Is Technical analysis bullshit ?!

Put the Hedge Funds back on Technical Analysis instead of Anal-ysis they have been using in 2018 and 2019 because just one example below (plenty more)

Russell Clark's hedge fund, the Horseman Global Fund, had a record bad year in 2019 after betting against the bull market. The fund plunged by 35% in 2019, its worst year ever, Bloomberg's Nishant Kumar reported Thursday. A Horseman Capital Management representative confirmed the number.3 days ago

Kid with a #2 Pencil and ruler/protractor beat's 'em all. My goal for 2020 is to be that kid.

View attachment 272400

A pointless contribution and argument. There are thousands of hedge funds, shall we paint this one with the same brush

or this one

or this

and before you come tell us all 8 percent return is tosh, 8 percent on a billion (80,000, 000)is no small return
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A pointless contribution and argument. There are thousands of hedge funds, shall we paint this one with the same brush

or this one

or this
View attachment 272408

and before you come tell us all 8 percent return is tosh, 8 percent on a billion (80,000, 000)is no small return

I'm back to tell you to look at the 3rd piece of evidence you provided ...................

...... but still trail the market - see the title of the article you provided - no need to read the rest of the article as you get shot in the foot right on line one
A pointless contribution and argument. There are thousands of hedge funds, shall we paint this one with the same brush

or this one

or this
View attachment 272408

and before you come tell us all 8 percent return is tosh, 8 percent on a billion (80,000, 000)is no small return

I ran out of deputies already. Now I'm running out of colors. See below

Massive Hedge Fund Failures ................. Investopedia

Massive Hedge Fund Failures ................. Investopedia

Massive Hedge Fund Failures .................. Investopedia
A pointless contribution and argument. There are thousands of hedge funds, shall we paint this one with the same brush

or this one

or this
View attachment 272408

and before you come tell us all 8 percent return is tosh, 8 percent on a billion (80,000, 000)is no small return

link got inadvertently deleted ................ here it is

having worked at hedge funds and investment banks alongside traders building systems for them, I can publicly state they don't use technical analysis. They use various modeling techniques and fundamentals for their trading. Technical analysis is primarily a retail trader approach to the market.

when snb removed the peg causing a black Swan. it had nothing to do with any wave, it was a reaction to central bank actions.

ROFLMAO ............... I repeat instructions formerly given ............ get them back on a strict regimen of TA.

The 2nd Hedge Fund link you provided has this factoid in it. Please read your own evidence before you go up against FIBO. Its the least you can do. Do it. Shocking that with all your professed years of experience working at Hedge Funds and investment banks and that you can publicly state this and that .............. you're shooting yourself in the foot. You can't do this and still expect to go up against Fibo. It ain't gonna work, boy.

After posting a return of 40.4% in 2014, the hedge fund experienced negative performance for each consecutive year — until 2019

i.e. 4 years of losses - therefore redemptions galore - total rupture of public confidence.

Bad, bad, bad. I'd send the Hedge fund to Iraq as penance for killing so many.
A pointless contribution and argument. There are thousands of hedge funds, shall we paint this one with the same brush

or this one

or this
View attachment 272408

and before you come tell us all 8 percent return is tosh, 8 percent on a billion (80,000, 000)is no small return

Learn boy, learn. Put on an American attitude of competency, put your suit on, your boots on, comb your long hair down and pay attention, now:

the meltdown of a multi-billion fund certainly attracts most people's attention. When such a fund loses a staggering amount of money, say 20% or more in a matter of months, and sometimes weeks, the event is viewed as a disaster

Most Hedge funds are designed and sold on the premise that they will make a profit regardless of market conditions. Losses aren't even a consideration - t
hey are simply not supposed to happen. Losses that are of such magnitude that they trigger a flood of investor redemptions that force the fund to close are truly headline-grabbing anomalies
The EVER generous Fibo will try to dig up a performance chart of the Hedge Fund Industry from I believe a few months ago. Kinda misplaced it. I remember gasping at the time I saw it, so staggering it was, such stupendous losses. I ROFLMAO-ed for quite a while because it did sure as heck appear that a perfectly simple one shot trendline from low to high would have the ass of the entire industry 🙂🙂🙂🙂🙂

A boy with a #2 pencil and a ruler could have whooped the entire trillion dollar industry.


Help me, I've fallen down from lafffffter and cannot get back up - call 911
Ball's in your court, Don. Kill 'em posts fast fast fast before tomorton reads 'em and has a nervous breakdown. To save FXX you might have to ban me.

I'm back to tell you to look at the 3rd piece of evidence you provided ...................

...... but still trail the market - see the title of the article you provided - no need to read the rest of the article as you get shot in the foot right on line one

lol, okay snowflake, whatever floats your boat. That 8 percent equates to 3.2 billion return on the 40 billion fund. Keep flouting trailing the market with returns like that. you are only making yourself look bad


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Ball's in your court, Don. Kill 'em posts fast fast fast before tomorton reads 'em and has a nervous breakdown. To save FXX you might have to ban me.


