Iran trying to buy nuclear missile parts


Iran has been trying without success to obtain Norwegian missile technology for possible use in delivering nuclear weapons, Norway's security chief said on Monday.

Janne Kristiansen, general director of the Norwegian Police Security Service, told Reuters Iran had approached small Norwegian companies that sell "special components that can ... be used in weapons of mass destruction, for building missiles".

Iranian efforts the past year, she said, targeted dual-use technology suitable for civilian products as well as advanced missiles like those that Norwegian contractor Kongsberg Defence Systems <KOG.OL> makes for several NATO navies and air forces.

"There are many (companies in Norway) that supply missile technology," she said. "I am not pointing the finger at one company."

The West fears Iran is trying to develop nuclear weapons. Iran denies the charge, saying its nuclear programme is for producing electricity.

Kongsberg Defence spokesman Ronny Lie said his company had hundreds of suppliers.

"We are a large state-owned company that always follows a strict export regime in our dealing with other nations," he said. "I would assume Iran knows that. So that's why if they do make approaches it would probably be to small companies."

He added that Kongsberg "has been aware of the general problem for a long time".

Kristiansen said her agency discovered Iran's attempts and stepped in before sensitive technology was passed.

In an assessment of Norwegian security threats that was published on Monday, her agency described "very pushy behaviour" by supposed commercial actors from Iran who would often inquire about innocuous products first.

They would then widen their wish list to include sensitive goods "and often make various proposals for transport and financing to circumvent Norwegian export regulations", the agency said.

In its written assessment the agency did not specify missile technology as Iran's target, as Kristiansen did in an interview. Nor were any companies named.

Kristiansen said no Norwegian firms had been prosecuted because investigators lacked proof of intent to violate export controls or United Nations sanctions banning the sale of nuclear weapons-related technology to Iran.

When asked if some firms have intentionally skirted regulations, she said: "Some do."
I belive this is in readiness to carry out a unilateral attack on London if the IOC do not respond to their demands to have the 2012 logo changed. They've already shoved a couple of boats through the Suez canal so it's obviously quite serious.

I didn't realise until someone mentioned it that the 2012 Olymic logo (apart from Iran claiming it spells ZION) also looks like a couple standing up having some poonang and a rather stylised swastika.

I also hear that if you cut it out (including all the little gaps) and spin it anti-clockwise it makes a sound like "Paul is dead".
I didn't realise until someone mentioned it that the 2012 Olymic logo (apart from Iran claiming it spells ZION) also looks like a couple standing up having some poonang and a rather stylised swastika.

from wikipedia page 2012_Summer_Olympics said:
It was suggested that the logo resembles the cartoon character Lisa Simpson performing fellatio


I dunno, I reckon someone has to hold the USA/Isreal axis of evil in check..And presumably the Iranians look at a map, look at where Afghanistan and Iraq is, watch warships parked offshore their land permanently, watch as the US does nothing as Israel slaughters 1300 unarmed Palestinian civilians in 2009 and they feel..well just a bit threatened?

They know it's coming, all they have to bargain with is a counter threat aimed at Israel..Marvelous future we have as the oil reserves get depleted eh?
i think it could go the other way round the globe?

biggest changes in world politics (but it all happens in middle east just so everyone knows where to go) will maybe come from China being the world boss soon and telling north korea -> iran to stop being plonkers.

USA having less money and power and political pressure to stop backing isreal up all the time will be a significant, but secondary factor. they can back up the south koreans though cos theyre pretty good blokes i think most western people agree?
i think it could go the other way round the globe?

biggest changes in world politics (but it all happens in middle east just so everyone knows where to go) will maybe come from China being the world boss soon and telling north korea -> iran to stop being plonkers.

USA having less money and power and political pressure to stop backing isreal up all the time will be a significant, but secondary factor. they can back up the south koreans though cos theyre pretty good blokes i think most western people agree?

I can't see China getting involved in anything positive any time in the near future. I'm not historian but have they ever done anything good?!!