Investigating CMC Markets Plc


Junior member
I am looking for information about "CMC Markets’ adverse trading practises which put their client in difficult trading condition, in order to make unfair financial gains.

These are:

Stopping Automated Trading System in the accounts and routing the trades for manual execution with dealer intervention.

Delaying the trades for unfair gain during the interim.

Stop hunting.

Wrongful execution of the trades, premature liquidation of the positions.

Manipulating the price of the instrument, especially after hour’s markets.

Over charging the clients for positions and missing money from accounts.

Errors in transfer of funds from and into accounts.

Trading against clients.

If you have been subjected to any of these practises or any other unfair practises by CMC Markets, I would like to talk to you on or off the records. I also like to talk anyone who worked or working with CMC, have information about, if and how CMC uses the platform to take advantage for unfair financial gains.


[email protected]
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