cutting winners short is fine. There is always another one. Example. In emini trading, a lot of traders go for the long ball. It is just as valid and safer to go for two points with multiple contracts (in the case of ER or EUR) and maybe 3 pips on ES. You will end up with the same amount of money..probably more.
You have to examine why you hold on to losers. The process is probably as follows. The trade starts moving in the wrong direction, but your signals say the trade will come around. You start to hope, you start to beg..and then you are stopped out with a huge loss. Let's do this. Let your signals confirm a move north. You let the price backup at least 50% of the last candle. You put a buy stop in at the top of the last candle. If it moves to your are in. If it backs up again..two pts. OUT! I prefer this to buying over the top of a range end. Also there are trading hints at this web site which might help you. I have found sticking to this method is profitable. You catch good moves and take yourself out early before getting killed.
This sounds like good sense to me, i`m currently in a BAD position down 600 points on US Crude, by going long last night, now i`m waiting for the rebound to cut my loses which are currently standing at: -£2900 i`ll ill with it. This is going to be one costly lesson for me, and may even be the end of my short lived trading 😱