TOTW Is it possible to feel no emotion when you win or lose a trade?

1. You clearly dont have what it takes to be a trader if you cant finish what you started.

2. Have you considered the possibility that other people might be different to YOU? :-0 Just because you have problems managing your emotions (its usually your mothers fault) doesnt mean other human beings do. 🙂

Could you be professional about it?

If you think about , most of the content on psychology is by forum members , who are not professional psychologists .Most of the psychology threads here leave much to be desired .

I understand different people have different biology , different people have different levels of emotional and stress tolerance .It is a subject I have studied
postman 18,000 posts £300 acounts after 12 years , should be on a £100k account by now.
What went wrong?

Dark Tone : multiple demo account displays

You can not feel emotions on tarding , it is lulz money , nothing lost .
... .It is a subject I have studied

Thats the problem, we know and study the current understanding of the mind.

If you'd studied psychology 300 years ago you would be telling anyone who listened how Trepanning was THE way to go in dealing with 'bad spirits'.
100 years ago you'd be spouting Freud and I'd tell your mum you were a naughty boy and you would stop.

You are a product of your upbringing and education, your ideas reflect the zeitgeist of psychology, try to abstract yourself from your studies and widen your view.

Or carry on trolling, its up to you. 😆
Thats the problem, we know and study the current understanding of the mind.

If you'd studied psychology 300 years ago you would be telling anyone who listened how Trepanning was THE way to go in dealing with 'bad spirits'.
100 years ago you'd be spouting Freud and I'd tell your mum you were a naughty boy and you would stop.

You are a product of your upbringing and education, your ideas reflect the zeitgeist of psychology, try to abstract yourself from your studies and widen your view.

Or carry on trolling, its up to you. 😆

No Discussions with inhouse trolls!😆😆

BTW "Everone is product of their environmental upbringing " , you have not managed to get out of your £300 loss comfort zone , how can tell anyone about trading psychology?

A problem traders often face is progressing forward .Once a certain comfort level has been attained, it can be hard to break out of the comfort zone.

Think how you will behave with large accounts , because your comfort zone is only £300 .
Could you be professional about it?

If you think about , most of the content on psychology is by forum members , who are not professional psychologists .Most of the psychology threads here leave much to be desired .

I understand different people have different biology , different people have different levels of emotional and stress tolerance .It is a subject I have studied

You wanted a serious discussion then when someone presents an opinion followed up with facts you ignore it and attack the individual.

Classic troll behaviour!
You wanted a serious discussion then when someone presents an opinion followed up with facts you ignore it and attack the individual.

Classic troll behaviour!

I am having a discussion , being professional about it (not rude , insulting or anything like that ), I listened to your opinion and acknowledged your wisdom.

Then I saw something wrong about you.I mentioned it.
I am having a discussion , being professional about it (not rude , insulting or anything like that ), I listened to your opinion and acknowledged your wisdom.

Then I saw something wrong about you.I mentioned it.

Well thankfully 'you' dont get to say what is right or wrong you just have your opinion with the limited knowledge you have on the subject.
Dark Tone : multiple demo account displays

is that ill take it as a compliment thanks 😉

search on google videos with words suffering / ego / self
This guys a little bit 'Woo' a little bit 'Way'


He's mastered the art of Trolling by not trolling. 😉
You wanted a serious discussion then when someone presents an opinion followed up with facts you ignore it and attack the individual.

Classic troll behaviour!

Men are strong so long as they represent a strong idea they become powerless when they oppose it. Sigmund Freud
Thats the problem, we know and study the current understanding of the mind.

If you'd studied psychology 300 years ago you would be telling anyone who listened how Trepanning was THE way to go in dealing with 'bad spirits'.
100 years ago you'd be spouting Freud and I'd tell your mum you were a naughty boy and you would stop.

You are a product of your upbringing and education, your ideas reflect the zeitgeist of psychology, try to abstract yourself from your studies and widen your view.

Or carry on trolling, its up to you. 😆

Analysis does not set out to make pathological reactions impossible, but to give the patient's ego freedom to decide one way or another. Sigmund Freud

Finding out your profit $100 more than you had thought it would be is a pleasant surprise—but finding out it is $100 less is not just a bit of a letdown, it is infuriating. People tend to be more upset by a loss than they are pleased by an equivalent gain, a phenomenon known as loss aversion.

Social scientists have shown time and again that loss aversion happens in all sorts of situations, from yearly bonuses and supermarket sales to life-and-death medical decisions. We hate to lose what we have, or expect we will have, far more than we like gaining something extra. As well established as loss aversion is, however, it remains unclear what mental processes are behind it.

In economics and decision theory, loss aversion refers to people's tendency to prefer avoiding losses to acquiring equivalent gains: it's better to not lose $5 than to find $5. Some studies have suggested that losses are twice as powerful, psychologically, as gains.

its possible to be indifferent about winners and losers foroom. Its possible to see them as the same thing. Do you still get upset taking losses?

this might help

no human is devoid of emotional responses to external influences or actions

to be truly devoid of emotion on a losing trade you would have to be either :-

1) Dead
2) Trading at a level so low regarding financial loss that it really is like losing 5 cents on a bus
3) So Stupid that you think youve won
4) Have total control and full understandng of your emotions , your Trading system and of mathematics, Statistics and especially the law of probabilty over extended sample range

ive been to 3 of these at various times so far i'd like to stay at and one i'd deffinately like to avoid for many years to come ! 🙂

Men are strong so long as they represent a strong idea they become powerless when they oppose it. Sigmund Freud

Analysis does not set out to make pathological reactions impossible, but to give the patient's ego freedom to decide one way or another. Sigmund Freud

Let me help you out here.
No one who has studied psychology quotes Freud anymore, its akin to suggesting drilling holes in the head releases harmful demons, plus it highlights your lack of knowledge on the subject.

"An Outdated Paradigm

But his legacy is a shaky one. Freud has, for the most part, fallen completely out of favor in academia. Virtually no institution in any discipline would dare use him as a credible source. In 1996, Psychological Science reached the conclusion that “[T]here is literally nothing to be said, scientifically or therapeutically, to the advantage of the entire Freudian system or any of its component dogmas." As a research paradigm, it’s pretty much dead.
Many of Freud’s methodologies, techniques, and conclusions have been put into question. Moreover, his theories have even proved damaging — and even dangerous — to certain segments of the population. "

And just to be clear, in 100 years time people will look back on our current understanding of human psychology and laugh as much as we now laugh at Freud and people who quote him. 🙂