Is automating Trading worth it?

I don't think Automated trading is something on which anyone should fully rely upon.
Yeah, you need to understand that if you Wanna survive in the Forex Trading, you need t learn how to trade manually.
We have to keep the professional activates which is really supportive to pass a long period in here. Automated trading is a shot time trading effort that can bring profit rapidly but you could not depend completely at all , from my first day of trading I have been depending on manual trading. it’s a long time process but can be trusted.

sure if you are awake 24/7 and follow hundreds of instruments on the screen ...........cant remember any human trader able to do that much

dont get me wrong - im not a full time EA trader .....but IMO they DO have a part to play in sucessful trading strategies

Yeah, you need to understand that if you Wanna survive in the Forex Trading, you need t learn how to trade manually.

you have to be a damn good trader to programme EAs and its a very good exercise to practise on yuor trading ideas

why ?

work with a decent programmer on a system and inside a few minutes you realise how little youve actually scoped ........these guys need it detailed literally down to the colour of your pants !!! - hahahah

you wont have a robust trading system you can trade manually until you try to programme it really dots the i's and crosses the t's :smart:

EA for Forex trading, we have to program EAs, I think there are many free kinds of stuff online we can download them to try our trade with them.

I have kept a close watch on new MT4 EAs and indicators and to share my experience some don't work at all and they are often the free ones. Even the expensive ones are no good. One guy was asking $30,000 for his EA and it didn't make any trades at all !
But I am an optimist and expect someone to come up with a winner sooner or later.
I have kept a close watch on new MT4 EAs and indicators and to share my experience some don't work at all and they are often the free ones. Even the expensive ones are no good. One guy was asking $30,000 for his EA and it didn't make any trades at all !
But I am an optimist and expect someone to come up with a winner sooner or later.

the banks spend millions on their Quant teams .....