Save yourself now Don. Find a new job, this ain't worth it, you're protecting levels of stupidity and ignorance that seem to have no bottom in sight, an excruciating BEAR market. Run Don, run, get a job and save yourself.

See next post, Don. Shocking what your gang's level of know-how or knowledge is. downright shocking.
Hedge Funds: for the uninitiated here's the dope ................... Hedge funds are the Dumb Money. Their counterpart is the Smart Money - they are called Commercial Hedgers. On the COT data charts the Hedge funds are lumped together iwth small traders like new_trader who think they are smart but because they are all speulators they follow the laws of the market = all lose bigtime. The winners are consistently the Commercial Hedgers

Most hedge funds fail: their average life span is about five years. Out of an estimated seventy-two hundred hedge funds in existence at the end of 2010, seven hundred and seventy-five failed or closed in 2011, as did eight hundred and seventy-three in 2012, and nine hundred and four in 2013.Jul 31, 2014

According to a Capco study, 50% of hedge funds shut down because of operational failures. Investment issues are the second leading reason for hedge fund closures at 38%. When break down everything that can go wrong, operations makes its case for number one.

whining like a drama queen, most businesses starting out fail but that doesn't mean businesses are a bad idea.

commercial hedgers in that report manage business risk where exposure to price volatility can harm the business, it has nothing to do with your assumption. Don't bother responding because I am not wasting a second more on your BS
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whining like a drama queen, most businesses starting out fail but that doesn't mean businesses are a bad idea.

commercial hedgers in that report manage business risk where exposure to price volatility can harm the business, it has nothing to do with your assumption. Don't bother responding because I am not wasting a second more on your BS

You should see it's other calls. Gold apparently is going to $700 an oz, which is an amazing call given that gold production cost is way over $900 an oz. 🙄 🤣

Some people just cannot be helped !
whining like a drama queen, most businesses starting out fail but that doesn't mean businesses are a bad idea.

commercial hedgers in that report manage business risk where exposure to price volatility can harm the business, it has nothing to do with your assumption. Don't bother responding because I am not wasting a second more on your BS

You got whupped real good. Next time you go up against me, at least do your homework. You'll still lose but at least you won't earn my disdain for lack of effort

The Ever generous Fibo 🙂
You should see it's other calls. Gold apparently is going to $700 an oz, which is an amazing call given that gold production cost is way over $900 an oz. 🙄 🤣

Some people just cannot be helped !

Yeah baby. Its other calls are here, right here. 🙂🙂🙂 You're going to get repeatedly ravished if you keep this up. My appetite is insatiable.

Gold related analysis and calls are right here ............. so easy to see and read and evaluate, but one has to remove the fog of hatred to evaluate otherwise all is lost. Best way of course is a meet-up and view trading records. But this you don't have the guts to do. ROFLMAO
whining like a drama queen, most businesses starting out fail but that doesn't mean businesses are a bad idea.

commercial hedgers in that report manage business risk where exposure to price volatility can harm the business, it has nothing to do with your assumption. Don't bother responding because I am not wasting a second more on your BS

Uncle Don,

Run, run, run, run as fast as you can. Drop these deficient fellas who know zip and go to America. Find a quite place by the Lake somewhere and enjoy. these cats will kill you quick just by virtue of contagion of aberration 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂

Don, see chart below and have a good laff after reading FXX's comments and position in this thread 🙂

Hedge Funds are a terrible idea, boy .... they are a bunch of worthless punks ripping off clients for hefty fees and providing zip in exchange. You said you WERE/ARE one of them - your statement, not mine. Rip off artist with loads of experience, hahahahaha

Hedge Funds: Still Fleecing Investors with Expensive Mediocrity




Help m, I've fallen and can't get up from all the lafffter 🙂🙂🙂🙂🙂
You should see it's other calls. Gold apparently is going to $700 an oz, which is an amazing call given that gold production cost is way over $900 an oz. 🙄 🤣

Some people just cannot be helped !

Good idea, let's have a look at its other calls - here's one, and the link gives all of them

Here is just one, hugely pertinent to today's Gold price action as it speeds to my 2nd target call wayyyyyyy back last year - see dates below 😗😗😗😗😗

Like this trade (hugely profitable) and this magnifico call that hit one target of $1520 already and is headed even today to my ultimate target of $1612? Unlike YOU, my stuff is all documented right here in real time with the date/time stamp of T2W. Anybody have an issue with T2W date/time stamp should take it up with Sharky. 😗


SLAM DUNK! on 2 aspects ............. a massively winning trade AND the suspicion that it was just a 3rd wave and we go on toward my ultimate targets of (see within quotes)

$1,520 = hit
$1,612 = in process

Uncle Don,

You cannot expect to win if you keep sending these types of deadbeat soldiers to take me out. Can't you do better? Is there not a single fella in your army who can step up to the plate and challenge me?

Its getting to the point at breakneck speed that you will have to ban me, not for bad language and forum rule breaks, but just for being here and making your army look really and truly bad and incompetent.

