Kiwi said:
As much as I agree with many things you say about trading I find your posting style wordy and arrogant. I think this might have been obvious to the earlier poster who commented about two egos going at it. If you don't see the arrogance and egotism then you might reread the sentence in red above and consider that similar sentences are repeated in a number of your posts.
You might also reconsider the torture you proposed when you said that someone above should read all of your posts before commenting.
On the good side, you have saved db from my criticisms. This is partly because his posts on T2W are far less arrogant than those on the earlier board but also because you have made him appear comparatively mild mannered and, on occasion, almost cuddly.
I do enjoy the content of many of your posts, especially when you have something specific to say, so, if you care for me at all, perhaps you might stay more focused?
Kind Regards,
It is not my intention to make him appear mild mannered and almost cuddly. This is a ploy he skilfully utilises to get out of corners he puts himself into as a consequence of making statements that at best flawed and at worst untruthful.
If you observe carefully, his strategy is as follows:
He makes a statement. This statement looks plausible but in fact is insidiously dangerous because it misinforms and misdirects.
He is challenged.
He does not like this.
He retorts flippantly.
He is challenged again.
He does not answer the question.
He is challenged again.
This time he waits for several posts to be made, hoping someone will derail the thread, and cause a diversion, or a distraction, whether this occurs or not, he is again challenged.
This time, his response is to attempt to divert our attention from the challenge and the proper answer it requires.
He is challenged again.
He thinks about it...But still does not answer the question.
He tries to divert the topic again, either using sarcasm, or false hilarity, or irony, or any other device to avoid answering the question directly, because this for him is an admittance of error or ignorance. This he is unwilling to do, because it dents his intent.
Now he tries another ploy. (quite funny really) He either changes the subject altogether or proceeds to reply to quesions with other questions, in the hope the challenger will get bored or embarrassed or run out of steam and give up.
But an admission of error or a reply to the original question is still not given.
Now this kind of behaviour leads me, and other very well informed people, and I have been observing and studying these tactics of his for a long time) to two possible conclusions:~
Notwithstanding the irrelevant bluster, his knowledge bank is not that great.
Because it is not that great, he is fearful of revealing it, and is in fact an information beggar, a covert information beggar.
I have on many occasions seen pronouncements he has made to all of you that I could blast out of the water easily.
I do not bother for several reasons :~
He has made me realise that he provides a very useful misinformation and misdirection service, and is able to attract victims to the market. Plentiful victims are essential to maintain liquidty and maintain order flow for the informed to take advantage of immediately. This is too valuable to be spoilt, just for the sake of saving a few people from themselves.
He is completely mesmerised by what he has read in textbooks and other out of date stuff.
He insists and persists in pushing oudated ideas not relevant to todays markets.
He likes to draw in arguments that he can manipulate, because you must understand that many people' s depth of knowledge about what he pontificates is not very deep at all, in consequence the challenges he normally meets are of little consequence to him.
Now, you take all this as you please, and then one day, when you finally evolve, you will realise that everything I say is chillingly right.