Is automating Trading worth it?

All,the mirror sites are running pump and dump merchants on them......follow them if you want .....but they are there to generate volume from you on commissions and not trading profits......otherwise why not be running private hedge funds and raking it in warned

EAs are another big earner for vendors peddling dreams .......c'mon get real are buying guaranteed profits for a few hundred bucks .......seriously ?

Once a trader smells,the coffee and gets beyond this nonsense you may start the process of becoming a profitable trader

MT4 has a testing module.

A back testing an EA that you don't know anything about doesn't make sense. Sure you can get great backtest results if the EA is optimised to perform well on the old historical data. The problem is how the EA will perform on new price information from a live market
A back testing an EA that you don't know anything about doesn't make sense. Sure you can get great backtest results if the EA is optimised to perform well on the old historical data. The problem is how the EA will perform on new price information from a live market

I test the EA with various pairs and time frames. It should do reasonably well against many. Optimising I don't think is very helpful really. Conditions will be different on live prices probably.
It may be useful for some trades, but it is not at all advisable to depend on it fully. I preferably like to use Manual Trading.
I just got a great automated trading system,

The guy i got it from must be good, says he sold a beanstalk to Jack!!

Get a grip guys ...... listen to yourselves....i want a trading system that i don't have to touch i just put money in and it churns out more money every day and i can give up work!

That's been the stuff of fairy tales for ever and a day
I just got a great automated trading system,

The guy i got it from must be good, says he sold a beanstalk to Jack!!

Get a grip guys ...... listen to yourselves....i want a trading system that i don't have to touch i just put money in and it churns out more money every day and i can give up work!

That's been the stuff of fairy tales for ever and a day

You may well scoff and to be fair you will usually be right but I suspect there will be systems that will produce regular profits. Even the one I got coded up very nearly makes an overall profit.
You may well scoff and to be fair you will usually be right but I suspect there will be systems that will produce regular profits. Even the one I got coded up very nearly makes an overall profit.

sorry to be so blunt, but there are people out there scamming folk out of money to fulfill this dream.

Bet on a coin toss, bet heads all day long, hundreds of times , that will nearly make money too.
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There is no fun in having someone else investing for one.
Automation is the future.
I have just got a programming book called programming for Metatrader 4 by Andrew R. Young with a view to learn.
There is no fun in having someone else investing for one.
Automation is the future.
I have just got a programming book called programming for Metatrader 4 by Andrew R. Young with a view to learn.

Learning to program, either generally or for a financial application, is an excellent discipline and has helped me to think logically and clearly. When someone can design an algorithm sufficiently good to make me a consistently profitable trader then we may be home and dry – but I don't think we're there yet. (Okay, there's the professional HFT systems but they depend on resources beyond the reach of retail traders).

In my experience as a retail trader the value of programming is best realised in the setting up of scans. E.g. with the SP500 I can find in no time at all a basket of shares that I know will be of interest to me (i.e. I can make some dosh). I can then look at the charts and see where to go from there. When somebody can design a piece of software that will do that with the same degree of competence, I'll be seriously interested. It's unlikely to happen soon because every trader will look at a chart and quite likely draw a different conclusion – how do you program that? AI just isn't good enough at the moment. I think it's important to realise the limits of technology at any given time, but in that context to squeeze every ounce of usefulness from it. That's what I try to do.
Automation ain't necessarily 100%

Auto-trading need not be 100% (unless you want to take a purist view). By that I mean that you can automate parts of the complete trading process as you feel comfortable with.

Probably at its most basic we have all used some sort of trading automation. The display of price and volume data in a chart is an automated process. Clicking on a mouse to enter a trade is to some extent automated.

However these aforesaid functions are not decision making functions. It is this element which, I think, most people think of as being at the core of an automated trading program.

I would not advocate using pre-programmed EAs, black boxed or whatever you wish to call them. I would advocate, assuming you would like to automate more of your trading actions, to find a platform with a sophisticated programming language over which you have absolute control. Examples include Metatrader and Easylanguage.

Having mastered the programming language it is possible to look at the various trading functions and to construct trading modules. For example, one module might establish prevailing market direction and volatility. One module might determine suitable stocks for trading - a scanning module for example. Another module might determine exit criteria for existing positions, perhaps based on price levels.

Initially these would not "talk" to each other. They would merely inform you to make manual decisions, but in time as confidence grows of their efficaciousness they could be linked thus making the process more and more automated.

Some have commented on the fact that such systems cannot be relied upon over the long term - markets change. I don't think that is necessarily true. There are fundamental aspects of the market which have not changed.

Admittedly there are market cycles - areas of trending and consolidation for example. If a trading system is only programmed for one such area then it will fail at times, but a good trading system should be programmed to either cease trading when it hits situations it was not designed for or to switch modes.

For that reason a good trading system needs an over-arching control system to monitor its effectiveness and the existence/lack of the conditions for which it was designed.

So to create the 100% automated system is extremely difficult, but there is no reason why you cannot, without a great degree of work, create a semi-automated system.
I would not advise to go with Automated Trading because majorly this market moves based on the economical news announcements whereas Automated software can't help you figure out what will be the impact of that news and the Currency moves.
I would not advise to go with Automated Trading because majorly this market moves based on the economical news announcements whereas Automated software can't help you figure out what will be the impact of that news and the Currency moves.

Yes you are right. Close all positions prior to big news announcements imho.
My system went bananas over last week's rate hike.
Automated Trading System is very much confusing and thus sometimes refrain us from the profit and thus the lost profit is our loss.
I test the EA with various pairs and time frames. It should do reasonably well against many. Optimising I don't think is very helpful really. Conditions will be different on live prices probably.

Optimising the past on one pair is imho not so good as a more robust system that makes money on many pairs. The past is of course past and only perhaps a small reflection on the future. Curve fitting comes to mind. But one has little else to go on I suppose.
I don't think Automated trading is any worth in Comparison to the Real Manual Trading because here in manual trading you can analyze the market Fundamentally as well whereas in Automated it's not possible.
Binary conclusions are the most unflattering of statements for being serious about automated trading I'm afraid.

"x definitely doesn't work because I can't understand how it could, or I heard that it doesn't, and I'm unwilling to prove otherwise to myself or others."
Automated Trading System is very much confusing and thus sometimes refrain us from the profit and thus the lost profit is our loss.
Automated trading systems may be complex, but they should not be confusing. If such a system is confusing then it is badly designed. It is for this reason that it is best to design and write a system yourself and not rely on some "black box" where you do not understand its mechanism and are unable to "tweek" it.