Love you, Don, just messing with you 🙂🙂🙂🙂
You should see it's other calls. Gold apparently is going to $700 an oz, which is an amazing call given that gold production cost is way over $900 an oz. 🙄 🤣

Some people just cannot be helped !

Yes, let's have a look at its other calls all up in the link in above posts but here's another stunner .......................

especially note the observation about new_trader's lifetime investment in gold in 2013 he put evry penny of his nest egg in Gold and sat thru' an entire drawdown for 3 years and is now yapping that he is profitable. he lost his entire net worth 4 times in 2013-2016. The market now has not even gotten up to where he got killed. That he is still alive is therfore due to the fact that he is playing DEMO not real money.

see (3) below in quote



Summary of my Gold trade and CALL in direct opposition to ............

(1) The entire CENTRAL Banks worldwide

(2) The entire world of Small traders and Speculators worldwide -

(3) new_trader who has his entire life savings in Gold (203oz) + Silver (2020oz ). He states, Gold is going to be my "Jesse Livermore" trade...I will either go bankrupt or make a killing...although I'm not using any margin, I'm buying outright... "
Read about it here in posts #410 & #411 in Journals ..... .......................


August 27:
Post #814 .................. GOLD LONG trade is now CLOSED ................... $1552.3

August 27:
GOLD position is now 100% FLAT. NO Short has been opened. Resting now and breathing the sweet perfume of trading success.

August 27:
Gold has been in a bear market rally since Dec 2015. Its been a sideways up process, a clear corrective pattern which includes a "B" wave. That is my stance. Therefore the entire upwave bear market rally will be thoroughly neutralized and we will head to my target of $700 over the next few years.

August 27:
All I know right now is that FIBO stands alone closed out his LONG positions while the rest of the world every single mother's son including most central banks are LOOOOOOOOONG Gold and swearing it will go to $5000.
Fibo is as usual all alone, no friends, they are all on the Gold wagon. Gold sentiment of the crowd is soooooo optimistic its at 94% bulls

Sept. 9: Gold is now down by $40 since I SOLD. Its going my way as my call is eventually in a few years it will be at $700, then buy buy buy. I have not gone short yet.

Sept. 9: News is now out in circulation that the SMART MONEY aka Commercial Hedgers has reached historic record SHORT positions in Gold. For the fellas who have no clue who these commercial hedgers are, read up on the subject and go see the COT charts. This means that when I sold my GOLD position it was near the time when the SMART MONEY had the largest short postions in Gold, EVER. So if Gold continues down it will not surprise me becasue History suggests the Smart Money Commercial Hedgers are rarely if ever, wrong. So we wait and see.

This video just in my mailbox again today ....................

The GAMES in GOLD begin NOW

Hide and watch!

Good luck to all players. I've made my massive profit already and am on the sidelines now waiting to go Short when I get a good signal. Will post the entry when it happens.

Violet? Come to daddy now and kiss me. ROFLMAO

By now everybody has figured out that after all the times you put me on IGNORE its never going to work. Fibo has gotten to you bigtime and in your blood now, baby.

Want to continue or will you come now nice and subservient and kneel before Zod? 😗 😗 😗
What are the most common market analysis methods, the most used and the most effective ?

Is Technical analysis bullshit ?!

Dear Don,

Do you see why its almost impossible for me to find a true bottom for T2W? Every week some new thread shows up that confirms T2W's BEAR market is ongoing and nowhere near a bottom. Heck I can't even find a 4th wave which if I did, it would at least tell me the end is coming soon, so it still looks like we're in for continued nasty weather.

So, after getting sidetracked by deadbeat dads, I return to the original auditing question: Is TA bullshit?

How can it possibly be when even chapter 1 of TA 101 works like magic and is a standalone system. Why nobody here at T2W will EVER use it? Because in the bigger scheme of things, the psychological angle, not a single one WANTS to succeed - in fact they actively want to FAIL.

Behold the Dow JOnes on weekly: crash of 2008 baffled everybody but one tool alone came out ahead of all others by a wide margin. Its of the same order of magnitude as AIR & Water. This cat is the Air and Water of TA. His name is stunning. He goes by the name of Trendline and is so hated by every single loser here, it itself is a friggin mystery 🙂🙂🙂🙂🙂

start of crash and end of crash cott by The Master weapon

You don't even know what the hfrx global hedge fund index is comprised of yet you flaunt it like a cave man discovering fire.

That index doesn't cover all hedge funds and it doesn't even cover all funds, its based on a selection of strategies for hedge funds that follow those stretegies in the purest form, and who reports monthly. Hedge funds might have 20 funds and this index will only have 1 of them listed given it meets the rules of the index and is weighted on the allocation of assets. Does this look like its representative of an industry as a whole, only to morons it seems.

Clearly you know Jack 5hit about trading because it takes intelligence to onboard information and derive opportunities yet all I see from you is bull5hit baffling brains. It is vibrantly clear, the level of content you publish pulls down the site quality such to such an extent that it looks more like a zoo, than a place for market discussions. Shame on the mods for not banning you to the gutters but I guess the low foot traffic here these days calls for an open door policy, trash and all.