil spikes, US futures all over the place, down 400, paring and whatnot. I don't give a fck. This then is a live test of TA

LIVE TEST OF TECHNICAL ANALYSIS is bullshit ...... Crude Oil .... testing 1 ... 2 ..... 3

Every hobo knows that Oil is spiking so for someone to come out and say they are LONG Crude oil is a Duh! So fck that. I'm going to put TA to the test for THE REVERSAL

(1) Trendline on the current rally northbound from 10/3/19 still going strong as shown (red). Cannot draw a 2nd trendline just yet as there is no hook. so this is where we trend surfers have to put out the big brass balls and WAIT.

(2) Andrew's Pitchfork axis is already hit - it is huge resistance and i just under a Fibo level 38.2% (64.27). Right above that is a Fibo 61.8% (65.49). The dashed FIBO red line is at 66.43

(3) Moving higher is the 61.8% (70) and Fibo red dashed line at 70.48

(4) way above is the gold yellow Fibo 100% line which is a wave equality line 74.77

That middle of the Price action is the Wave B triangle - when projecting for Wave C from a triangle, both low of pattern and final wave "e" of the triangle work - but only one is the correct one.

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SLAM DUNK! 🙂 😗😗😗😎

Is Technical analysis bullshit ?!

No! No! NO! NO!

TA is in fact a beautiful woman


see how my purple trendline gets taken out after hitting the Fibo targets mentioned in the preceding posts.

Fundamental analysis can do this? Nevermind FA, bigger and more pertinent question is, "can anybody at T2W or even ET for matter, do stuff like this?" Fck NO.

Banning is now in order. this cannot be allowed to go on. Hey I knew my days were numbered from day 1 on May 6th when I came here.

DEATH, come to Papa Fibo

The Ever willing to die Fibo
