Considering you think you can't trade on a low interest loan from a Finnish bank, reconsider how successful you'll be in a prop shop where someone will be breathing down your neck pushing you to make money. Especially at first. More especially when the risk department forces you to change your risk profile to suit themselves (they only care about their own jobs, of course), making your approach unprofitable in the process and getting you fired.
Hi rawrschach,
You make a good point. At a prop firm only way I could trade would be if I was given a chance to trade my own style. I've heard prop firm managers are not big fans of that as want action day in, day out.
My target now is to get some followers on Twitter and keep public track record. I've been doing that for a couple of months now. Maybe at some point if I get enough followers and my track record keeps credible, I will start a signal service.
Track record: