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cutting winners short is fine. There is always another one. Example. In emini trading, a lot of traders go for the long ball. It is just as valid and safer to go for two points with multiple contracts (in the case of ER or EUR) and maybe 3 pips on ES. You will end up with the same amount of money..probably more.
You have to examine why you hold on to losers. The process is probably as follows. The trade starts moving in the wrong direction, but your signals say the trade will come around. You start to hope, you start to beg..and then you are stopped out with a huge loss. Let's do this. Let your signals confirm a move north. You let the price backup at least 50% of the last candle. You put a buy stop in at the top of the last candle. If it moves to your are in. If it backs up again..two pts. OUT! I prefer this to buying over the top of a range end. Also there are trading hints at this web site which might help you. I have found sticking to this method is profitable. You catch good moves and take yourself out early before getting killed.


This sounds like good sense to me, i`m currently in a BAD position down 600 points on US Crude, by going long last night, now i`m waiting for the rebound to cut my loses which are currently standing at: -£2900 i`ll ill with it. This is going to be one costly lesson for me, and may even be the end of my short lived trading 😱

Thanks. I apprecicate the input.
I really need to get emotion out of this. It just seems that the minute I sell, everything wants to go in the direction I need. If I hold, I lose.
This past week I tried to do the "right" thing and cut losses, but it was too soon so I still lost. Once I sold, it popped right back up.
Does anyone have any suggestions for some good training or help in setting up my trading?
Thanks again.

This sounds like good sense to me, i`m currently in a BAD position down 600 points on US Crude, by going long last night, now i`m waiting for the rebound to cut my loses which are currently standing at: -£2900 i`ll ill with it. This is going to be one costly lesson for me, and may even be the end of my short lived trading 😱

i just now registered and need to learn my way around here. hope to meet and get to know some local investors. Rio Rancho, NM 87124 new at managing my own protfolio.
should have made the move several years ago. just couldn't see paying commisions to AGE who didn't monitor my acct. but still had to pay them a big commision to get out of a stock that was loosing money which only increased my lose. one broker got upset with me because i wanted to buy some gold back when it was just over 300 so i told him to go ahead with his recommendations but he got real arogant and told me to think about it and call him back the following week i said no go ahead and he refused. the more i thought about it the more upset i became and moved my acct to a local AGE broker and he assured me he would monitor it and call me if anything need my attention. for 2 years i let things slide he never called me. so i finally convinced my wife we had to get it out of there. she kept using the example that you wouldn't want a construction worker to preform heart surgury on you. my thinking was if i have to monitor it and call him what are we paying him for? thousands for a few minutes to make the trades. crazy.
i attended a seminar held by Investools and been watching there webinars and on line classes.
but decided to go with Scottrade reather than Think or Swim because my wife doesn't do internet
and this way if something happens to me she can go down and take care of things in person.

Hi Folks,

I am new to this forum, and just joined the crowd. I am keen at Options trading, and a beginner. Any starting tips will help. Hope to hear soon.

Best regards

This is a new sticky thread in the Members, Meetups & Socials forum which provides everyone an opportunity both old members and new an opportunity to introduce themselves to the community.

If you're a new member, or maybe just a lurker who hasn't yet taken the plunge, then this is as good a place as any to start. Tell us a bit about yourself, perhaps your trading history and interests, and what you hope to gain from the site.

:!: If you have any simple questions related to trading, then please refrain from asking them in this thread and instead use the First Steps forum, which is targeted specifically to newbies taking their first steps:
First Steps - T2W Day Trading & Forex Forums
Excel formula for Ergodic indicator

Looking for the Excel formula/code for the Ergodic Indicator.
If questions are three for a quarter, what Forex platform allows you to use an Excel front end?
Are there any day-trade restrictions for Forex accounts?
PS Where do I send my quarter?
hi, I am rebti from India and currently working with a dairy cooperative known as GCMMF(popularly konwn as AMUL). thats all....thanks
Hi All,

I have had a T2W account for a while now, but haven't posted in the past. I model the 5 to 10 day trends in the SP futures contract. Nowadays I use BioComp Dakota for running my models and have just purchased an AmiBroker for implementing additional rules such as stop losses etc.

I'm 41 years old and have been studying market price trends since I was 19. In my younger years I worked as a stock options analyst and have done a lot of work in the IT industry for the major banks since then. I trade the ES contract from time to time, but my trading partner in the US executes most of the trades.

You can checkout my work at I am hoping to make some valuable contributions to the T2W community and looking forward to learning from others.

Kind Regards,

new on this site

I am new on this site. I got here thru browsing on the net. I hope to learn alot about forex here and also hope some pple would learn some things from me. I am quite new in forex. About 2 months old.
Hello all. Seattle-area trader here.

I scalp futures (seconds to minutes, intraday only). I will be scanning the forums and will subscribe to anything interesting to me.
Hi Everyone, I work for CQG a provider of order routing and technical analysis primarily on Futures and Currencies. If anyone needs any information on trading and how you could potentially trade from home let me know.

Our product is generally used by banks, hedge funds and large clients however there are also lots of private individuals. We are cheaper than the big boys but also quicker... So it's worth looking us up if anyone does decide they want to trade. My e-mail address is [email protected] or you can go to CQG Homepage for more information.

Hi All,

Thanks for having me!

Not a trader yet but looking at the possibility of retiring to my computer chair if I can make a bit more than the pittance I get for going out into the madness each day for my income.
My son suggested I become a trader (I think he thinks I know what he was talking about, that’s why I’m here really, don’t want to burst the bubble and all that) he’s training to be a billionaire and suggested I started preparing for my retirement, which is a bit hard when him and his three brothers keep fleecing me of any spare cash I have.
Gotta start somewhere, so here I am.
New to the Community


My name is Manny and I'm new to this community seeking advise and guidance in my investment options. My interest are in Aternative Energy, trading Oil options in Euro and opprotunities in Asia, looking forward to some positive feedback. Thks..:clap:
Hi everyone,
another new member.
i'm just new in forex and i'm searching for method of non-directional trading, having had disastrous failures with judging direction in the past with commodities.
Looking for something as easy as that again. Any ideas welcome.


Hello..Everybody at t2w!!
I'm new here..I'm currently working as an equity trader, not in London, in shanghai..(Actually mostly i'm doing the job of a flow trader at the moment). Almost one year into my job, i'm getting more and more fascinated with the idea of beating the market..thus i'm pretty cool with strategies like VWAP..TWAP...hope i have a lot of fun here, you guys the same...Welcome to Shanghai....
hi, this is first time to joining trade share website. I red the articles forum chat on this website and found very informative. I hope that will be helpful for my near future forex and gold trading.

Just checking out some trading options at the moment and saw some answers to the questions I had so joined...
