How to prove a track record?


Junior member

I've been trading for a prop firm (i.e. I'm salaried, not a local) for 4 years. I'm thinking of moving soon, and have browsed a few positions on efinancialcareers.

However, all positions ask for a proven track record. How can I prove my track record? I trade the company's money, and my p/l is stored on the firm's internal databases and on reports from our clearer. I assume that my clearing reports are confidential and that I could be sued or sacked if I sent them to an agent. Also, the reports do not have a name on them. I'm just another number.🙁

Also, what sort of profitability figures do firms look for? I trade a small account and have only managed high 6 figures (sterling) over the last 12 months, though with exceptional consistency. I do not believe that I could stick another zero onto the end of my orders and make ten times more cash. I'd ideally like to work in a role that encompasses both trading and research, hopefully with a firm that can teach me a lot more about the markets.

Thanks in advance,

Most houses want to see month end statements to see your P&L swings the volumes and the commissions you have been paying, this is tangible proof that you have been trading and that you are a profitable trader.
The fact that you have not been given the leverage to reach your true potential is the sort of reason most would want to hear as to why you are looking to leave.
The fact your statement does not have your name on is a problem but most would understand as long as you could provide them with 6 months track record. Also post MIFid a lot of the names will be removed by Clearers anyway.
Tecnically you are correct about data protection but how else are you going to prove your track record? It is standard practise and to be honest no one is going to find out you have divulged or supplied copies of your trading statements.